Nephew comes to my house, he calls himself a PRO GAMER because he beats games in his PS4

>nephew comes to my house, he calls himself a PRO GAMER because he beats games in his PS4
>I let him play some retro games, he doesn't beat the first stage in any of them, I taunt him all the time for that, spends rest of the day crying (he's 14 btw)
have you introduced your younger relatives to real games yet, Sup Forums?

oh wow you got someone by letting him play old games
get off your high horses autismo, videogames are for losers and he probably thinks you're one for playing them at your age, faggotron

shut up dsp
actually most of my newphews see me as awesome and are always asking me questions about vidya history
I kind of feel sad because they spend more time playing vidya than I did in my childhood but I guess that's how things are nowadays

Yeah, because I'm sure you beat every game at that age first try.

You sound like a dick.

beating the first level =/= beating the game
he couldn't even beat Green Hill from Sonic or the first world from SMW (yet he has beaten all those new marios in his DS). He's 14 fucking years old, not a fucking toddler. I let him multiple tries but got frustrated hard. Then I trolled him by making him play the NES Castlevanias and Super Ghouls n Ghosts, which he proceed to label as anti-vidya

>vidya history
do you also thell them about your first zits and the strech marks on your butt ?

Most kids nowadays have very low frustration tolerance. I assume because of the endless options they have. I know one at the age of 13 and he put down botw after a few minutes. Likes playin cs:go and splatoon 2, tho.

>blast anons for not having knowledge about vidya
>suddenly it's bad to teach future generations to be more knowledgeable about their hobby
they're going to be the future Sup Forums shitposters, you better thank me later

this very same kid, I gifted him Zelda SS for the Wii back when it was released. I know he was young but he found it super difficult even though it was the most toddler Zelda ever released. Current vidya makes you a retard


While I don't think Ghosts n' Ghosts is a good series, I still don't understand this statement.

>giving a zelda newbie the worst 3D zelda with a finicky control scheme

You fucked up

he doesn't think that videogames should be difficult. He said that it shouldn't be like that, that it was "badly done". I tried to convince him that games were meant to be hard but didn't believe me, preferred to think that the game was an objective turd.

shitposters and people who encourage shitposting are a bad thing that ruin this site, there is no such thing as vidya history and videogames are not a hobby, fucking bing bing wahoo retard

he told me he wants to be a programmer in the future and make videogames, so he better learns such thing as history. I don't want him to make crap


just tell him 'professional' means he's making a living off it

Splatoon 2 is the most frustrating game I've ever played in my goddamn life because of my teammates

Tell him to get a real fucking job.

Why don't you introduce him to modern, diffiicult games, instead of being a huge assfaggot about your hobby

Because Sup Forums can only be proud of the things they did as kids because they're turned into irrelevant manchildren who can't grow or function as adults.

>modern, diffiicult games

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug

Dark Souls

>my hobby is watching tv