>That person who was one of your closest friends, now they have you blocked or don't respond anymore
What's their name?
That person who was one of your closest friends, now they have you blocked or don't respond anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
>that person you went to highschool with that fucking died
all my closest friends, i know irl
not sure what to say, OP
>being underage
It's my fault because I rarely message anyone first
Loneliness makes me feel sick but I can't fix it
>tfw your best friend revealed he was a drumpf supporting Nazi
I still can't believe it, fuck that racist asshole
also pls reply
Me because I fucking hate you. Stop trying to be my friend
besides lonely, how have you been?
How anyone can support that umpa loompa is beyond me
>one of my best friends said that if anyone supported trump they didnt need to be in his life
>never talked about my views with him
>we're still friends
Michael, he just went off the grid. Dropped out of college, removed us all from his friends list and completely lost contact with everyone.
Better than the satanic child killing pedophile bitch
ok i guess
it's just that some days i feel like shit when I have nothing to keep my mind busy
what did you do op? Kind of in the same boat. been a hell of a year
Umpa loompa dopa dee doo
I got a message just for you
Umpa loompa dopa dee dee
You are stupid if you voted for me
same. but I typically have something I should be doing.
are you in higher education right now?
I can't even ask her what went wrong
>What's their name?
Hacker known as Sup Forums.
he problem is you roneryfags never have an excuse or a premise to socialize. You just want to yak at somebody out of the blue, and that's what chicks do. Find something to do, like PLAY A VIDEO GAME for example, invite them (not like some faggoty anime character either like "w-would you like to play a video game with me sempai...") and then don't be making lion faces and talk about your fucking feels and shit all the time
He was in a band, played the drums, and thought he was too cool for us. He got local fame and it went to his head, he stopped hanging around us and went on tour the whole nine yards. Now he's dead from a drug overdose not a year later.
But Sup Forums is my closest friend!
I thought I was close with one person but then they wanted to ERP with me and I declined.
I'm kind of impressed at the long game they were playing because it was months before that happened.
Maybe you shouldn't have been so fucking clingy and annoying all the time, OP.
Literally happening to me right now.
B-But at least I have more time for vidya now right? right?
Sounds like he had a good life then
I dropped out of uni, I hated living in the dorm, couldn't get used to it
moved away and got a job
Good to know that there are people who share the same fate. Hang in there, friends
>voting in a rigged system
I don't have anyone to invite s-senpai x3
>tfw did the opposite and started drifting away and blocking others
Give it a few more months and I'll officially be without a single friend.
I'd play vidya with you if you're over 21, white, not a weeb, and enjoy fps.
He was a retard who lived with his mom. Tried to explain his girlfriend left him because he had no plans on moving out (she told me this personally). He blocked me on steam and I don't live in the same state anymore. Rip. Really liked the guy too.
>lost almost all of your friends in middle school because they thought you were gay because you didn't like girls yet
>no one to play Smash with anymore
I'm 20 and I still don't, at least real ones. Wtf is wrong with me.
I'm the one who blocked all my closest friends. Got tired of just smoking weed and going to movies/malls/drinking being obnoxious. Plus they got annoying but I didn't want to ruin their fun so I just quietly left, only people I talk to from back then are some girls from H.S. that are fuckbuddies. Sounds nice but it's not, I want a loving relationship instead of drunk sex but I hate people. So I play videogames, work, and walk my dog
How does one even make friends as an adult.
As a kid all my friends would just come to me in school. (this stopped around late HS where I was friendless for 3 years)
But as an adult this doesn't happen, nobody at work even wants to talk to me, and I never want to talk to them.
Adam, to ty?
I'm 22 but i'm shy as fuck, not in a cute gay way
fps is my favorite genre tho
You meet the friends of your relatives (that they me
et in school) who introduce you to their friends (that they met in school). It's shit
The fact that you even suggest shy in any sort of cute gay way makes me not want to be friends anymore.
I didn't want it to sound that way user
i'm too quiet to be a good gaming partner
I don't have any relatives my age that I talk to, I have my older brother but he doesn't live near me.
Me too can we be friends? I'm way to scared to use a mic
fug what do you play? I haven't touched my steam games since last month
sorry about that user, was he a close friend of yours?
R6 siege and rocket league
This guy I pretended to be a girl with on Steam several years ago and had to drop contact with because he was going full Sup Forums STILL sends me messages every few months to this day, it's really awkward but they're hopeful in such a way that I can't bring myself to block him.
I don't have r6 and I doubt my pc can even handle it
never played rocket league
>Raiding Hellfire Citadel with my guild in WoW
>One guy suddenly starts talking about Bloodborne and Dark Souls
>I immediately jump on that and we start talking for hours
>This continues for days
>Raid leader literally has to call me out on it and tells me to start taking things more seriously
>Decide fuck it, I buy PSN for the first time ever so we can play Bloodborne and DS3
> We play almost constantly, staying up all night, fighting invaders, dueling each other, and replaying the campaigns
>Best multiplayer ever
>But we do beat the game and there's not much left to do at this point
>Eventually I end up leaving the guild
>We end up growing distant and don't talk as much
>Conversations tend to drag on and don't end naturally
>It's been a while since I've last spoken to him
Am I just a lazy piece of shit who didn't put effort into this? Is it salvageable or should I accept it ran it's course?
>tfw cannot start conversations with strangers
>have no problem talking to people I know
>Never know what to reply or talk about.
>All people delete me as soon as they realize.
>wanting to be friends with some faggot who cares more about politics than his friends
>tfw all my friends are brainwashed libcucks
Least I'm tolerant enough to put up with their beliefs
>that person who blocked you for no reason
>You eventually pushed them to a corner and they spilled why
>They blocked you because thwy werw jealous
>Your a trap and they're a natural weighted woman
The only time my plight ruined one of my best friendships
>best friend moves downtown for his job
>spends his nights after work drinking with his roommates or bar hopping
>never goes online anymore
You're a trap? Wanna be friends? I'll fuck you too
>tfw gf constantly interrupts my play time so I can't play for longer than an hour without feeling the need to quit
ehh, hes normally levelheaded. a lot of people brought out their inner retard this election cycle
This is where I'm at in life.
They never were your friend...just users , so be grateful you got rid of them.
>last school day
>exchange contacts with everyone
>one random girl refuses
>think I misunderstood so ask again
Some people.
>Log into Steam one day
>Almost immediately recieve "hi" from someone
>Literally no clue who that person is or why I added them
>They don't know either
>They say they messaged me cause they saw the login notification and got curious
>Start talking about a few games and real life stuff
>Get bored and burned out pretty fast because I think small talk online is a waste of time unless it's in public like in a Discord server
>Eventually stop replying to that person
>The next few days they send me a message or two per day
>Never reply
>Delete them afterwards
>The next day they send a friend request
Sorry pal, but take a hint.
>closet trump supporter among libfag friends
>"Who did you vote for?"
Probably me, not that I block people but I just drift away so to say. I don't know why but I literally HATE to get closer to people, it's a bit paradox. When I don't know people I'm actually more relaxed and open (not that this means much though, I'm pretty introverted as is) but the more I get to know them and they me the less.. hm comfortable I am around them and I start to get ever more distant. Oh well rambling over, I'm an autist. But yeah, I'm probably one of the people that has been last seen online ~1 year ago or something.
Nah I blocked him, he was talking mad shit behind my back and openly ignoring me to hang out with other people and when those other people got into a argument with him he came crawling back.
Plus I was literally the guys therapist along side one other person.
If you know people like this and still want to try be friends with them even after knowing them since childhood, don't.
They're not the same person and they will drag you down if you don't cut that shit off. I don't know how much money, time and energy I've saved by not staying by those cunts.
im the same user, not sure why we're like this
I personally never got too involved with anyone because the prospect of having to offer emotional support to someone is dreadful.
>Group is going full social jihad on anyone they think might have voted Trump
>Never have to mention anything to them because the concept of a spic voting for Trump doesn't exist in their heads
>I grew up as a Christian, therefore my friends were
>All they played was legos and minecraft, and I also joined in
>I knew them since 2nd or 3rd grade
>3 years later
>I grew out of legos and minecraft, my friends keep playing them
>Suddenly we have nothing to talk about
>We don't even make eye contact
>Some years after
>One of my best friends, Austin, was sitting alone at Church, I decided to greet him
>"Hey Austin, its been a while. Remember me? How have you been?"
>"Sorry, who are you?"
>"I am user from a long time ago. You know, the guy with the *stuff*"
>"I don't remember anyone with that name, but I'm doing good, thank you."
>Some years later, I'm still best friends with a guy named Michael in 2nd or 3rd grade
>Skip over to the current year 2017
>A month ago, my mother invited me for her birthday, and she also invited her friend, the mother of Michael, and the mother also brought her sons including Michael there
>"Okay, I'll be there"
>We meet up
>I'm tired, didn't get much sleep
>I haven't seen Michael in almost a year now
>Try to greet him
>He forgets I exist, keeps talking to his other brother and his cousin
>We were on opposite ends of the table
>I don't bother engaging in conversation anymore because I'm too tired
Is it too late to save our friendship, Sup Forums? He's the last in real life friend I have. I was lucky enough to meet some great people on the internet due to my popularity on a certain website. We talk a lot and voice chat a lot, but I feel like it might be slowly fading.
Hear, hear.
Why not just... mae new real life friends?
>make internet friends
>shoot the shit and hang out in voice calls regularly
>play all kinds of different games with them
>actually met up with them irl multiple times
>closer with them than I ever was with any proper 'irl' friends and they're in the same boat
Living the good life
>People in this thread have the same social issues
>They're too awkward to take initiative and make friends with each other
kill me
Came here to post this
I'd ask if you wanted to play Vidya but I couldn't care less about having more friends
>erica from /r9k/
>all my old friends with benefits
>every friend I made before 2015
>the girl I loved (twice)
It's better to be alone
And not a single reply. Perfect.
Wait i fucked it up
please, we all know what happens
>add someone from Sup Forums
>talk to them once after adding them
>never talk to them or play anything with them again
>either delete them or leave them sitting in your friends list because it would be awkward deleting them
I was the guy who blocked my old friend.
>best friends with guy since middle school
>12th grade comes around and he starts being really edgy but I just deal with it
>he starts smoking weed constantly and is judgmental of everyone who isn't in his group
>college rolls around and he starts doing every drug he can get his hands on and becomes a hippie douche
>quietly remove him from Steam and ignore any texts
>never heard from him again
Looking back I can't even tell if there ever was a person in my life I can call friend, maybe just one or two. But in the end, it doesn't even matter.
god i miss my old online friends but im hesitant make new ones because i feel like i dont click with internet people these days
>either delete them or leave them sitting in your friends list because it would be awkward deleting them
>Not wanting to offend someone you're never interacting with either way
This is why you people don't have friends.
hes a little prick thats being like that on purpose, has mass resentment for you dropping off talking to him, some people are just petty as fuck.
>What's their name?
Me. I cut everyone out about 8 years ago and started over.
i don't befriend oversensitive faggots.
I blocked all my "closest friends" and now i spend less time playing shit games out of obligation.
She just up and refused to speak to me as soon as it was possible for us to arrange to hang out for a few days, not even her mother knows why she did it.
She'll be dragged to see me eventually, I'm both dreading it and looking forward to it.