*blocks his own path*

>*blocks his own path*

Other urls found in this thread:


>can't blink

lol@scbw tards

Fucking goddamn shitty 1998 era unit pathfinding


>learn to spam the RMB to get a dozen units over a bridge

>*issues hold position command numerous times*


was there a remaster that flopped harder than gookcraft: click war?

They literally gave it out for free

they literally and figuratively didn't

no esport will ever catch the lightning in a bottle like bw

>*takes up game data*

they're king on BGH

>Why doesn't the game move my units into the best positions for me!?

What game is this from? It's quite possible I've been trying to find its name for the last 2 years.

>being this fucking terrible to not realize what scouts are used for
the're the soul reason you don't go bc's in tvp

tons of RTSes have automated formation commands

how far under a rock do you live to not know a game as popular as Starcraft

I'm a dumb pleb, what makes this so good? Does his movement of the dragoons make them harder to kill or something?

>blocks the entire army resulting in the opponent getting into position

user, people born in 99 can browse Sup Forums now, he was mostly likely an infant in it's height of popularity

he manages to shoot a lot while moving and he splits shots to avoid overkill and spider mines are AOE and he positions them so they wont hurt him too bad

I know the game, superficially, having encountered it first in highschool circa 2008. But it's not the vidya arachnid I'm looking for.

the mine targeting
the terran army was by far stronger and more efficient, his pin point targeting and then also the goon movements did not allow the tanks to seige in a good position either

>be terran
>can repair building
>can auto heal bio units
>can even heal mech units
>can lift buildings
>can get a Vulture for 75 mine a pop
>can lay mines
>can figure out what opps doing for free with scans
>can irra and literally blow the fuck out of zerg with vessels and tanks
>nearly unstoppable lategame

any reason to NOT play terran

Thanks, all I needed to know.

he kills burrowing mines before they burrow

>blocks your path by getting stuck everywhere (at higher speeds)

Especially in the Forgotten.

it takes intense macro and you're on a timer in the early/mid game

Isn't there a tournament going on right now? I know I saw it last week with some anons, but they start so early. Anyone know the next time it starts?

He's targeting perfectly all the mines the vultures are planting before detonation.
The attack AI doesn't focus them so that's some precision.

>siege tank production is only for addonned factories meaning a single tank wipe makes it impossible to recover quickly

He's positioning his goons and attacking tanks while they're out of optimal siege position, while specifically targeting mines before they explode, with a unit that has the poorest pathfinding alongside Goliaths.

It's even crazier if you watch it in FPVOD, because Bisu fits in split second unit productions on Gateways in between his dragoon move clicks.

hot damn


no the reason you don't go BC's vs Toss is because goons are pretty good against them anyways, P would just make trouble for himself transitioning into mass scout. And why would you ever transition out of mech when that army is already the strongest thing you can field?


Talk shit about dragoons, kid?

Spoiler: 30 kills dragoon

And none of them are as good as BW, what's your point?

>Time to play some PvT!

kill me now

allahu akbar


clips dot twitch dot tv/GrotesqueBovinePineappleCclamChamp

Love me some mines

Anyone else love bound maps?

Can't find any thing like them anywhere else

>what is Dota Two
seriously though, why are kikes so buttblasted by Based dota 2?

that was awesome

>what is Dota Two
A piece of shit.

Give that goon a fucking medal, what a hero.

I still can't believe Day9 dropped BW for that garbage. I don't know how people justify D2 as a competitive game, fucking Smash 4 takes more mechanical skill.

>not a containment for a 20 apm simcity faggots

Fucking amazing game. I'm so happy starleague is returning.



You do not know what you are talking about.

>I hate fun
ClickCraft dying was the best thing that happend in gaming

>no the reason you don't go BC's vs Toss is because goons are pretty good against them anyways,
thats still not the reason you retard.

arbiters/storm are the reason you dont go bc's.

Clever trick so what? Your game is still garbage and less popular than fucking PUBG LMAO

Does dota2 have patrol?

You mean Feedback right?

You'd be friends with

no ground defense building means a guaranteed cheese you have to prepare for or you lose in the first 5 minutes

Fuck off you fuckers with Dota 2.

broodwar has more skill in 1 unit than starcraft 2 does in the entire game.

the entirety of mobas doesnt even compare to this.

ok enough with the shitposting, how do we fix ZvZ so it's an actual matchup? can it be fixed with just map changes?

No, he issued all these commands manually.

it has been added since then but no one uses it because it's literally unbinded by default

Still not the reason, fucktard.
Feedback/mind controll is the reason you dont go BC's in TvP

Fuck that's clever

I laughed.

Thats why every BW got completely trashed in SC2 right? EL OH FUCKING EL
Babby War doesn't even come close to SC2 where you need to actually think and not just click like autist.

I like watching high level dota but hate playing it. Maybe just enough to know new mechanics and stuff.


You can't, same with ZvP if lings get in your base. You can't do anything vs properly microed speed lings vs meele. You are going to get harassed to death.

One of the things that balances Brood War and makes it a great game that actually has decision-making is that your attention is an important resource
You can't possibly be doing everything in the game optimally, so it forces you to pick and choose what you focus on and optimize. When you have options like keeping up your macro, doing a drop, moving your dragoons into position, checking for mines, scouting, and actually micro-managing your drops so they go as well as possible, it's just impossible to do everything well, and suddenly the fact that dragoons need to be babied to make it anywhere in a reasonable amount of time is an important game mechanic that leads to skilled decision-making. It's easy to spot someone that never played Brood War seriously when they try to unknowingly make it into the shitheap that is SC2.

*shuttle drops behind your mineral line*
Beep boop nothin personelle kiddo

>projectile gets stuck on minerals and other SCVs
pssh, nothing harrassed kid


Don't bother explaining, everyone who has played both at a reasonable level knows which game is best.

The rest won't bother listenting.


*scarab zigzags back and forth eventually blowing up far away from any enemy*


pretty cool they actually made a sprite for a nonmoving scarab.

Is the Chinese Lemon Chicken recipe still in Starcraft Remastered?

I want to suck him off so bad.

So, do gooks play the tournaments on remaster now? Or classic?

>bad pathfinding is a feature!
>blizzard worked with 1000 korean commandos to create the perfectly bad badfinding for best competitive play
>new games have shitty good pathfinding, RTS died the moment pathfinding became good
>i can right click very fast, i don't know why women won't date me

Nice Reddit reaction image, Reddit. Which subreddit on Reddit did you take it from, Reddit?

>Feedback/mind controll is the reason you dont go BC's in TvP
the only thing slower than bc's is mind control lmao.

enjoy your retarded strategies.

Haha I love these commentators. "Oh MY GOD, he's doing it again!"

normalfaggot OUT

I bet you think MBS and unlimited selection are features you dumb fuck.


>Fenix is painted as super bad ass warrior even as a Dragoon
>Rule about heroes staying alive make him too much of a liability to use outside of final assaults and even then its iffy.

If there's one thing SC2 did right, it was buffing Hero units into usability (ignoring how stupid powerful Kerrigan got)

Remaster is pretty good, Most of them play in Remastered. Afaik only effOrt plays in classic in serious game.


is that music from ff8?

why would anyone ever feedback when storm does just as much damage and is aoe?

bc's wont ever have much energy anyways since they're just going to yamato your nigger ass the moment they get the energy.

RTS elitists in a nutshell.

>making up shit that never happened to support your point
People abandoned WC2 in masse for BW.
People still play BW 20 years after its release and despite its sequel.

Kek he sounds like those russian kids having their minecraft houses destroyed

3 in japan
6 overseas\

People still play Red Alert as welll.
Starcraft 2 has more players than Broodwar.
And you can see how many League or DOTA2 have.

So don't bring up players when that argument defeats you on the spot. Stick to elitism.

People abandoned BW en masse for SC2 as well LOL (and WC3 before that)
And people still play Warcraft 2 as well

At least they're usable in Fenix's co-op if only because they buffed the ground attack and cut the gas cost to 60.