I've completed Des, DS, DS3 and Bloodborne, I want to same kind of style, I've played DS2 but it's so unenjoyable, I feel like the whole world is moving underwater and the enemies are repetitive as hell. I want a new game like the souls games, I tried Nioh but it's not the same
Is there any game to fix my itch?
DS2 is the best one
Hollow Knight
>I feel like the whole world is moving underwater
Maybe try to not go over 70% weight because you'll fatroll and walk slower.
DS2 on average is much faster than DS1, especially weapon speeds.
The only game that feels underwater, especially with the 4 directional rolling while locked on is DS1.
so should one start with ds2 or scholar?
scholar is on sale...
scholar is the complete version
go for scholar
Scholar is an "improved" version of DaS2.
it just fucks up enemy placement, throws harder enemies earlier, adds more petrified statues so it restricts where you can go even more, incorporates the shitty DLC, and doesn't even fix the stupid shit like ADP.
Darkwood.Also Ds2 is shit.
no it's not
Nioh is pretty damn good. Especially if you're a weeb.
meh, it's cheap but i admit i tried it some time ago and it was awful. The areas were just bad
Why has hating dark souls 2 become a meme?
With more enemy variety and more interesting level design reminiscent of Undead Burg or Central Yharnam and it'd be pretty good, unfortunately it desperately lacks both which is pretty important for a game like this.
The combat mechanics themselves are top notch though and I'd like to see another game.
I really don't understand why people like playing this shit.
Time to move on from souls
>Why has hating dark souls 2 become a meme?
It was always bad. The fanboys are now claiming that the hate is a meme because some e-celeb shat all over DaS2
PC kids who never touched FROM game before became very vocal after pc port of first das.
SCE Japan Studio masterpiece:
Typical FROM game:
Souless namco cashgrabs:
Honestly I don't think DS2 is too bad. I also hated it at first but after playing for the second time I realized there were a lot of good things in it.
Also the DLCs are close to DS1 and Bloodborne levels.
>is bad at the game
>s-s-see? ds2 sucks!! ;_______;
The Surge is worth a look, I just couldn't get into the setting but it is certainly a very much a Souls clone. Just one with a weird scifi setting and other such quirks to make it 'unique'.
it's on par with Lords of the Fallen.
aka it's not a great Soulslike but better than DaS2
>Dark Souls 3 on the same level as Bloodborne
Dark Souls 3 feels like MercurySteam trying to make Bloodborne with a Dark Souls skin, only redeeming aspects of the game are Cathedral of the Deep and the fights against Sulyvahn, Twin Princes and Nameless King. Rest is mediocre trash.
Only Sup Forumsirgins hate it. Most of them never played it.
I had to force myself to beat DS2. It's just so tedious and boring.
If I liked Dark Souls but hated Dark Souls 2, will I enjoy Dark Souls 3?
Even at it's worst it's a 8/10 game.
Yes since Dark Souls 3 removes the stupid bullshit added in 2.
I beat Dark Souls 2, your claim is irrelevant
Dark Souls 3 has fast travel from the start which is what ultimately killed the series and was first introduced in 2.
that's because the maps were larger in 3.
2 kept on blocking you with bullshit artificial barriers and petrified statues
>and was first introduced in 2.
See, typical das pc kid who never touched any souls game before, played the worst one and started to praise it as a masterpiece
>can't play the 2
>can't play Nioh
Maybe you should try Lords of the Fallen.
Maps being larger isn't a good reason to not have interconnected levels. There's a bonfire at Road of Sacrifice then there's another one about thirty feet about Swamp of Crucifixion then there's another one at the Crystal Sage arena then there's another one at the start of Cathedral of the Deep (one of the few good levels) and then there's another one at the church area. All of these are within about thirty seconds or so of one another which is the same problem Dark Souls 2 had.
>bonfires near each another
You never played das2, right?