What can we do about the pc gamer issue?

What can we do about the pc gamer issue?

Buy consoles

Honestly, aside from PUBG and a literal handful of other games, are there even any decent PC exclusives?

I'm being serious too, red pill.


What's the appeal of MOBAs? I don't get it.

Nothing, leave them be. Even with all the steam sales PC games almost always sell worse than their console counterparts, because the majority of PC gamers are filthy pirates despite paying more than a thousand on their "rigs." Game companies still prioritize and cater to the console master race because of this.

*also on PC

wow, 4 (Four) pc exlusivs

>not wanting to play as a cute twink catboy

your loss, pal.

>I will ask about good PC exclusives and respond with "it's shit" on every reply I get.
>I'll add "honestly" to the question, this will confuse them.
>This way I will surely destroy those PC Bros and feel better about myself spending a lot of money on a shitty console.
Nice try

No? I honestly want suggestions. I don't keep up with PC gaming, so I don't know what's popular aside from MOBAs and PUBG.


It's like an RTS, but has more focus on skill

strategy games
fps with a mouse
space sims
there you go

its like an rts, but playing an rts is difficult, it puts a lot of people on edge, especially 1v1 rts, mobas dont feel as tense, pretty chilled out in comparison

Off the top of my head Mount & Blade games + Grand Strategy games like EU3 are the PC exclusive ones I have the most hours in.

Well I'm sure as hell not buying an XB1 for it or bother about a console version if I do play it.

Okay. That's what I thought.

Any in particular?

Wait, so are they easy or hard? The other guy makes them sound easy.

"Good" and "Popular" are not always the same thing, something console cucks never understand. If you want some good PC exclusives, you shouldn't be looking for games like PUBG, you should be looking for games like STALKER.

Ah yes, I've heard of M&B.

>clicking like a retard
>more focus on skill

>are they easy or hard
they dont make sense to some people, other people enjoy mobas

The steam controller is trash

Play video games and enjoy them

Can PCbros name ONE good exclusive game released this summer?

>playing a shooter on a controller

Mountain blade is on PS4 and so will Bannerlored sad is the times.

Dwarf Fortress.

Newfags are too dumb to play RTS and too slow to play arena shooters, so they cut off anything resembling challenge from these games, throw out all but one map, add some intrusive monetization and shitty snowflake characters instead and rip off WC3's cartoony visual style.


Can someone please explain to me why is there a Paladins screenshot in the pc part?

You can't enjoy anything on Sup Forums

Cause is on fucking pc like from forever?

Can you name ONE (1) console exclusive better than Dwarf Fortress?

But it's also on consoles since may or so, I don't get it

Aside from a handful are there any good exclusives on console?
Exclusives aren't really even a thing anymore
Gone are the days where each console introduced you to a new library.

I know everyone is going to say this about their system of choice but: If the games are better, which objectively they are, on one system why no go for that system?


>fan fiction

I ain't playing for the story, I'm playing for the gameplay.

The amount of console fags salt ITT is disturbing