Daily reminder if you ever summoned in this game for a boss you didn't actually beat the game.
Daily reminder if you ever summoned in this game for a boss you didn't actually beat the game
>play this game ad infinitum since release
>master of sword, spear and magick schools
>win pvp tournaments against people considered high tier by the community
>decide one day to give coop a go since all that mattered until now was gitting gud
>out of fucking nowhere fucking user and his dog
>user slaps the gamepad out of my hands
>calls me a faggot for summoning
>slaps his dick into my face while his dog pisses all over my pc and consoles and valueable figurins from the 80's
>laughs and says nothing personell
>disappersinto the shadows
Every fucking time, how can i make him stop doing this everytime i do something he doesnt aggree with? fucking user man,i swear
>underage cumstain acts gay "ironicly"
What about being summoned for more souls?
>tfw actually beat the game
If you haven't gotten all the covenant rewards you didn't actually beat the game.
And? point of game is hving fun
beating a game is not some fucking aschivement that will improve your life
I summoned for deacons of the deep so fuck you
with 25 faith, 12 int and 14 attunement, you can turn 99% of this game into a joke.
First get 12 Int. It's quickest item to get. The Storyteller's Staff. The poison weapon art on this staff is three times more powerful than regular poison and builds up much faster. Ignoring the fact that you only need 12 int to use the weapon art, and you don't need to level the staff up because the poison is based on percentage of health. Not magic stats.
Next you get 25 Faith, this allows access to two spells. Dohry's Gnawing and Toxic Mist. Both of which shred just about any boss in the game. With the exception of Yhorm, Dragonslayer Armour, Curse-Rotted Greatwood, Wolnir and Midir. As for the 14 attunement, that's only there so you can get two attunment slots for Toxic Mist and Dohry's Gnawing.
If you want to take it a step further and break the game even more, get Pestilent Mercury (mist) and Hidden Body.
Congratulations, even the biggest retard can break the game so bad, bosses can't even touch you and die in seconds.
>summoning for the easiest boss
I wanted to do anri's story. At least I got her sword in the end
>using the cuck's poison build
Can't summon. Pirated.
Using Cheat Engine for early souls levels though.
Oh well thats fine. You didnt say summoning Anri
you can either summon or grind, either way your going to "beat" it eventually.
I guess you could patiently stab, run, stab, every boss if you're autistic and neet.
I didn't say I use it. I'm only mentioning that you'd have to be a retard to summon because you're only making the bosses stronger, when they're already easy. And if you want to summon to get people to do things for you, you might as well go full game breaking abuse and stack up on all those cheap as shit spells and items.
I'm gunna go do that now, just to see how well it works.
>advocating the cuck's poison build
Summoning is even worse.
>me Sup Forums
>u reddit
Dark Souls and Zelda are the two biggest redditor franchises, u both reddit
But I like my abyss watcher rumble house
I love Soulsfags. They're so desperate to make their game seem uber hardcore, so they make up all sorts of rules on how you should "properly" beat the game.
>don't summon!
>don't use magic!
>don't use shields!
>don't level up too much!
>don't use this or that OP gear!
>don't read online soapstone signs for help!
>don't grind for souls!
Soulsfags are so easy to offend.
A simply quality build is easy enough. At lower levels, 50-80, I run with 27 Strength and 40 Dex. 27 Strength when two handing is 40 strength.
I use Lothric Knight Straight Sword with Sharp. Black Knight Sword for Demons. Wolf Knight Greatsword for Abyssal Enemies. Hollowslayer for Hollows. Gaels Greatsword for scrub stomping in invasion, though I switch between all of them.
Lothric Knight Shield because it's the highest stability parrying shield with 100% physical protection and high lightning protection, which turns the new OP as fuck Lightning Spells in to trash.
A Heavy Crossbow with Heavy Bolts and Explosive Bolts. And hard swap to Millwood Greatbow for potshots.
I don't think I've died more than three times. Once on Gael, once on Midir and once when testing how much stamina damage the archers in the DLC did.
And I haven't lost an invasion in about three weeks.
Feels good not being a scrub.
>If you use a core mechanic of the game you didn't beat the game
Recently started this and just been running around as a caveman since i found that first big club been pretty fun
>should I use the already existing DS3 thread to bring this topic into discussion? nah
Today OP was a faggot
>recently started this
Enjoy fucking up every single fucking quest in the game and missing out on a bunch of items.
Cant tell if bait or retarded.
>I guess you could patiently stab, run, stab, every boss if you're autistic and neet.
That's literally how you deal with every boss.
you're playing the game correctly, all you need to do now is find the bigger club and then you're set
>died like three time
>feels good not being a scrub
If it's a boss I already beat on my own or if I think I'll get something out of summoning an NPC for the fight I will.
>beat game solo two times
>summon with a friend on the third playthrough for fun
Aw shucks, guess I never beat the game after all
No, you just missed the point OP was making.
summoning is a literal easy mode the devs put in for scrubs.
Well, summoning is a mechanic that the developers put into the game and expected me to use. So I use it. Having friends makes the game more fun!
>tfw always targeting sunlight faggots and npc summons for anyone getting ready to fight Pontiff
Daily reminder that no one cares besides you and a few other autists. The rest play the game how we want to play it
Got the end credits without cheating/exploiting so I beat the game
Sorry senpai
It's true, though. Summoning for anything is like let somebody else play the game for you.
Perstillent Mercury won't work on half of the bosses because of how fast they move.
I will say it's extremely helpful for the Twin Princes fight though
>First play through, beat all the bosses solo. Very hard, but very rewarding feel
>New game +. I just summon people all the time and basically speedrun through the game
I'm on new game ++ right now and I'm addicted. The PVP is so fun. I just want to keep leveling up my character and making him strong. I'm level 156 right now.
>tfw platinumed the game without using shields
Did I beat it yet?
Sorry to disappoint you user, you haven't.
You need to be SL1, fight only with bare fists, wear no armor at all, use no rings, no summons, no shields, no items and you need to use a controller with a busted R1. Only then can you say you have beaten the game.
I'm level 223 and on new game ++++.
People don't kill me in multiplayer. My health is so high that even if they get back stabs with a ultra heavy weapon it barely brains my health a 1/4
Do you play on PC? I wouldn't be surprised of I fought you before. I'm not sure how many level 200+ there are, but I faced one guy whos life bar BARELY drained, and I was hitting him with an upgraded ultra sword.
Don't forget that bows, parrying, and not going in completely blind are a big no-no too.