Buy Switch on release

>buy Switch on release
>play through BoTW in few weeks
>put the console back to the package for the summer
>start of this month
>buy Mario Kart 8 deluxe
>open the package once again
>like new
>play all 50cc tournaments to 3 stars no problem
>Nintendo Direct happens
>hype for Project Octopath Traveler
>download the demo
>having lots of fun, better than Bravely Default
>wait what's this
>that doesn't sound right
>test HD Rumble again in system settings
>same very loud crackling sound

So how long did it take to your Switch to brake? Is anyone having the same problem? I have heard that some games causee this but this happens in the system setting too.

Other urls found in this thread:

Works on my machine

>Bought the 3 year service plan because of crowbcat's video
I'm ready for anything

Yea, I should have done that too but NONE of my consoles/handhelds have never had any problems. Also this console is like new and still.

I don't even know if this is a common problem when I couldn't find many videos of this on Youtube. Some of them are cause of the Snake game but I have never even played it.

PMed you the fix ;)

Huh I thought it was supposed to sound like that.

My right joycon actually has some pretty bad connection issues. Across the room my left joycon works 95% of the time, the right one probably about 70%. What do I do, boys? Feels like it's not enough for a refund? Do I do a service?

This is the only video that I could find with same sound and its from March. Skip to 1:30

Send them in to Nintendo. They're used to be it by now.

Only issue I had with it is the joycon not working at times. Sent it in and got it back same week. Had a pro thankfully so playing was fine, just couldnt use it on the go in the meantime

I have heard that Nintendo fixes the desync issues for free.

Today I sent email to Nintendo regarding these issues. I'll let you know what they replied.

I've had one occurrence where it would beep when booting while docked, and I'd get no sound afterwards. Haven't ran into it since, but now I'm paranoid of using it docked for extended periods of time.

Off-topic, but since Octopath was in the OP, I'm loving the demo. Great music too.

I put ~400 hours on since July and have had no problems except the occasional crash. I thought the build quality was shit when I got this but I've haven't run into an issue yet.

There is no gameplay of this yet?

Eh, its just like Re;Fantasy then

Are you dense?

There is a demo

How can someone be this retarded?

Jokes on you
I knew there was a demo

Why do people still pretend to be retarded after we made an ms laint comic about it?

Am I really the only one with this problem?
I'm afraid of buying new controllers. Fucking 90€ for Joy Cons. I really enjoy playing Switch in handheld mode. This makes me sad.


>Octopath traveler
I hope that's a working title. I assume it sounds cooler in japanese.

One copy of Project Octopath Traveler(TM) (working title), please.

Not the problem OP had but my joycons can be taken out of handheld mode without pressing the little button on the back. Guess I should've waited a little longer before getting a Switch. Should I just send it in to get fixed?

just take em out or send them in if you still have warranty, its the first thing I took out of my xbox360

rumble is bad for your health anyway, no clue why devs still include this garbage that does nothing for me

Your stuff is probably still under warranty.

Manufacturing QA on the Switch is pretty fucking terrible. Mine had dust under the screen when I got it.

I'm thinking about taking them back to the store, but I don't think that they have available device to test them on or they just say contact Nintendo about your issues. Guess I'll just wait for their response first.

Atleast mine isn't warped. (yet)

And why does it feel like there's something lose inside every game cartridge?

HD Rumble.


Autism makes me start every Mario Kart from the bottom.

I actually just played Mario Kart 8 deluxe without sound and noticed funny sound coming from the HD rumble when picking up a coin. Kinda funny and scary at the same time. D: The same problem is in Mario Kart and BoTW too but much more subtle because the rumble is too more subtle.

Mine is warped/bent

Not sure when it happened, but its pretty upsetting.

You big faggot.

I guess we really are the Project Octopath Traveler(TM) (working title).