How can it be topped?
How can it be topped?
Free roam multiplayer..
fuck you
More weapons in base game
PvP more Luke DaS 2
Dark Souls 1 is the Bloodborne of Dark Souls
Bloodborne 2.
holy shit user you have no idea how fucking activated my almonds are
Already did with Dark Souls 1. It was a good game but the biggest problems I had was the bosses sans old hunters dlc and the lack of variety in the colour palette, both of which were improved in Dark Souls 3. Not sure if I'd rank DS3 higher than BB though so for now I think they're roughly level.
Honestly everything starting with Yarghul ruined the game for me. No real exploring, just a hallway with OP enemies. Turned it from a 10 into an 8
This. The bosses in the base game are woeful save for a few. Chalices may not be everyone's cup of tea, but better ones would be nice since they were a good way to get more of the combat and actually have it continue to be challenging and sort-of fresh.
Too often in DeS,DS, and DS2 I'd just start steamrolling everything on consecutive ng+s since i knew exactly how to deal with it all
with a proper sequel to DkS1.
It was topped by multiple games the same year
with proper combat
a solid 30 fps
It can't. I'm not even trying to be a Sony faggot but seriously, it's amazing. Saved gaming for me. PS4 is still shit but this is the first time in my life I've ever believed that there's a game worth buying a whole system for.
Is this even a question?
HD remaster at 60fps and better load times
This. Dark Souls 3 is literally just Bloodborne updated reworked into Dark Souls 3 design. Everything you can do in Bloodborne, you can do in Dark Souls only more. More options, more class variety, more weapons, better online, bigger world.
The true red pill is realizing Bloodborne is actually the weakest in the Souls saga
>least amount of class variety
>you are limited to heavy and fast weapons
>world reuses many things from Dark Souls 1 and 2
>Game isn't nearly as hard. It plays incredibly fast and it takes 0.5 seconds to heal
>Game isn't worth more than 1 play through, where tons of people, myself included, are already on new game ++ on Dark Souls 3
>he didn't do a melee playthrough first then a arcane one
Worth playing through again just for augur and a call beyond fun.
But yar har gul gets infinetly easier in subsequent playthroughs.
I blast through it quick and easy these days and the areas after first 3 chime maidens are great.
>Everything you can do in Bloodborne, you can do in Dark Souls
Yeah, no.
>only more
You already can't do everything you can in Bloodborne.
Just because Dark has objectvely more options in regards to playstyles and builds, it's still not offering something akin to Bloodborne no matter how you slice it.
I went to NG+3 on DS3 and deleted it from my HD, meanwhile I finished Bloodborne 11 times since launch
It's not really hard but it's just tedious (respawning enemies, 1 shot enemies, nothing to explore). I just run through it.
>Beast customization
>Better covenants
>More outfit drops early game
>Better lategame drops for chunks
>Chalice dungeons that actually look different from each other and don't hilariously imbalance the base game
>Fully open-world base game
>Lantern placing
>Allowing them to be warped between
Overall, connect the early game and lategame together better in terms of progression, and make the game a tad bigger.
I can't hunt beasts with high insight for the League.
Third Person Skyrim
You tell us. You're the expert on being topped.
Scifi souls with atmosphere of picture, Dark Souls 3 quality boss fights, Bloodborne combat and Dark Souls 1 level design.
So something that will never happen.
Yeah and then the dlc brought it from an 8 to a 10mil
Who in the fuck thought these fucking spiders were a good idea?
>seek you out no matter where you are in the dungeon
>fast as fuck
>multiples at a time
>do crazy fucking damage
What's that? You have 50 Vit? No problem senpai, I'll still 2-shot you when you're fighting a werewolf 20 rooms away from mine.
If that's true then Dark Souls 3 is Dark Souls of Soulsborne
This meme can't die fast enough. Hopefully Code Vein kills it for good.
>Fallout 4 wins more awards than Bloodborne
I fucking hate games journalists.
>Code Vein
What are you on? Code Vein is modern day post apocalyptic trash, made by hacks that have no talent other than cloning the current other popular titles, throwing anime into them and turning them into shit.
> make it actually challenging
> make it not painfully linear
> have a story
> have music
> have fun gameplay
> make it longer than 3 hours to complete the game
> make weapon choices have any actual effect on game
> make the environment less dull and miserable
> remove the ability to have 2 other people to do anything remotely difficult for you
I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.
>3 hours
>to do the main game and chalice dungeons up to and including Queen Yharnam
A bit too much hyperbole there.
It's still trash
Pic related.
Removed original pic after being banned 20+ times for talking about Bloodborne in Bloodborne threads, inexplicably.
I ran through NG+ in 3 hours. The record is considerably less than that.
> make it actually challenging
No souls games are when you get the hand of them.
> make it not painfully linear
It's not.
> have a story
It has a better story than any souls game.
>have fun gameplay
It has amazing gameplay.
>make it longer than 3 hours
It is.
>make weapon choices have any actual effect on the game
It depends on what you mean by this, but if you're talking about gameplay then they do.
>make the environment less dull and miserable
That's the point of the setting, though.
>remove the ability to have 2 other people do anything remotely difficult for you
That's why its optional.
I know this is bait, but I took it anyways.
This whole post reeks of bait. I'm not even going to bother.
>moving the goalposts
Any game can be done in a few hours on new game plus and/or when speedrunning it. Your first playthrough was not 3 hours or anywhere near it and you know it.
>Dark Souls 3 quality boss fights
>flailing knights that all play the same
>vs. Bloodborne's limb damage system that staggers bosses quickly and players can discover simply from instinctive play rather than trial and error
>implying Dragonslayer Armour, Champion Gundyr, Twin Princes, Abyss Watchers, etc all play the same because they're humanoid.
By that logic Orphan, Maria and Logarius are the same and iirc there's no limb damage involved in any of those fights either.
I love this atmosphere, this game gave me huge Innistrad vibes. Which is great because Innistrad is the best plane. Good ol doom and gloom vic horror. Just need a game with a phyrexian infected mirrodin now.
>He thinks souls games are supposed to be challenging
Nobody plays these piss easy games for difficulty, it's for the combat and immersion
By playing this.
Not bait at all.
Lore =/= story
The only music is boss music, 99% of the game is played in silence
The combat is hack n slash bullshit that you'd find in games many years ago - the comparison to Zelda OoT is actually hilarious.
Weapon choices is immaterial, as is armour choice.
I ran through NG+ in 3 hours, record is much less.
Having the option to summon 2 people destroys any element of challenge; akin to playing a sports game but having the option to press one button to score 100% of the time. The fact it's there is the problem.
It is the most linear game released on this generation, you run through corridors hammering R1, set to the backdrop of shit SFX, no music, you're pestered with pretentious dialogue that tries far too hard to be edgy, all the while collecting items that you can easily just purchase.
The game is only popular because millennials think it makes them a hardcore gamer by playing it, when it's actually fundamentally a very easy game to play.
I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.
Will be very difficult. I wish it had a undead arena like DaS3
I played like 150 hours pvp fucking great
I love that game. Srsly it´s fantastic but I really like the movement system in Bloodborne. If it had the same movement system, that would have been rad
>not blame souls
>not desert souls
>not vampire hunter d souls/borne
By what logic? I never said what makes them play the same, only that they do.
>Orphan, Maria, and Logarius
All completely different fights without even using the limb damage system. Great examples.
But Champ and Twin Princes were the only ones that stood out from the pack and the latter was far less enjoyable because teleporting is a shit mechanic in any boss fight in principle alone.
Abyss Wacthers was good but it didn't feel largely different from the other two bosses in the area (Crystal Sage and Deacons) even though it did a lot to feel different. All three were giant meat grinders were you stagger the boss for 10 minutes.
>The only music is boss music, 99% of the game is played in silence
>whole game is 3 hours
>beat all bosses in 1 min, 48 sec
Picture is Blame! you twat.
You don't need to beat all bosses to complete the game.
Personally I did, I platinumed the whole game in 10 days never having played a Souls game before and went in blind.
There's a Bandai Namco sale on Steam.
Can anyone explain to me why those fuckers consistently refuse to put DS1 on sale? I've never payed full price for a digital game and I'm not planning to.
>I platinumed the whole game in 10 days
Oh it's THIS autist. I should have known.
Man how far up there are you to pull shit like this out of your ass?
DS1 has been on sale for $5 several times.
3 hours = 180 minutes
180 * 0.01 = 1.8 minutes
That's the 1% of the game that has bosses and music according to that lying retard.
By having 1080p@6-fps
Best $5 I ever spent on a game tbqhwy. I played Bloodborne first but DS1 is also now one of my GOATs.
>better fps 1080p
>complete fully realised areas
>better aesthetics
>chalice dungeons scrapped for a few full zones possibly as new dlc
>many more weapons
It wasn't discounted on summer sale and isn't now either.
>more weapons
Wow, 30 variations of a sword with the same useless weapon art.
Bloodborne is literally the poster child for quality > quantity. It has the best armor and weapons in the franchise.
>All these people that didn't get DS1 when it was sold for 5 rubles
lmaoing @ ur life
Agreed. DS3's variety LOOKS exciting and awesome until you start using them.
Clearly it was an exaggeration. The concept of 99% is a common expression in English.
No I got that at the time that I posted that reply but my point was to put his 3 hours shit into perspective. Even adjusting that math significantly, it doesn't work out very well.
Honestly too many weapons in DS3 follow the "generic moveset, unique weapon art" formula and then the weapon art turns out to be trash
Holy shit, you're a fucking loser for trying so hard.
Why don't you just tell us the real reason you dislike Bloodborne (even though you apparently liked it enough to platinum it).
>I dislike what everyone else likes
The classic Sup Forumsirgin mindset.
> his
You're talking to me.
The vast majority of the game is played in silence (bar the bullshit sound effects). There, I've adjusted it for you, you pedant.
Yeah if they'd put individual effort and care into each one it would have made for basically the best weapon set ever offered in a game but I get that that would have been incredibly time consuming and therefore expensive. Thus, the quality > quantity.
I heard that you can unlock extra game content, including an all-original score, if you pay Bloodborne in a running vehicle enclosed in a garage.
You should try it.
To summarise:
It was easy, I can't play games with no challenge.
There was no story to keep me interested.
There was no music to help set an atmosphere.
There was no element of exploration because of how painfully linear it was.
The combat and gameplay was basic and shit.
The multiplayer was laughable.
You were gifted the option of summoning 2 people to help you at any time, removing any semblance of reward or challenge.
The dialogue was pretentious.
The game was bad, it's only lauded because you people think you're a hardcore gamer for playing it and through association see everything through Rose tinted glasses.
I guess I deserve this label but I'm picking at the 3 hours much more than the 99% man. Most everyone who beat Bloodborne put a lot of time into it, and most of them seem to have considered it a masterpiece. You're entitled to complain about things that are objectively true or things that are simply matters of opinion. Bloodborne being a super short game is neither.
user, stop.
That is the "I platinumed BB in 10 days" fag
No thanks, I could barely handle the tedium of getting the platinum, I only did so to firmly silence the GIT GUD NUB HARDCORE GAYMAZ ONLEE LOLZZ KEK
Bloodborne is basically perfect. The only thing that it needed was Dark Souls 2 style NG+ which would have some changed enemy spawns or something.
Oh, and being able to actually marry Annalise.
It's a very short game. I platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before and went in blind. I did NG+ in 3 hours because I had to for the platinum.
Y*u don't deserve replies
It already was
Less magic shit.
>Abyss Wacthers was good but it didn't feel largely different from the other two bosses in the area (Crystal Sage and Deacons)
dude what the fuck
neither were similar in the least and I have seriously no fucking clue as to how you think they're similar
I also think some bosses felt too similar to each other, but those three?
>it's that 10 days aspie again
You probably didn't like the game, because you cheated and have sub 80IQ judging by the fact that you're too retarded to make a screenshot with a PS4 lmao.
One of the worst games I've ever bought and I regret falling into the hype and getting it on day one. Thankfully I got it for my PS4 instead ofPC so I could trade it in when I bought Nioh which was an infinitely better game. The earlygame is decent but the later portions with 9S are some hot garbage and they recycle bosses way too much. If everything in the game was on par with the tutorial and the first 20% of the game or so it would've been absolutely great. As it is, it's a 20$ bargain bin or Steam sale purchase, not worth full asking price.
How do I git gud, I'm abysmal as fuck at this game
Practice is all I can really say. This was me when I started and I almost gave up on it. I'm really fucking glad I didn't, though. How far in are you?
9/10 times it's a patience thing.
You just have to overcome the urge to keep hacking and slashing and back off after a few hits.
It's not the same guy, it's just shitposting pasta at this point. Report it and let the mods take care of it.
Not much more to it except learn to control your spacing and your weapons' movesets. Unlike people say, being a spastic R1 mashing retard is not the optimal way to play the game, just because you can be aggressive doesn't mean you have to try and zip around everywhere all the time. I'd recommend getting the saw cleaver, it's the straight sword of bloodborne and an easy to use weapon for newbies.