How do we improve gamers' behavioral habits regarding online play? Due to anonymity...

How do we improve gamers' behavioral habits regarding online play? Due to anonymity, gamers have begun increasingly and increasing nasty and hostile during online play.

Don't believe me? Check out this video. It's gotten to the point where development on games is slowing down due to the devs having to play police with nasty players who need to be punished. How do you think this problem could be solved? I'm curious to see what Sup Forums has to say about it.

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>Someone called me a faggot online :(
Poor baby.

>posting that ugly, autistic faggot
Go back to your fucking subreddit, jesus christ.

Introduce a minimum level of attractiveness neccessary to play a game online via face recognition technology.
Most of Sup Forums will have to go back to their porn games.

Yes because more moderation is just what we need


What the fuck is wrong with this guy's nose?

gets more pussy than you do tho lmao

>some user called me faggot, i think its unfair that i can't track his identity and send a police report on him instead of just getting a thicker skin and stop being a fucking pussy

a majority of these "problems" arise from the lack of community run servers. matchmaking is cancer and without it, you'd see a majority of these issues vanish.

what you mentioned in the OP, letting players shit talk vs making every game into a hugbox. community run servers solve that, everyone can make their own server with their own rules.


>that video
I'm so sick of small-souled bugmen and numales.

who is the one talking in this image?

>lack of community run servers
Good. you can keep your lag


lol no he doesn't, the girls he bags are all busted as fuck and fuck anything with even a slight bit of money/fame too.

How is the Ice image relevant?

heheheehehehe mufuckin ass hehehe Cx

Why are gamers now the biggest fucking panzies? Shit talk was awesome and made a ton of friends in games that way

Pepe, stupid.

you have like 40m players you are fucked my dude

You don't. You can't really police how they interact with each other online. With that said, I only ever play single-player cause I hate gamers and think they're absolute trash.

Kill yourself

Then why are you here?

>"Why are gamers now the biggest fucking panzies?"

because we have a lot of imposters.
>be me
>go to newly opened downtown detroit barcade
>it's full of white hipsters
>again, Detroit
>people are admiring the old arcade cabinets and talking about them, but hardly anyone playing
>set the high score on 4 different machines by an enormous margin without trying very hard
>score so high on Ms. Pac Man women aren't playing it anymore
feels weird man

Simple. We stop communicating at all and have a hotkey to permaban all other players if we get our feelings hurt.

Grow some thicker skin

The excuse overwatch devs are giving for the lack of content seems like such a copout.

This is pretty much it. Global mute is wonderful. Why do I care what any of you retards think? If you listen to what people say in games it's 99% the same shit over and over again. Just a different hick out in the sticks calling people he doesn't know or can't see faggots thinking it's the funniest shit since he saw foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy together on one stage.

The more people using voice comms equals the less people raging out in chat instead of playing the game. The very least if you're getting angry over voice you have your hands on the buttons needed to play the game.

League of Legends also literally offers rewards for being an honorable player but the game doesn't have voice comms so the amount of fucking people who can't resist the urge to stop playing and type something in chat is still there.

when someone calls you a nigger read it as meanie



To insult all of you.

How to kill online games: the post

Not mute. BAN THEM. Its not about improving the experience for me but to ruin it for as many people as possible.

I offer the same solution I offer for all problems: nuke California off the face of the Earth.

How do you listen to some faggot rage at you online and feel anything other than mild amusement? How did you even make it this fucking far in life if you are that fucking sensitive?

How did these kinds of people make it through childhood?

Because I'm a normally functioning human being instead of a psycho who gets off on other people's anger, like you?

They were bullied a lot so now they want to make it so it's illegal for anyone to say anything mean to them.

Mild amusement = getting off.

I'm assuming you meant to type functionally retarded.




>I'm so sensitive because I'm an adult!

italian actually

Why people can't just handle the bantz?

>Buy game for 60$
>Call some autistic mercy main a faggot for throwing
>Get reported by all his friends
>Can't play your 60$ game anymore forever

I mean this is something basically wrong with this.

All you faggots whining about this are the ones who created the situation in the first place. Stop buying Blizzard's games if you don't like their policies.

>thinking you can get banned after ONE game

The people complaining about getting chat muted - not banned - are constantly revealed to have several thousand reports against them. That means you'd have to go into hundreds of games and get reported by every single person in the game, not just your team, every game before you even get chat restricted. Anyone who actually gets banned is either cheating at the game or has managed to somehow be a dick through a chat restriction for hundreds, maybe even thousands of games on end.


it's always been shitty, sorry but people are just biologically cunts

If you can't conduct yourself like a civilized person in a shared space then you should be removed. Easy. Just doing what everyone already wishes was done: removing the screaming toddler from the restaurant.
>Toddler to press: they just couldn't handle the bantz

Because calling someone a faggot is not quality banter. We didn't have that in the 90s, yet there was much more banter back then. I have to say I prefer the old leetspeek to what's going on today. It was all fun and games, people respected each other, and no one would resort to lowball insults like what's so common in most of the games right now. Going around being an idiot should get you banned.

Thanks for nothing faggots. I wanted to have a productive thread.

The fuck do you mean "begun"? This happened back then too. Anger isn't some construct that only applies to the most modern era, it's innate and can manifest in any competitive atmosphere. People will tilt over anything as their chimp brains haven't adapted to know restraint or to navigate through adversity.

As for the video, development doesn't slow down at all. It's only slowing down in that instance because the developers want to cultivate an echo chamber for their infantile fanbase, where every game ends in a "GG!", "good plays everyone", "I had fun! Let's all have fun in the next competitive party match!", "tranny support mains unite!! lol ^-^v"

Step one: Make the report function actually have a bite for repeated offenders.
Step two: Make false reports actually be punished.

Problem solved. You can even train an AI to do this automatically.

>"tranny support mains unite!!
Nice falseflag.

Back then people would say things like "Suck it n00b!" when they killed someone in Quake. Nowadays it's mainly "fuck you you fucking faggot" and it's targeted to your own team. There really is a big difference. People have confused anger with the thrill of the game.

>modern idealists
>doing anything but bitching on the internet


Or, you, know, y'all could stop being pussies for two seconds

Like, since the game was released it's been this
>ugh such toxicity we must do something about this
talk, quit being so whiny. You're playing a game about people shooting each other, if people talk smack to you just talk back, mute, ignore, grow the fuck up.

That's just a caricature of what it was like and it completely discounts emotion. There were certainly death threats and sometimes people even carried them out. Don't try to paint it like the generation was filled with well-adjusted, levelheaded individuals who lived for the spirit of the game, it had its share of bile too.

You're dead moosemeat.

>It's gotten to the point where development on games is slowing down due to the devs having to play police with nasty players who need to be punished
It used to be that devs only cracked down on hacks and other cheating.
There is nothing wrong with bantz. If they want to waste money on this shit, it doesn't matter. Otherwise, they should disable all voice chat.

>We didn't have that in the 90s

Nice lie

Let people vote on other peoples civility so they have a hidden score. You decide for yourself how low the score has to be for it to be blocked.

There, if you want to bantz with everyone, you can. If you want to deafen your filter bubble to all the meanies, you can do that to.

Old Ice was kino. Especially stealth n word songs.

If you think making a thread about "CYBERBULLYING HAS GONE TOO FAR!" on one of the more vitriolic boards on this site, chances here you haven't been here for too long.

The answer is of course to separate the players depending on how they want to play the game in regards to skills, banter etc.

This is solved by itself if players can host their own servers but if devs want to control everything then they either have to try to let likeminded player play with each other or live with the fact that people with different mindsets will clash with each other.

Shut the fuck up dweeb. Stupid cunt like you clearly doesn't know shit about the nineties. Little bitch must have been born yesterday.

>find "ur a fagget" written in a public bathroom
>take it personally, demand for cameras inside toilets as to track whoever would dare spout such harsh defamation

go back to plebbit thx

All of these fucking newfags ITT unironically discussing the OP instead of posting Ice classics

>want to treat your entire playerbase like fucking toddlers
>oh no i have to check the crib
>oh nuuh my development times xddd oh my goooood
just fucking kill yourself jeff

people like this ruin online multiplayer communities.

What did he mean by this?


why are you posting this ratfaced shitter?

>How do you think this problem could be solved?

>newfags this mad
Every time.

This is only a problem in these stupid games that are overly dependent on teamwork built around character playstyles because you can't even mute shitters who shout at everyone over the mic or you get banned for not working as a team ("throwing"). You'll notice this is only an issue in assfaggots and "hero shooters" over traditional FPS games.

Dedicated servers, with admins. Let the community police itself

>calling me a newfag because i can't be assed to care about some rat faced eceleb
fucking end your life

Players have not grown increasingly hostile. They've grown increasingly sensitive.

If you were never called a "nigger" while playing online games 10 years ago, it's because you weren't playing online games 10 years ago.

I can smell the California through this picture. Why does that blight ruin everything?

wow so much this

>hating on ice poseidon
>tells THEM to go back to plebbit

Same pathetic fag who follows fake friend substitutes/online babysitters.
Go back to your fucking subreddit faggot.

>guy who does retarded shit on stream
>baby sitter

Sounds like youre mad like he makes more money than you or something? Do you hate Donald Trump too?

Awwh... baby...

he got cheated on by the 2 girls he tried to date

Next you're going to tell us how you adore h3h3 or some shit.



Just mute them. Better yet don't play with Americans.

what subreddit bro

They have to dance around the issue that what they call "toxic" is mostly third worlders sperging out, be it mexicans, turks or russians.


They cant say "we have to seperate third worlders from real people" because that would be racist so they have to construct some imagined toxicity when it's just lesser races who cant handle the stress games give them.

There's no reason to be unnecessarily nasty online

Prove me wrong

shut the fuck up you nigger faggot

There's no reason to ever taunt after a kill, but it's also fun.

Why does Sup Forums demand that people listen to them use meme arrows in chat and dispense pol memes?

Don't you games to win? Why antagonize your teammates and increase the chances of a loss?

>no constructive reason


People should just leave or grow thicker skin. I've been against censorship ever since games had option to mute the mic.

If you can't handle people making fun of your mom, mic spam, etc. then fuck off. Its a part of the game