What's a good game for dungeon crushing? I've been playing Skyrim to get my fix, but I'm just so tired of it...

What's a good game for dungeon crushing? I've been playing Skyrim to get my fix, but I'm just so tired of it. Even with modded content it gets old after an hour or two.

I just want to jump into a dungeon, slay some fucking monsters, get some treasure, leave, and find more quests to do for the good of the land.

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what a cute meme, i also watched that video

no, explain to me why i need one with nothing if there are no other cards in my hand besides it?

oh sorry random picture because my hard drive got fucked.

and for first card draw I'd assume. There's no guarantee you can play what you draw.

you'll still have the crypt in your graveyard

Sacrificing is a cost. You can't resolve an effect until the cost has been paid.
I haven't played Magic since they first babbified the rules over a decade ago so fuck my ass if I'm wrong.

shit you're right, I was thinking as if it worked like a sorcery

true, but one with nothing is the main reason for this play and it is completly redundant in that play

Your opponent could be a real meanie and force you to draw cards with something like Ancestral Recall

or you could go second

1 unused mana reeeeeee.

>>390455337I dont understand this image. Dont you lose the game that way?

It's supposed to be retarded. It's just for fun, user.

It's a meme combo to lose turn 1 with absolutely no cards on your side of the field

Not until next turn, but this give me idea

One with Nothing is useless and you have 1 mana left as mentioned

How about instad of One with Nothing, you draw a card or something?

>Not until next turn

Doesn't Demonic Consultation's effect of making you reveal the top card of your deck cause you to lose when there are no cards left in your deck, the same way not being able to draw a card does?

i think it escapes on the technicality of 'remove from library' being worded differently to 'draw'

Get fucked retard

okay i need this one explained to me

Leyline starts on the battlefield. Everything has flash.

Drop the Lotuses, use the first to play the Maniac, the second to gift it to the player using the OP combo, the last to force them to draw a card.

You force them to win.

It makes the player who uses
win the game

not completely sure, but with leyline down, you could play the laboratory maniac and harmless offering while your opponent is doing the above^ combo. Therefore making him win the game (counter luls)

Better meme combo that makes your opponent shuffle their deck until someone forfeits coming through
In a tournament setting the game results in an instant tie because there's no change to the game state after each loop

Is this some 7 card deck format? Otherwise this "combo" makes no sense.

explain, pls

forbidden crypt makes you lose the game. instead of losing the game liches mirror takes effect, causing you to lose the game because of crypt and so on forever.

You give your opponent, via Donate or some other method, both the permanents in the picture.

Forbidden crypt will eventual make them lose all on it's own, but it's probably better to add a graveyard hate card to the combo, though not necessary.

Anyway, Lich's Mirror forces them to shuffle all card they OWN into their library when they lose, they don't own Lich's Mirror or Forbidden Crypt because they're your cards, even if they do currently control them.

So then they go to draw their new hand as per Lich's Mirror's effect, but Forbidden Crypt replaces their draw with the graveyard clause, which makes them lose again, which triggers Lich's Mirror again.

Crypt is already shuffled into your deck by the time mirror makes you draw any cards. Am I missing something here?

Yes, you're missing the difference between "own" and "control"

it's meant to be donated to another player. so it doesn't shuffle in. just didn't mention it cause was too lazy.

>Forbidden crypt will eventual make them lose all on it's own

Then what's the fucking point of giving them also Lich's Mirror

To make them shuffle their deck forever, can you even read?

Is it just one fucking illiterate mong ITT who can't grasp anything? Holy shit.

>can you even read?

As a matter of fact, I can't. Stop your aliteratophobia, you read-taught scum

I stopped playing Magic way back in Urza but I fucking love douchebag combos. Post more.

not super silly, but i like it because it cost me $20 and beat a $400 dollar deck
>turn 4
>play rakdos, something orother, the 6/6 flying trample cunt
>augur spreee for +4/-4
attack for 10 damage
>fling, deals monsters atk to enemy, sacrifice monster
swing for 20 damage turn 5

rip lands

Here's a "fun" lock out


Except he will still have cards in his library?

It's meant as a direct response to the OP combo. It's a meme play.

Goblin Sharpshooter is probably my favorite card, even ignoring the million combos you can do with it. I always liked goblins and that one and Piledriver were my favorites.

Hilarity ensues.

Magic the gathering : Shandalar seem pretty much this.
Here a download link to the 2015 modded version with more recent cards.

Sharazad is banned though.

And Black Lotus is restricted or banned in every format, yet we've got ITT too.

None of these are impressive. Impressive is when you pull it off in modern.

Splinter twin + deceiver exarch

combos involving black lotus are impressive because it means you have a spare fifteen grand sitting around

was a turn 4 combo?

Exile 4 spirit guides + manamorphose pays for the cost

get is the trigger

you cunt

I'm not seeing how Growth Chamber works. How do you tap it for mana and THEN use it's come into play effect?

what is card advantage

Is this a card game thread?
Recommend me some good card games.

In the above hypothetical, you don't need CA because your opponent has to then pay 2GG with 1 unknown card and one green creature in hand and no lands in play or lose.

You don't need CIA?

Unless there is a way to bullshit 2GG or counter the "lose the game" trigger using a green creature and one modern legal card at instant speed with a Hivemind + Amulet of Vigor while having zero lands out, I don't see how that matters

All while assuming that this combo actually worked

you choose the order of how to place the triggers on stack.
So when you play a land you get 2 triggers, one from amulet, other from the bounce land. You put the amulet trigger first then the bounce. You untap, tap it for mana (mana adding is instant speed) and then bounce itself.


Probably the best online mtg clone on the market right now. Very f2p friendly too, especially if you playing draft since you actually keep the cards you draft.

This happened to me yesterday.

the joke was that summer bloom, like splinter twin, is now banned in modern so that combo is impossible

Fine have a legal one then

Do you guys play magic on MTGO on irl?

use in response

I want a Force of Will Digital game.

My buddies played when they were teens and I was the only one left out since I didn't know how to play and didn't botner learningit.

I finally learned how the game works pretty recently this year and actually found it very neat but no kne plays it anymore.


It'll be in your graveyard by the time the effect resolves.

It's played 'in response' to the combo above.

is there any good weeb card game (digital)?

Wait a minute, that card....

You do all of those things in Azure Dreams. And you get to train up those monsters too.
Very roguelike style, it's a persistent game but your main character starts out at Lv1 each time you go into the tower, so you need to build up your gear, monsters, and upgrades to help you get further each time.

Also there's waifus you can get shit for and earn their love. That mechanic is entirely skippable though.


but its only getting worse and worse with each expansion


Does that actually work. The dual lands still enters tapped then untaps it doesn't enter untapped. So you would play it then have to return it with it's own ETB* before the amulet would untap it.

>was actually interested in OPs question
>find MtG circlejerk

Magic threads on /tg/ are boring and there are two upcoming MtG games so I don't mind honestly

Yes. read

My personal favorite.

I love magic but I do not have any friends to play with and I feel embarrassed going to the store to play with strangers

Just go and play, if theyre not dickheads youll have found yourself some friends to play magic with

I don't get it. What exactly does the middle card mean?

Also do people actually mix legit cards into unglued/unhinged decks?

>un cards

it means literally nothing, you just play normally

theyre from a joke set

Secret Lair forces you to play cards exactly as they're written. Therefore you must play a magic subgame beneath a table where your hands must remain face up on TOP of the table.

ever heard of Force of Will or Daze, modern kiddos?

Or you're opponent just concedes immediately. Same with those bullshit Karn/Sahazarad meme builds I see idiots posting. Why the fuck would I go into subgames when I can just concede and play another game in the half the time.

Calm the fuck down kid, the post asked for funny meme combos so I replied with one. It clearly wasn't meant for you and your sour ass.

wtf is this text diarrhea garbage

Knowing nothing of that game, it looks like you can pay 2 of any combination of colors to summon it. If summoned that way, it does special things.

Different user here.
Regardless, wouldn't the rules of the "main" game not effect the "subgame"? So the on-or-below table contradiction doesn't actually exist? Still funny, though.

Never mind; as soon as I posted, I realized the idea is that you play Revelation DURING the subgame. Card order in the picture threw me off.

It's sacrifice. You sacrifice a Blue creature and a Red to Draw a card and deal 400 damage to a creature and summon Adobrali.

Otherwise the casting cost is 1 colorless and 2 blue and no effect on entry.