He unironically calls himself a gamer

>he unironically calls himself a gamer

>He unironically think Sup Forums is a secret club while at the same time advertise it whenever possible.
>He unironically think he have the freedom of speech to be Sup Forums on games right after signing the ToS agreeing that he gave up said rights.
>He unironically think he is unable to get on Reddit/Tumblr/whatever whatsoever without being tagged in some way on Sup Forums.
>He unironically got Sup Forums pass because the amount of shitposting he does "make the time saved worth it"

I honestly think 4channers or w/e you call them are worst than gamers. At least games is somewhat acceptable now, being a retard scumbag sadly isn't though. Like which is more shameful?

>he avoids the label "gamer" because of own insecurities
>he still plays vidya, just gets autistic whenever anyone mentions that

what do you call a person who plays games then?

What do you call a person that watches tv?


the dog isnĀ“t even puking

M'sir, mayhaps I could suggest "Gaming enthusiast". Methinks 'tis truly gives the term weight, separates it from common vulgarities.

watching is different from doing

>dog walker

you wanna ban all these terms you autist?

A teller.