Vidya ideas you want to see implemented in the future

Vidya ideas you want to see implemented in the future

Sounds like Problem Sleuth, to me.

>not always going max gib

I think toon might have had stats like that.
I forget


isn't it jewish word for psychopathy?

every yiddish word used by jewish people means penis. Don't let them trick you into thinking they aren't making dirty jokes all the time

This basically describes West of Loathing. Not tabletop but is an older style RPG with a western twist. Moxy's actually one of the stats.

>Body hair

chrismas cake -single mom simulator when?
and I'm not talking about some shitty dating sim.
It could feature a variety of choices like
>be a deadbeat who won't make your cute middleschool tomboy daughter their bento for school
>decide how to cheer up your cute middleschool tomboy daughter who doesn't get to see dad at christmas
>inaproppriately tease your cute middleschool tomboy daughter about boys, love or their underdeveloped body


You don't actually want this.