Can we all agree that this is the GOTY?

can we all agree that this is the GOTY?

Should I watch Kora?

Inb4 archive

wtf is this game even

No. It's an insipid Mary Sue piece of shit show. And it only gets worse as time goes along. Not to mention the lesbian tones towards the second half.

Just don't. The magic of the original Avatar is gone.

First season's fun.
Second season's utter shit
Third season is a cool return to form
Fourth season is wasted potential.

I finished marathoning it 2 days ago, and yeah it's definitely worth a watch if you liked the Last Airbender.
It never reaches the peaks of TLA, and the cast is overall a bit weaker, but it's nice to have a focus on some adult characters and it avoids a few of the pitfalls the first show fell into.

i don't even know what that is. there's not even a UI or a title.

>eww Lesbians fucking fags should be lynched
The poltard says before saying the magic of a children's tv show is gone

fourth season was the best until it fizzled out in the last few eps

azula was annoying as fuck in the love route