What's the best website for video game news?

What's the best website for video game news?

Other urls found in this thread:


Sup Forums.org/v/





any site where you are allowed to say nigger

NicheGamer is an all right site.


Everything else is basically garbage tier. They actually report on everything



Twitter, somehow.
Just follow the companies you care for.

Quiet was actually pretty shit you have to admit that.


Siliconera is basically a discounted version of Gematsu

Gematsu and Allgamesdelta masterrace

Dualshockers is kinda good too

>Thread by Sato in 2016
Actual article

>Thread by Jenni in 2016
Short paragraph that is an opinion piece.

>Thread by Sato in 2017
Actual Article

>Thread by Jenni in 2017
Lengthy game tips/spoilers

Someone must be writing her articles for her.

Anything worth hearing about will be on Sup Forums

For more niche stuff just follow the devs or whoever is relevant on twitter.

I use Gematsu.

Nichegamer and Gematsu are good for niche games

This is how videogames die.


Gematsu is pretty much the best site
>quick to post everything
>just-the-fact reporting even if its just copypasted PRs
>no opinion/column/editorial/political whining bullshit
>simple layout with no auto loading videos and tons of ads and shit

Unironically Neogaf is.

What is Sup Forums's opinion of Destructoid?

>videogame """""""""journalism""""""""

i have to agree with gematsu.

Back in the day, but not anymore.

People fucking coordinately push discussion of new games off the damn board for god sake. You're never going to find out about games on 2017 Sup Forums.
If I just listened to Sup Forums I'd think zero good games have come out this year when that isn't true at all. The Sup Forums hating games meme has been so horribly blown out of proportion at this point that nothing ever gets talked about here.

If I just listened to Sup Forums I wouldn't have played RiME or The Sexy Brutale this year even though they're both fucking fantastic games. And if I tried to talk to Sup Forums and let them know I had a great time with these games I'd be accused of being a shill.

Sup Forums has absolutely no fucking idea what they are talking about anymore.

>using Twitter

literally Reddit

im a games jurrnalizt ask me anything

I probably would not have played Horizon or The Last of Us if I had listened to you fucks, which would have been a huge mistake.

for as shit as Sup Forums is you probably should've listened to them on lou

>The Last of Us
If this is what you're gonna do with your free will just come back to the hivemind, user

Twitter is as good as you make it.

If you follow people you care about and like it's good, and you dont see all that typical fighting people take screen caps of.

it's been a very long time since i've seen a thread about video game news on here unless its something bad posted as a means of fueling console wars.


Not when the thread sudenly becomes a SJW circle jerk

every thread?

How does it feel that every single site on earth is capable of seeing these are good games except for you? Normally, if you see on a highway that everyone is coming from the opposite direction in your lane, you would think that you are driving in the wrong lane. Not Sup Forums though. Even after all these years you still spout bullshit.
Well, at least you learned to appreciate Bloodborne after a year or so. But still, jesus fucking christ Sup Forums, you are so shit most of the time.

except i write for one those sites and im far from the only one on staff that thinks it's shit

but whatever helps you sleep at night, libcuck

The podcast I mainly get my vidya news from outside of Sup Forums thinks that TLOU is rancid trash too but ok.

I dont think Bloodborne is anything special personally.


Basically drops all the popular triple A shit and focuses on weebshit.

>People fucking coordinately push discussion of new games off the damn board for god sake. You're never going to find out about games on 2017 Sup Forums.
Are you fucking blind? Threads for 2017 games like RE7, Persona 5, Automata, Breath of the Wild, Yakuza, Samus Returns, and a shitton of other games are made fucking daily.

>If I just listened to Sup Forums I'd think zero good games have come out this year when that isn't true at all. The Sup Forums hating games meme has been so horribly blown out of proportion at this point that nothing ever gets talked about here.
Quit playing garbage games that deserve to get shit on then.

>If I just listened to Sup Forums I wouldn't have played RiME or The Sexy Brutale this year even though they're both fucking fantastic games. And if I tried to talk to Sup Forums and let them know I had a great time with these games I'd be accused of being a shill.
Have you legitimately tried starting/looking for threads, or are you just being a faggot and going immediately into the "le Sup Forums hates video games xD" mindset? I've seen at least a few Rime threads.

Don't follow ANY website.

All media journalism is corrupt as fuck.

News threads die really soon, so if you aren't here 24/7 you'll miss a lot.
Abd if the news isn't major then people won't even discuss it here.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. You are still wrong though.

Nichegamer, leaves personal blogpost opinions at the door, or at least tells you at the very beginning of the article that it's going to mainly be opinion.

its liberal as fuck but its not corrupt in anyway

ok loser lol
make sure to push those boxes

>The Sexy Brutale
I've been waiting for a sale to get this game, since it looks pretty cool, but for how short I've heard it is, 20 bucks seems a bit much. What price would you say is fair for what you get?

Who/what sites do the best and most honest reviews? Worst?

igdb / giantbomb for release dates and general information about particular games
christcenteredgamer.com for no bullshit reviews (assuming you can ignore their "morality" score which isn't even calculated into final game score anyway)

The entire model revolves around (a) getting before release at no charge, and (b) getting various treats from publishers. Bad reviews, particularly of a flagship game, means goodbye to both of those.

It's necessarily corrupt. Flush this "journalism" down the toilet.

Gameinformer. Despite being owned by Gamestop, they are very non-bias, still publish physical copies of their magazine and do not mention politics/gender shit. There are only 2 SJWs there, everyone else is very charismatic.

None. Nearly every single game reviewer is a casual with shit tastes.

>treats from publishers
>bad reviews of big games does anything at all

I think you dropped your tinfoil hat Pedro

Took the words of my mouth

WorthABuy is brutally honest. Obviously he's biased towards what sort of games he personally likes, but by god if the game feels or runs or plays poorly he's going to dingdingdingdingding.

>Are you fucking blind? Threads for 2017 games like RE7, Persona 5, Automata, Breath of the Wild, Yakuza, Samus Returns, and a shitton of other games are made fucking daily.
Oh boy, the same 10 or so Sup Forums approved games. Of which the average Sup Forumsirgin these days has only played 1 or 2 and nothing else current. Go into any GOTY thread. It's the same 10 games. And it's painfully clear every Sup Forumsirgin has played MAYBE two of them, tops.
Not to mention that Persona 5 threads are consumed by interseries shitflinging, BOTW can't actually be discussed on Sup Forums anymore and its literally all people chimping out in the BOTW is a 0/10 and BOTW is a 10/10 camps, Automata and Yakuza got popular and now everyone pretends to hate them, and Samus Returns (and Hollow Knight, and any other metroidvanias) are beset by ACfag and company autism
>Quit playing garbage games that deserve to get shit on then.
Yeah gotta stop playing a game if a Sup Forumsirgin gives me their usual insightful review of "it's shit" with no extra details. Fuck off you retard.
> I've seen at least a few Rime threads.
Nearly all me as far as I'm aware and they all dont get much traction.

If you seriously think you're getting anything close to good discussion of this hobby on Sup Forums in 2017 you're fucking delusional.
It's impossible to talk about anything that isn't the most Sup Forums-core of titles.

If Sup Forums is such a good source of information about video games, what did you think of this game?

At least we know where the Horizonposters come from

Gameinformer did a huge fluff piece on fucking Anita Sarkeesian during the whole gamer gate shit.

"We'll pay for you to come to Tokyo, also here are some free gifts" counts as a treat.

Name one bad (actually bad) review of a big game from a major reviews company.

>everyone and everything sux


All games delta
Literally there's no reviews its just game announcements and videos straight from the source
Lewd gamer is pretty nice too

I mostly use mynintendonews since I'm not interested in the other consoles and barely care about pc.


Written by the same person. They have 2 SJWs there, the rest is good stuff.

Knack is but a running joke, and Sony laughs about it itself. It is also not a big game.

>Not exactly bad, but not very good either.
This is not a bad (actually bad) review.

This is the case across all of media journalism for movies, music, and videogames. The scores are based off of their readership. They score the media based off of what their readership would like or respond to the most.

I'm not done yet but it looks like the run time is 6 hours.
I'm probably going to go over that because I'm terrible at puzzle games like this.
It's 6 or so hours but from what I gathered so far it's gonna be a really good 6 or so hours. It'd probably be worth it at 10 or 15 if you're concerned about completion time.
I think the quality is there to justify buying the game before it hits 5 dollars, basically.

>Not to mention that Persona 5 threads are consumed by interseries shitflinging,
They were fine around launch, half a year later of course they're going to become worse. I can still discuss the game if really try at least.
>BOTW can't actually be discussed on Sup Forums anymore and its literally all people chimping out in the BOTW is a 0/10 and BOTW is a 10/10 camps,
Quit engaging with shitposters and talk to people who actually want to discuss the game
>Automata and Yakuza got popular and now everyone pretends to hate them,
>and Samus Returns (and Hollow Knight, and any other metroidvanias) are beset by ACfag and company autism
I'm glad one shitposter can ruin hundreds of 500+ reply threads for you.

>It's impossible to talk about anything that isn't the most Sup Forums-core of titles.
>It's impossible to talk about anything most people on the site don't care about.
Wow what a revelation.

I have watched so much replay/super replay to know a good deal about their staff.

Tim Turi and Dan Ryckert were the best members but they're both gone now.

McNamara, Reiner, Hilliard, Gwaltney, Tack, Juba, etc are all hardcore SJW cucks

Find a skinnier man than Andrew Reiner. You can't

As an actual reviewer for one of these sites it's fucking hilarious how downright wrong you are but you still fucking believe this bullshit


>Tack is an SJW
And Ben Hanson is a much better Dan Ryckert.

>that doesnt count!
Is Ghost Recon Wildlands not a big game either? Is 2.5 not a bad score?


A visual representation of your opinions of Sup Forums

Ben Hanson is an awkward clumsy fuck yet has this elitist air about him

Dan is the most entertaining man on the internet. No one outright loves fun as much as he does

Cry harder my good bitch. If dissenting opinion on cinematic garbage makes you feel so frustrated and impotent you can always try reddit.com where no one will ever form their own opinion ever again. Until then keep spewing butt-tears and embarrassing yourself online

can confirm
only site that doesn´t make me won´t to leave it right away with their headlines alone

Keep shilling friendo

ok then, what about the rest of this industry

You're posting contrarianism/edginess: the website.

this obsession v has for neogaf makes me feel like i take my account there for granted.
i post about 2 comments a month. i wouldnt even care if i got banned.
v, tell me what thread to post right now

>keep shilling your site and work that have not been mentioned in the entire thread


I consistently have good video game discussion here. Shit like the ZTD Sup Forums threads in 2016 were some of the best threads I've ever seen on a chan in my 9 years of posting for instance

Don't know what else to tell you other than quit being such a fucking pessimistic "le Sup Forums thinks everything is shit xD" faggot and actively seek out/create good discussion.

>t-that doesnt count!!!!
Go take a long look at yourselves in the mirror



(Breath in)


Change the password then post on the account details here.

You're posting The Quietus reviews and then saying "See PITCHFORK isn't evil!"

what the fuck are you even talking about

>Browse that nigger thread
>One member replies to another user "Pro: Tip, if I can tell you're white from your comments you lost the argument"

password: videogames

I will never, ever understand ACfag. What is his endgame?

Not my fault you're pleb with music and don't know those two websites. Fuck off kid.

as the aforementioned writer i can tell you i am prohibited from even making a comment-not an article- a comment that even hints of defending pdp and saying "hey maybe hes not racist"

comments deleted, lectured by editor, forced to talk with ceo

None. Gaming "culture" is fucking awful.


So all this deflection basically means you admit to being wrong

got it

Pewdiepie said nigger - 14,000 replies