*takes your channel over*

*takes your channel over*

Other urls found in this thread:


why is ryan such a fat faggot?


>I expect James to post a review of the new IT yesterday
>Just uploads a crappy youtube version of his Terminator reviews from like ten years ago

>Did you see the Gadget video, James?
>N-no, of course not.
>Good, because you know what must be done to every trace of that video, including people who have watched it.

Mike is a good guy and keeping the channel alive -elvis8atari

>most favorite series is monster madness
>he wont be doing it this year

it went to shit because of Youtube's draconian copyright garbage that prohibited him from using actual clips from the movies, just as well he had to retire it

why are these annoying dweebs allowed to be posted here

*brown bricks*

>Wario's Woods

James seems actually retarded in that video

>H-hey Mike I'd... like my channel back for uhh.. just like 2 minutes? I want to
>I'd like to upload a new
>O-Okay but I'd like to be able to put my videos on the channel


>this is from the guy who cites Carl Barks and Don Rosa as his major inspirations

For someone who plays so many games, how is he not knowledgeable in anything other than Nintendo shit?

look so fucking gay

can men start having facial hair again?


yes but it won't look any less gay

*fucks a bus*

What's his name again?

He isnt taking over anything. On the contrary, its impressive that cinemassacre manages to be one of the most professional/big channels on youtube with such a ridiculously tiny crew. Always on schedule with a constant stream of content

that's impossible

go to bed mike.

I never saw his dick pic

He is the owner of the network Cinemassacre is on and he literally self-inserted himself into their content.

He's literally a fan who managed his way into their channel.

he's a nerd, and i hate nerds more than i had M.A.D. agents

say literally some more fag

This is why James is so awkward with Ryan on camera. Ryan basically has a gun against his head the whole time, his whole livelihood is on the line.

The one he posted was about eleven inches long, but only one inch across, and after accusations of photoshop he pulled it.

I remember when everyone hated Mike.

They should, he's a fucking hack

>People thinking Ryan and Mike took control of the channel without James consent

What? Mike repeatedly says "James asked me to make " because James didn't want the channel to die since he was busy with the movie and then being a parent, so he likes the content they both make, without it the channel would be waaay more dead, youtube's "new" system requires you to upload more than 15 minutes of content per week or you are not getting spotlight or money.

Faggots trying to stir drama where there isn't is cancer. You are worse than the dumb people who watch TMZ and want to stalk famous people.

im always on duty

Everyone still hates him, it's just that Ryan's company Screenwave media has literal drones who defend him and Ryan on Youtube and Sup Forums, not to mention Mike himself was outed on /vr/


>Takes your channel over
But it's his fucking channel? He's the one who made it and posted on it before James started uploading Nerd videos to it. I like James way better and don't like Mike but it IS his channel originally.

so he films in his house... didn't everyone already know that?

The point was that someone figured out where they live, so they could just go knocking on the nerd's door.


Can I get some backstory on this inspector gadget review?

so did anyone knock on the door...


>not to mention Mike himself was outed on /vr/

Beards are disgusting

If someone would give me the address I would.

I live in the same state as him. I'd record it too.

But I wouldn't do stupid shit, I'd just say hey what's up, nice to meet you, take it easy.

>video with Ryan
>there's a stickied comment from a "fan" gushing about how "smart" Ryan is because he memorized some shit off wikipedia
Does he seriously not realize how transparent this is?

It was just a terribly unfunny video with Mike saying "MINEY CRAFTA" in an ear-piercing inspector gadget voice.

>can men start having facial hair again?

Not until nu-male cucks stop.

A-are there people who actually watched this dude and don't just know him for the Oneyplays jokes?


Why would you watch pre-letsplay youtubers related to video games?zzz

>OP sucks ecleb cock

you mean *keeps your channel on life support while you work on avgn episodes*

Ah ok, sounds funny. Thanks user.

>mike matei

>But I wouldn't do stupid shit, I'd just say hey what's up, nice to meet you, take it easy.
Are you actually autistic or do you not realize how unsettling it would be for a complete stranger to come to your home asking "hey what's up"?

But most of us still do. James is pretty much only reason i s watch whole channel

His deleted review of Elmo's adventures or whatever it's called was also a bucket overflowing with autism

That's creepy

are you by any chance gay?

99.99 % of your male ancestors had full beards

What's wrong with that? It's not like he hasn't had people do that during his videos?


I feel sorry for James because he legitimately does not give a shit about video games, his autism is for movies, but he's stuck doing the AVGN meme until he's forced to take adult education classes and become an accountant or something and get a real job.

99.99% of your female ancestors had full vag and armpit bush, doesn't make it any less disgusting

Try not watching? Mike has nothing to do with James's output.

I don't know why this is so hard for the YouTube audience to understand. Getting thing B when you want thing A doesn't mean that B is the reason you're not getting A.


this is a bit depressive

Mike is such a fucking insufferable faggot.
You can tell he's not a gamer when he spent the whole video complaining about the cable length and turning down any discussion about the actual games on the NES classic.
Definitely biased against nintendo, like any non-gamer youtuber.

we invented clothes though

is this raw footage or is it supposed to be him alone?

only video I could stand him in was the victormaxx desu

> he legitimately does not give a shit about video games
But he does just not as much as movies.

>not to mention Mike himself was outed on /vr/


How is this so accurate

He has his entire basement filled with VHS movies, not video games.

after watching it the fifth time i noticed how james backs up a little when the other guy turns his head
pretty funny

He has a video game collection.

>I feel sorry for James because he legitimately does not give a shit about video games, his autism is for movies

Don't feel bad for him. AVGN enabled him to make movies, review movies, and talk about movies with a large audience. It enabled him to go to LA and make a B movie..

>until he's forced to take adult education classes and become an accountant or something and get a real job.

I'm going to go way off on a tangent here, but I feel bad for you. Not just you specifically, but the general "you" that has been fucked up so hard by the modern corporate world. You see someone with a really cool, non-traditional job and you don't think,

>Man that's really cool that his talents and hard work enable him to make money off of doing something so neat.

you think,

>Man, when this YouTube gravy train is over, he will be thrown to the wolves. He has no marketable skills and will drown in the job market.

James has experience as a writer, producer, editor, and as a small business owner. The idea that he couldn't be gainfully employed if this all ended tomorrow is silly.

I read a news story about a year ago about this lawyer couple who retired together at age 35. They realized that if they lived cheaply and invested aggressively, they could amass something like $2 million by their mid 30s and that would be enough to raise a family on in perpetuity.

The comments were filled with people saying stuff like,

>Well if something bad happens and all that money runs out, they're screwed. No one will hire them with such a long gap in employment.

Some joe-nobody on the Internet is telling two lawyers who were smart enough to become millionaires by their mid-30s that in some hypothetical situation, they wouldn't be skilled enough to be employed? For real?

It's sad that people who live in the land of milk and honey are so scared of not maintaining continuous, traditional, 40 hour a week employment from the cradle to the grave.

It took you 5 rewatches to get the point of the webm?

I'm not into this whole thing so I didn't know what I was supposed to look for
first few times I looked at the posters, the game in his hand and his shirt

>AVGN makes a video
>2 million views
>Mike makes a video

It's weird. I want to punch this guy's face in, but at the same time I feel weirdly sorry for him for some reason.

Dude, anonymity doesn't mean we can't tell who's actually posting anyway.

>AVGN makes a video
>3 months to make
>Mike makes a video
>1 morning to make

Don't show pity to Mike, he's the sort of rat who will immediately kick you when you're down or show a flicker of sympathy towards him

>James has experience as a writer, producer, editor, and as a small business owner. The idea that he couldn't be gainfully employed if this all ended tomorrow is silly.

"Hello I have a youtube channel, I am here for my free Hollywood director's chair."

Sup Mike

>Mike himself was outed on/vr/

Hipsters, teenagers and pedophiles ruined it for the rest of us

Not the guy you're responding to, but for ages on /vr/, whenever a new James and Mike video would go up there would immediately be a thread about the game on /vr/. It wouldn't actually mention James and Mike, it would just be something like "What do you guys think about X? I think it's great!". That kind of shit.

I always assumed it was just some dedicated memester, but some think it's Mike himself shilling his videos.

Man you really lack imagination.

The company I work at has two copy writers on staff in the marketing department. One of my best friends is a copy writer for an ad agency.

I don't live in Hollywood. I don't know anyone who writes big budget movies. But I know three professional writers.

he's Mike Magay

True but peopelare subscribed to the AVGN thanks to James content not Mike.

In which video is that awkward moment when James has no idea what the Xbox One is? I think there is a reaction image from that episode.

James already had a job doing editing on commercials and wedding videos

>everyone who works in media is a Hollywood director

Channel alive and making money every week thanks to mike.

>tfw Don Rosa is your favorite comic book author.

Now you are just acting autistic after being called out.

The DVD menu review was a fantastic idea but the way they pulled it off was so unconvincing, I can't believe it.

>whenever a new James and Mike video would go up there would immediately be a thread about the game on /vr/

This happens with any video on any channel, even smaller ones, news, etc.
On Sup Forums as well.
I mean, I'm not saying it's impossible that they shill here, but that's not necessarily proof of anything other than the user base on this site going to shit.

Mike is a literal manbaby who abused his friends success

Learn from his mistakes kids

>thanks to mike
Uh, no.
People are still around because they're hoping for any appearance of James.
I'd rather have them repost old cinemassacre material than these dreadfully embarrassing Mike videos.
Just watch that pathetic Pokemon Go ones.
Mike praises it for finally making pokemon games social.
Why even make a video of something you literally know nothing about, It's just fucking painful to watch.