Objectively shit characters/designs

Objectively shit characters/designs.

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Whoah, brah.

Looks like we have a couple of real FAGGOTS in this thread.

>degenerated used up trash
>not wanting to fuck that trash totally makes you a faggot


Whoah, brah.

Maybe you should go to Sup Forums and masturbate to those "trap" thingies.

the game would be shitty without her character arc

or did you mean


She's still the cosplay queen


>Why isn't she a bimbo anymore?!

Joost is our kween

Looks objectively pretty attractive to me. Perhaps you have tarnished your subjective understanding understanding of the difference between objective and subjective understanding with this abomination of a thread?

I'll start

Look at the foundation around her nose clinging on for dear life. I'd still let her have sex with me though.


What does he keep meaning by this?

Kys famalamadingdong

Find me a virgin aspie who thinks this is good and I'll show you someone who thinks 2B is the best character this year.

Imagine being so lonely that your dick thinks this is good


>underage who never played the old games

MG series has no good characters though they all could be faceless and be just as good, they have no tangible motivations for their actions in the first place.

>Actual underage who didn't play the old games but watched a playthru so he claims he did

Even for the time her design was ridiculous, that's just how it was




>posts anime reaction image as argument
good job dude
she was the most iconic vidya character at her time, bigger than mario and shit in the west. maybe if you didn't grow up in the 00s you'd actually know what a bimbo is and what isn't.

No that would be Enji

>not wanting to fuck that trash totally makes you a faggot
If you where to passed up any of those two on there knees begging. You gay as fuck.


>Objectively shit characters/designs.

Let's begin.

You would actually have to have next to no standards to want to fuck either.

Kissless virgin detected.

>still live at home because I don't know how to make my own tendies
>plug PC into my TV so I can play MGS V on a huge screen
>unlock Quiet
>perma-equip her with the Blood outfit so my parents don't think I'm a retarded pervert

Thanks, Kojima

Right, except he's totally correct. She's plain as fuck and you only like her because you're desperate and she's in a video game.

I guarantee you'd throw a fit if you discovered she had a boyfriend.

>s-stop liking women
Fuck off, fag.

I honestly can't tell the difference between this and Halo

>incels calling people cucks
such is life in Sup Forums

plz no bully the ayys

What's wrong with nu-doom marine?

>Call someone a virgin
>For not wanting to fuck a videogame character
You projecting nigga,

As much as I like the new DOOM, this really is fucking garbage design all the way around.


not true


it's the epitome of over designed. Where there is so much detail as to overwhelm and nothing stands out because it all stands out. Not really sure what they were going for here, I guess a walking tank or something - but it all looks off, non form fitting, and overly complex.

>You would actually have to have next to no standards to want to fuck either.
Your right 2d anime women only for you right?

ITT: salty fat girls

I'll start

>they keep doing nigger with straight hairs

I wonder if nigresses feel offended, guys don't really pay attention to this detail, beause they don't waste hours of their day fixing the hair. guys only care if the character is cute

>there are no brown people with straight hair anywhere in the world

how fucked in the head are you?

Are you stupid?

>Stop living through your autistic secret agent fantasies. Confront yourself and the world for what they truly are. Be the change you want to see.
>Everyone izu Big Bossu you all get cute waifus and doggos

Choose one

Free waifus! Free Doggos! Hail Hideo!

Sounds like some sour grapes, there.

this retard proves my point

let me tell you virgin idiot, nigresses don't live with the proud you see in SJW posts about afro crap. they hate their hair

MGSV was Kojima's revenge, don't forget you have that waifu taken away from you and
>You weren't even building the real Outer Heaven! xD

bumpitty bump


Illidan and any WoW characters are off limits bro

how does feel to be the biggest gay dweeb on the planet you virgin fag lol




>You will be ashamed for your words and deeds

There is a lot of racial makeup between black with curly hair and white you moron. Indian chicks for example have straight hair.

Sex appeal does not good character design make.

checkmate,find a worse design than THIS

also a piece of shit as a character

Just open a list of Nomura's other designs, I'm sure he's done worse in KH or something

fuck everything about nu-doom

Please, Tidus looks cool compared to Luso.

lol really, it was a kickass game

Look at this fucking eunuch.
Can you anons imagine his faggot as at a football game calling everyone a virgin because of the cheerleaders on the field and the guys who like to see them?
Remember that whenever some faggot starts talking like this and complaining about characters and content specifically made to appeal to men being for losers and virgins to tell them to just shut their castrated self up(because they most likely don't have balls, figuratively or literally) and never take them seriously on any issue.
I just hope this user is baiting, and not this much of a nagging cunt.

Quiet is cute when she wears the xof outfit

Quiet is just as ugly when she wears the xof outfit