Leave Dead by Daylight to me

Leave Dead by Daylight to me.

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Good job, you beat it at dying faster. Now what?

>this delusional
Why are Dead by GayRights fans unable to admit F13 is the superior game?

I thought it was Head by Gaylight.

It was fun until the most recent patch and hotfix to that patch where they just obliterated all sorts of mechanics, especially windows. They still have not commented on if they'll ever unfuck Jason 7 so I doubt they ever will.

I'm glad the game isn't tied down to some greedy piece of shit "Triple A" company, but they really need to unfuck the game so it's fun again.

Just fix the windows, give Jason 7 a proper skillset, make fear actually do something instead of just mildly annoy counselors, and it'd be great.

Whatever you say, sweetie

Who thought Jason 7s stats were in any way acceptable? His only good strength is water speed and that's a situational sort of thing that you can't even base a style around. Hell all of his pros are the kind of stats you'd use to fill in other good skills, like destruction, traps, or shift. His weaknesses just go out of their way to fuck his weak strengths even further. Shits retarded.

The numbers speak for themselves. Even before the free weekend, DBD had consistently more players playing simultaneously than Friday and only guttering out due to updates.
>Inb4 "Show me the console numbers"
I've no idea where to get those and if you can find them with a source, I'll be happy to factor them into my consideration.

Hasn't DbD had much longer to build up a userbase? Fridays main issue since release has been the glitches and server issues. Granted those are big flaws but if they could sort them out perhaps it'd get more traffic. Though with the somewhat bad early impression maybe it's too late for that? Hopefully not because when it works I find F13 to be quite enjoyable.

Dude I own both, and I would stay on f13 in a heart beat. But the game is horridly broken, they have been dragging their feet on updating the content, and they refuse to talk to the fan base at all.

That said if the game worked it would be far superior since there is a lot more to do then fix a fucking generator. And its much harder to be the survivors then DbD, and yet more satisfying, like there is a real challenge.

But F13 is literally dying. Especially now that DbD is gobbling up all the famous horror IPs (Leatherface and Myers) and will continue to do so, I can't see F13 ever overtaking it.

They had a chance with F13, but incompetent and literally retarded devs killed it.

Does this finally have a singleplayer campaign?

They do talk to the fanbase, but on their forums and twitter. Sadly the twitter responses are usually we know this etc or please report to jasonkillsbugs. Their forum just updates what's coming in patches while sometimes replying to people. They never comment on some things though, like Jason 7. So they sort of talk to people but not how most would like.

>Especially now that DbD is gobbling up all the famous horror IPs
Too bad none of these "killers" are allowed to actually kill and faggots complain the loudest if they're given even semi-decent chances at winning.

>40e game vs. 15e game

Ok? F13 is still never going to beat DbD tho. I can't wait for Freddy to show up this Halloween.

To be totally honest, I wanted Friday to blow DBD away. That said, I just plain don't enjoy Friday. I don't really play either anymore. I highly doubt Friday can bounce back, period. While I don't normally advocate Twitch numbers to equate a game's popularity/population/whatever, both Friday and DBD fill a similar niche coupled with a similar troupe of Streamers. On Twitch right now, DBD has almost 20K Viewers while Friday doesn't even have 300. Admittedly, the F2P weekend may be skewing this value since some Streamers will be trying it, but the gap is still usually quite large. The masses prefer DBD, thus Friday is the worse game. Obviously, some people will much prefer Friday and that's fine. People have different tastes.

>but incompetent and literally retarded devs killed it.

playing it right now, played it since release and im having much more fun than when i tried dead by daylight

I've still wiped out 8/8 with part 7. I assure you he's not good, but to be very good with him relies on you to not chase your counselors down with shift. You're supposed to divide and conquer with 7.

My part 7 tips are:

-Three traps means you can trap one of the cars, one of the phones, and another trap for you to put back down at another objective
-Smart characters always need to die first
-If a car gets fixed before you get shift, you're double fucked
-Stalk is extremely effective if you can position yourself outside a small cabin, where there's limited window exits
- Decide if people are hoarding pocket knifes or not. If people step on traps, they're deciding to hoard them. Just slash at them.
-Stalk+Morph+Shift is more than enough to get the car, but you need to be good at getting yourself in the road. Stalk is on so they don't start reversing the moment they hear your music

Study how people play and you'll do ok with part 7. As good as I am, team work can beat a good Jason. It's happened to me before.

I heard F13 only has around 13,000 on consoles, but that's mainly due to everything else being shit.

That's actually asymmetrical multiplayer done right, though

And no amount of "waaaaaah killers aren't overpowered like in the movies" is going to be taken seriously.

>So they sort of talk to people but not how most would like.
Sure if you call ignoring what most people say in favor of canned replies that never address problems. The Xbone version is a update or two behind, there are just game breaking bug after bug, and they can only ever answer when with SOON.

Playing the killer just isn't fun and the community is the garbage of garbage people. Faggots who pitch a fit when the killer can do anything the impedes them just insta-winning.

I love Jason players like you, makes me earn my fucking wins.

F13 had a very good chance on Twitch. When it released even all the top streamers like Lirik were playing it. But the devs never bothered to fix bugs, the servers were shit for more than a month, and the massive imbalance killed it. Even diehard F13 cocksuckers like sxhxy had to turn it on advising people NOT to buy it, especially at the $40 price tag.

This is what really killed the game. The devs had a really great opportunity with Twitch viral marketing, but they fucked up. At this point even if they made it F2P for Halloween I doubt it'll even matter.

It's kind of weird since it's the opposite of DbD too. In the first months DbD was extremely buggy and broken with tons of server desyncs, but the devs constantly communicated with the fanbase (Twitter/Steam) and pushed out tons of updates. It felt like they were working 24/7 to fix their game and I think that won a lot of people over.

I just can't get into having to give the survivors up to a hook and some spider goddess. I'd much rather hunt them down and kill them in any number of ways like you can Jason.

I attribute part of this to people being bitches. They don't like the idea of a killer actually being a threat. In DbD the survivors are top dog, so random people can be happy knowing they totally beat down that vicious bad bad killer(babysitter).

He's not wrong though. Gunmedia/Illfonic do keep breaking shit. That last patch really fucked shit up pretty bad.

There's no point in using Part 7 in the state he's in. You'd have much more fun using quite literally any other Jason due to having stats and skills that actually let you be a killer instead of a piece of shit with no mobility and no map control who just so happens to be able to know where everyone is. I love 7s look but he's just not fun to play because compared to all other characters he's a cooldown waiting simulator who plods along unable to do shit. Grip strength, sense, water speed, all useless in the grand scheme of things if you have no mobility or ability to keep objectives from being finished.

Also wasting all your traps one by one on objectives means evreyone can get rid of them with a simple pocket knife. You're better off putting them all on the blue car and stalking the phone box once in a while. Which is still shit because all sorts of other crap gets done because fuck you that's why.

No worries friend. I'm a fan of the franchise, as shitty as it can be sometimes. I also go full autism Jason mode and rarely speak, if ever.

I like to watch counselors run as I just stand there and watch. Even at the exit.

I'm sorry but it doesn't feel like earning anything against Jason 7. I'm glad that person can have fun with him but other than being able to see the general direction of where everyone is, 7 just doesn't do anything well. Every other Jason has a style or theme to them, 7 is just "Oh there's a person in the general direction of the car. I would have never thought to go there. Better go watch them jog away from me while I wait for my cooldowns."

That sums it up nicely, yeah. While I don't agree with some of the DBD developer's design choices, they were very active with the community which is a major selling point/point of interest for some games.
Hell, I recently got back into Wildstar and the remnants of a development team are actually very active and even have Q&A sessions in the global chat once in a while. It's quite nice to see such transparency if you ask the right questions.

I don't see how you're going to get anyone with part 7 without using shift. In a room where people work together it doesn't matter if someone somehow happens to be out of stamina, because someone will come from behind and whack you with a bat.

>asymmetrical horror done right
>killer can't do shit
I just really disagree.

I like both, but Friday the 13th is more fun when you get a proper game up.

Which is to stay never.

Part 7 requires a deep understanding of player psychology to use effectively, that's why no one is good with him.

You NEED to use stalk to sneak up on people.

If people aren't using pocket knifes to disarm traps, they're waiting for you to grab them.

Playing part 7 is akin to fishing, in a way. You can't just chase the fish, he isn't meant for that.

I can't count how many times I've stalked someone, caught them around the corner, slashed them to limping, grab them and get ready for the kill before they leave the game and keep me stuck in an empty animation.

If they're grouped up? Slash them, don't bother with a grab. You need to make them scatter. If they don't, combat stance and block every attack they send your way.

If you do this for long enough, one of two things will happen. They'll end up scattering once someone dies to a slashing fit, or they'll be out of weapons.

Don't be an honourable, the counselors get way too cocky against 7.

Part 7 isn't everyone's Jason, and I do wish they put a little more effort into it, but that said I have played against part 7s that have destroyed groups who play well. I have also seen groups who utterly troll part 2/3 Jasons when that is the easiest Jason to play even for bad players your guaranteed two to three kills.

Savini Jason is super fun to play though, he is my favorite since his morph and shift are godly and can shift almost immediately.

>I just really disagree.
Yeah I didn't understand what they guy was saying either, in one breath he praises it then turns around and points out the biggest problem that no one takes the killer serious anymore. Last game I played was last week and I watch two guys just fucking with the killer the entire match then spam "gg ez" in the lobby. The game is full of annoying faggots.

>grab them and get ready for the kill before they leave the game and keep me stuck in an empty animation.
And when you hack and slash they bitch about being a slasher. Its like people just want to be give a fucking star and slapped on the ass for just clicking the play button.

I'm not saying you're wrong.

I'm saying that any other Jason can use your tactics and do better because they have proper skills to let them be threatening. The stuff you're suggesting aren't just Jason 7 tips, their Jason tips in general. Which is shitty. I want Jason 7 to have a play style that isn't just something every Jason can do, you know?

For example, part 8 can stalk better than 7. He has 5 traps so can keep objectives on lock down better. He can hack at people not using knives to remove traps. With his boosted stalk he can also play the stalking game better than 7.

6 can shift a lot, also has 5 traps, longer weapon reach, normal stalk like Jason 7, etc.

That's why I want him to be tweaked because he does nothing unique outside of seed sound pings further.

Oh, I agree with you too, friend. I play part 7 most of the time, so I feel like I have a tiny bit of a duty to at least give him some defense.

But yes, the bottom line is that 7 is probably the weakest one, but I'm not sure giving him more traps would make him better, in my experience. When Pele know they're up against part 7, they'll keep their knives. Why not, he only has three traps? It's the smart thing to do.

I love when people whine that you slash them to death, but it's a game you can never win.

I've had entire lobbies shit on my part 7 even with an 8/8 because I slashed two or three of them.

And the ones I slashed had at least one pocket knife.

So they plan on adding at least three Jasons before the end of the year, beside 4 and hoping they really do it what other Jasons we hope for.

Me I want

>Custom Arctic Jason with ice ax and snow map

>Part 9 Uber Jason with machete and space ship

>Freddy vs Jason - Jason with Freddy arm weapon and Elm street map

friday the 13th looks pretty dead to me and i dont even play streamer b8

This thread again? why are you trying so hard to be wrong? There is nothing friday is better at except fucking around. Less content, way less polish the only gameplay hook is keep playing because you want to play jason.

I'm glad you do your best with him and try to give out tips for those who want to use him. I just can't stand his "skill" set because it feels like everything is a hindrance. Now if grip strength meant people couldn't knock counselors out of his grab? That would be an insanely powerful skill. Hell I'd go so far as to put it up there with destruction. It wouldn't matter that he was so slow because if he got you, you're toast unless you have a pocket knife. Take away his -traps and give him -stun resistance instead and I'd not mind his skills. He just needs one really good skill and for one of his weaknesses to be changed to one that isn't so damning.

Uber Jason was X not 9. I do really like the idea of Freddy vs. Jason with Freddys arm as a weapon though. That'd be fucking cool. Maybe even get Robert England to do some voice work for the unique weapon kills, like Freddy talking about what's going on with his arm or some humorous banter about the kill.

And F13 destroys DbD on consoles

I agree he needs to be buffed and when they make Part V he can be the weak-ass joke character you beat people with to humiliate them.

Do you have player numbers?

Oh, they confirmed 3 more Jasons after 4? If I had to guess, Part 5, Uber Jason, and maybe the Jason before becoming Uber. I really like the FvJ with Freddy arm idea though. That'd be bitchin.

>less content
What content does DbD have again? Killers that function basically the same way and retarded "increased by 4% for 2 seconds" perks that do shit. At the end of the day you're just turning on generators. Lame as fuck.

Xbox and Playstation don't shoe numbers but I have this.
>inb4 doesn't count
Well that's all you're really gonna get. Being a top seller on the most played console for 4 months in a row means there's a shit ton of players

>DbD has more players and is grabbing horror characters like every month
>Find the game completely dull and boring, every match eventually turns into the same, don't have fun as the killer or as the survivors
>Friday has retarded devs fucking up every week but it's literally the funnest thing
>Dying more erryday

There is only despair for me

Here the plan for F13.

>Uber Jason was X not 9.
My bad, I tend to not think about any F13 movie after part 7.

There was some talks about getting Freddy in the game but I don't think they could get the rights, then again they made a shit load of cash off this since they have didn't not have to pay too much for the right to f13 and there has been a lot of renewed interest in a Nightmare and f13 remake/sequel.

I like the idea of Robert doing Freddy insults, having the game end with him insulting Jason for not killing enough would be fun too. I've also been wanting Ash in there but every time its brought up people tend to spurg out even thinking about adding Evil Dead into Friday the 13th even though the necronomicon is in one of the f13 movies.

reminder that there's a Friday the 13th in October and that's when the physical copy comes out with all the new content.

Pic related

>The Lost Legacy can't even make top 3
That is fucking hilarious, that makes me happy.

I'd be down for Ash as long as he came in like Tommy Jarvis. Dunno how you'd make it so he wasn't broken though. Perhaps he forgot his shotgun ammo in his car explaining why he has only one shot? Maybe two shots. He could kill Jason without needing to find a weapon because he'd just put on his chainsaw.

>Single player challenges demo
Is this something unrelated to the single player that's supposed to be coming out, or is that being pushed back to beyond Halloween? Cause that'd be annoying as fuck. Thanks for the image though. Wonder if any of this stuff will stay on track.

>Virtual Cabin
What's that?

>Single Player mode only in late winter
Can't wait to see people bitching about it for the rest of the year. Maybe the offline bots will keep them satisfied.

They dont have the licences and they said they want to focus on Jason license.

Virtual cabin was a demo for F13, with easter eggs and ect. It was a first person adventure horror "trailer". Really short. Kinda like PT was.

just give me psychic Tina as a hero.

Here a video of Cabin.

They're not getting licenses other than Jason. Ash is more likely to show up in DBD.

Could work.
"7 steps you need to unlock Psychic Tina"

I would make it a end game gamble, Ash has to be the last man standing, every one has to die, and he need the gas to fuel up his chainsaw.

Tina or any of the final girls would work.

i think the jackolantern is Halloween

This, Tina best Final Girl.
It's almost impossible given the mechanics of this game, but if they pulled it off it would be the greatest thing.

I still think that "Helper Characters" are the way to do this. The player could choose Jarvis, Ash, Tina, that one robot bitch from X, etc...

I moderate for a streamer, his Friday the 13th numbers haven't broken 400 all week. He usually is around 500-600. It was within a week a huge shift happened.

Yes, and the snow flake is Christmas. The whole map is just this year alone. But knowing how they do things I doubt half this shit will come out.

It's really no wonder why DBD beats Friday13 so much.

DBD has gone through several sales and free weekends. It has also been part of a Humble Bundle. A lot of new content, including killers, survivors, maps, perks. Patches that work on balances and work fixes. The base price is "only" 20 dollars.

Friday the 13th released too early with too many bugs and bad balance that they are still working on. The price (37 dollars) was way too high! It has not been on a sale or had a free weekend. There hasn't been much new content.

I like DBD, and I'm a huge fan of Jason, but I'm not trying Friday13 until they put it on a good sale (at least 25% discount) or a free weekend.

This is a good summary of what's been going on. Both games are decent but F13 hasn't been handling its image or its updates very well at all. I will say that F13 is far more effective at being a spectacle, with the different types of kills and what not, while DBD is basically just a game of hide and seek, but at least DBD has taken measures to significantly improve itself and add content down the line. F13 has had misstep after misstep. Part of that can be attributed to DBD being an overall simpler game as well as F13 being released later, but it's not about being fair; these are the two games we're comparing in their current state, and DBD can be easily considered as the better value.

>not playing the superior multiplayer horror
What a bunch of fucking plebs, holy shit.

I like that in Friday 13, Jason is something you really fear. He is this (nearly) unstoppable killing machine.

In DBD however the players frequently make fun of and taunt the killer. They are rewarded for recklessly going near them, bodyblocking them, rushing to save a hooked survivor, intentionally draging a chase out. They can get hit multiple times and always come back thanks to healing and game changing perks.

As someone who prefers playing killer, one of the worst thing that the survivors can do is bodyblock as a group: youtube.com/watch?v=9jSc0mzU3tg

*teleports behind you*

You are one of those people who absolutely MUST find something to bitch about, aren't you?

You do know killers can hit survivors while carrying the victim, right?

7 is obviously the worst Jason, but which is the best?
Hard mode: no Savini

>2 new Jasons until the end of the year

Place your bets. It's either X, Reboot or FvJ.Could be 5 but I don't think they'll go there
Since the last Jason also comes with a new map, it could be X with the spaceship.

>Devs ban you and call you a sex offender for telling a brat to go suck a dick

Can anyone really defend Gunmedia for being so stupid and obtuse? Luckily Last Year beta is next month.

The attack range while carrying someone is extra short. It's even harder to hit the survivors when they are crouching. Unless they are sitting right in front of your feet, swinging at them will result in a miss and more time for the survivor to wiggle free and start the chase again. They want you to hit them.

What if the new Jason is actually Pamela?

>Stealth asking for what Jason to use

I've tried them all, I just can't figure out which is the best. 2's great for denying everything and warping around the map but 3 is better for mixing it up with the counselors.

>plays just like a counselour
>has the same strenghts, weakness and HP of one. No supernatural powers aswell.
>no music to warn she's close
>can pick up items and actively fuck with objetives

They'd never do it but it'd be amazing.

I don't know man, a good Nurse and Billy are absolutely terrifying to fight against. You literally cannot juke a Nurse and a Billy can drag the game on forever with his bullshit slowing down all healing/repair by 80%.

Too much risk for little reward for the survivors. I never actually seen this shit happening.

Not the guy you are quoting but
Naaaah, she is fairly easy to shake off if you are in a right place. Or maybe I haven't seen real good Nurses.
Holy shit this guy and leatherface are terrifying to play against.

>Naaaah, she is fairly easy to shake off
There's a reason why every top player thinks Nurse is broken.

happens all the time. bodyblocking to save a teammate is standard. getting hit once doesn't do much since you can just heal and it can save your mate from getting hooked.

I'm more annoyed about their netcode. if the killer sits in brazil with a 56k modem and a 1000ms ping, the game is unplayable. this is a problem for many games because game devs think they have to make their game accessible to anyone who's willing to pay for it but if the fuckers don't have the necessary connection to play, why the fuck do you let them host the goddamn game?