Now that the dust has settled who was the better choice?
Now that the dust has settled who was the better choice?
Stormcloak has wins every time.
Why embarrass the empire folks yet again?
Fucking faggot, they're literally barbarians
saying "MUH STRENGTH" when you're sat there with your stick ass frame and no gains, fuck you
I've never had to pay taxes in an elder scrolls game so I'll stick with the Empire.
Empire was in the thalmors pocket. There are fucking thalmors PATROLLING the land with the empire in power lol.
Listen up empire cuck..take the mer cock out of your mouth stand up and join the Stormcloaks in fighting for your future.
You have stumbled brother but you are not beyond redemption.
Reminder that Empire never bothered to enforce the Talos ban until Ulfric started enough shit to force the Thalmor to pay attention to them
The actual answer is that it does not matter. Any side with the Dragonborn will easily win, the Dragonborn is an avatar of human might sent specifically to genocide elves and save humanity.
The realistic answer is that an Empire without Nords would succumb very quickly to the Dominion. The Nords would be safe... for a time but would be completely isolated and would soon find issue with food after the empire's demise.
The Talos "ban" was a ploy by the Emperor. One of those things he never enforced so long as you did it privately and we would all just wink wink nudge nudge everyone. It was meant to be one of those things we laugh at the elves about after the next great war for falling for such an obvious prank.
But the nords just couldnt think in the long term.
>Captain, there's a prisoner here that's not on our list? What do we do with him?
Imperials WILL defend this.
>Play a high elf
>Side with Ulfric
Read all of this with a lisp
>Emperor "bans" Talos worship
>Never gets enforced
>Some cities literally have fuckoff huge Talos statues in them and no one gives a single shit
>Nords are too retarded to understand this idea of non-enforcement and start a war over muh principles
>This plays right into the Thalmor's hands and now they can actually enforce the ban
I dunno, you tell me OP
Ulfric dishonorably used the shout to kill the rightful king.
He also blackmailed the Reach into a deal he knew they did not have the authority to enact and threw a pretend outrage.
He also broke like a baby under Thalmor imprisonment
Now THAT is fucking pathetic.
Right it was just a law and they just closed down all the temples and published books denouncing Talos' divinity. Totally not an afront to the God.
I hate both sides, but which side was the reason you were actually caught in the first place? The real reason everyone was going to be executed instead of just imprisoned?
The uninstaller
Sorry you have a lisp user.
Why did you feel the need to tell us?
>"I know you are but what am I?"
>Tfw even with countless of pornmods skyrim becomes boring
>Caught a degenerate
>Not executing him to avoid future consequences
Atleast the Empire says fuck you to all and not just nonhumans.
The Empire. Just because there's a war doesn't justify executing some schmuck who has no visible relation to the Stormcloaks.
Remember the Empirefags love to point out one advantage the mannish races has is to outbreed the mer.
They then go on to advocate waiting to build up there forces in a move that only helps the AD.
They are the Grima Wormtounges of TES telling King Theoden he is old and weak.
The Stormcloaks are Aragorn telling Grima to fuck off.
Are you feeling well?
>No third option to slaughter those pompous elves and unite both sides
I show sympathy towards your lisp and now you throw a hissy?
Poor form user.
>No fourth option to side with the thalmor
>no fourth choice, joining with the Thalmor to slaughter both other retarded sides.
>No 5th option to side with Alduin and end it all
Given the history of merrish ambitions I don't think siding with the side doomed to fail is all that wise.
Even the fanfic stuff is doomed to fail as Tiber has achieved CHIM the ultimate plot armor.
Not playing Skyrim.
>No 6th choice to start a cult of worship around the chosen one (me) and rule all of skyrim with an iron fist
The Imperial elite have no intent on fighting the Thalmor. They are in the Thalmor's pockets. When the elite are happy then there will be no war, ever. I can't stress this enough.
Ulfric was a way to weaken the Empire but could ultimately backfire by allowing Skyrim to unite with Hammerfell against the Aldmeri Dominion. The Dominion is weak right now.
Both were shit because Bethesda is completely incapable of writing a good conflict.
>Pick Stormcloaks
>Imperials turn out to be cowards and you save Skyrim from jew elves
>Pick imperials
>Stormcloaks turn out to be an inside job by the jew elves
Completely destroys any credibility to either side.
Skyrim was fucking terrible.
I didn't care back then, and I still don't care today.
You're retarded. That's good game design. No one wants to find out they chose incorrectly because of information they never had access to. Another example is Starcraft 2. If you choose to save the colonists Zerg infestation is minor and the Protoss are just assholes massacring 100% human populations. If you choose to side with the colonists it turns out that every single one of the colonists is infested zombies and even the doctor who wanted to help them is a Zerg monstrosity.
Said the user about a game released twenty years ago.
That's terrible user. Instead of making you feel good no matter what you do a writer should give you enough hints to figure things out yourself instead of not allowing for wrong decisions at all.
I don't care, I don't want to be the dragonborn and I don't want to have a war
There are mods for that.
Not everyone is an autist like you, user. No one gives a shit about easter eggs scattered throughout previous levels.
So this is the typical retard who buys Bethesda Games, good to know you literally have no standards.
>Instead of saying fuck you to the Thalmor, the Empire bowed down like betas
What cuck behavior. Empire deserves to rot.
How do you like NOT playing any video games anymore and just bitching on the internet?
>that awful tumblr gif
Why are you even on this board if you're so dismissive of people actually caring about the shit they play? Harsh criticism of the medium is the entire reason Sup Forums gained the reputation of hating everything before retards took it literally.
I play plenty of videogames, just not the gutter trash that is Bethesda Ones.
>Sup Forumseogaf unironically defends Nord Lives Matter
Name them.
Hello manlet empire scum
First playthrough:
>Empire wants me dead
>"Fuck the Empire!"
>Join stormclock
>Slowly realize stormcucks are retarded
>Betray them and work for Empire
>Ulfric is in almost every respect analogous to Trump and his MAKE SKYRIM GREAT AGAIN (a Stormcloak soldier literally saying they intend on making Skyrim great again)
>is such a newfag that he thinks Sup Forums is some alt-right nexus so he thinks he has to force everything into an anti-BLM meme and can't make fun of alt-rightards.
My guess is a bunch of KS old school CRPG trash.
Old timers prefer the simplistic TB combat from back then.
... I kind of want to do this playthrough now.
Too bad they took out the marriage option with Elisef. That would have been nice, a former Stormcloak soldier joining the legion and becoming High King.
>Empire victory
>Skyrim is returned to the fold as a province of the Empire
>The Nords will be counted among the forces of Man when the dawn of the purge arrives
>Likelihood of human victory in the coming war greatly increased
>Stormcloak victory
>Skyrim recedes and becomes an independent nation
>As such, it no longer enjoys the protection of the White-Gold Concordat and is up for grabs for the Dominion, who will now doubt capitalize on the opportunity
>Nords are slain and enslaved by a much larger force that the Empire is powerless to impede due to the concordat
>Likelihood of human victory in the coming war severely reduced
>"But muh redguard were able to repel the Dominion just fine!"
Yeah, with the help of an AWOL imperial detachment and a chokepoint to defend against the skirmishing parties sent by the Dominion.
Serious question: who would this man support?
Stormcloaks seem more "blood and soil," but he also has a penchant for "law and order" strong-arming.
Where do you want me to start?
Nobody cares Sup Forumscuck
Not a polster. Am actually curious which side his ideology greater aligns with
The Hammerfell incident might have even been an intentional ruse by the Dominion. It caused the Empire to denounce Hammerfell aka sow more discord among the races of man, which seems to be the Dominion's plan. A fragmented opposition is weak.
>I need the game to tell me what is the best choice for me!
>Ulfric dishonorably used the shout to kill the rightful king.
He's not a vidya character.
Uhflic stormcuck is the truh drag queen of skirm
mulk drinker
He challenged the boy to a duel and made no mention that he had some proficiency in the Voice.
It's like challenging someone to a knife fight, bringing a 12 gauge and blasting your opponent away.
Both sides sucked. Ulfric is an edgy little bastard with no regard for its citizens and would rather watch the world burn than lose control.
The imperials are bootlicking bastards that are so desperate in staying relevant and in control they'll disregard their duties as a state.
They both sucked.
>in a world with magic it's """""""dishonorable""""""" to use it and no one should expect it in a fight
When you're a society built on honor and fair fights, yes
>I challenge you to a trial by combat. We will solve this dispute with steel!
Look at it this way. If it had been a legitimate thing he did, would pretty much the entire province (aside from his own cronies) call for his blood?
>no one should expect magic in a fight when everyone knows it exists and no one says anything about it being dishonorable
Nords don't fight with magic, see every (Brawl) option in game. Don't be obtuse just because you suck Bear dick
>We will solve this dispute with steel!
When did he say this?
>If it had been a legitimate thing he did, would pretty much the entire province (aside from his own cronies) call for his blood?
Pretty much only Imperial cronies do. At most everyone else just mildly discusses it.
>Nords don't fight with magic
Plenty of Nords do. Have you played the game?
Is Elisif the true ruler of Skyrim?
The Empire was built by a legendary god-hero. As soon as the Septims died , the Empire started falling apart. It is now run by a weak dynasty, which has no real right to the throne of the Septims' literally divine bloodline and which only ever acquired it as a result of political infighting in Cyrodiil. The Empire we see in Skyrim is in the process of dying out. In this new era, Tamriel must realise it has a need for new heroes and Ulfric Stormcloak, as a charismatic military leader fighting for his people and with borderline superhuman abilities, is a better fit for that role than any imperial bureaucrat.
How the hell is the AD going to get to Skyrim?
You are going to have to just throw up "muh Magic" and call it a day.
>Skyrim's centrally located hub of trade has a giant Talo statue at the foot of the jarl's castle and a fanatic preacher is allowed to scream about him 24/7
Balgruf sided with the Empire when it came right down to it and he very clearly made absolutely no concession to the Talos ban. The Talos ban was a bone they threw to the Thalmor and ultimately ignored.
Did the Stormcloaks-Thalmor pay you to spill this bullshit propaganda.
>Ulfric Stormcloak, as a charismatic military leader fighting for his people and with borderline superhuman abilities
In the into we see Ulfric getting executed not Tullius
Your beloved ulfric is and can only do anything if the dragonborn believes all his bullshit like you do,idiot
Nigga, the Dominion is occupying Cyrodiil. They can freely move within its borders.
I believe occupying is a stretch.
There are enough Cyrods left willing to fight that despite the leaderships capitulation the logistics would be a nightmare for the AD if they used Cyrodil.
>DAO has you mediate a war of succession between the dwarves
>One is clearly a moderate who is adhering to the rule of law, the end credits show that he's a disastrous isolationist who ramps up inequality and dramatically weakens Orazamar
>One is shown to have violent fanatic followers who murder people in the streets, you hear and may have even seen firsthand that he deliberately orchestrated the assassination of his siblings, end credits reveal he is somehow the people's champion who lifts up the untouchable class and enriches the whole city state
>Implying "magic" is a bad explanation when talking about the most magically gifted race in the Elder Scrolls universe
Thalmor checks out the Talos preacher in Whiterun.
Finds out he is batshit insane.
"Yeah he can stay."
Except in the end, Ulfric evades execution due to dragon ex machina, not the protag and goes right back to leading the rebellion, which at this point holds roughly half the country. Throwing around the Dragonborn card doesn't really work for anyone, since the Imperials are also only able to win the war if the Dragonborn helps them instead of the other side.
It is often the Only explanation.
That is why the Nords will need the Bretons.
Just to throw "No muh magic check and mate"
They don't have to do anything just exist as a counterpoint.
Bretons are great mages, but they are not on the level of the magisters of Summerset Isles.
A seasoned veteran in his late 30s or 40s could've easily beaten a teen king through greater strength and proficiency at arms, to kill him with a shout was cowardly
>Ulfric evades execution due to dragon ex machina
Yeah exacly my point, Ulfric the guy might be a better 1 vs 1 fighter but as a military leader he sucks
>Dragonborn helps them instead of the other side
They caught Ulfric once rather easily it would not surprise me if Tullius did it again
She can rule my dick if you know what I mean.
>elves defeat Empire but suffer greatly
>Human population rebounds much more quickly but by that time the empire is ruled by fatcats who are in the pockets of the Thalmor
The Stormcloaks are objectively in the right. Now is the perfect time to strike the Thalmor.
>tfw they took out the option to marry her and become High King
>striking the thalmor
>by weakening the only human alliance that might possibly have the manpower to stand against them and their demonic elven tricks
t. stormcuck
How about you read my post before replying. I already addressed why the Empire cannot fight the Thalmor.
They don't need to best them just keep them from having a monopoly on the "Muh Magic" argument.
He must be doing something right if he can organize an uprising against one of the two most powerful empires on the continent and keep it going with limited resources and manpower.
Also, "who is more likely to win" is an entirely different question to "who deserves support".
You don't fight to the level of your competition.
That is how you get beat by a lesser opponent.
You treat every enemy as someone who can beat you.
>Ulfric evades execution due to dragon ex machina
So what you are saying is that fate is on his side and he is destined to win.
>Being better at something than someone else does not mean you would have an upper hand in a contest of said thing
Saying "Muh bretons" does not make them better at magic and thus a trump card against the dominion. And it's a stretch to even assume that bretons would do anything but keep stabbing eachothers backs in High Rock.