Call of Duty single player. Anyone else really enjoy the campaigns of these games? Which one is your favorite...

Call of Duty single player. Anyone else really enjoy the campaigns of these games? Which one is your favorite? Least favorite?

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About the only part of them that's enjoyable.

Still the single best COD mission. I remember hating it trying to finish on veteran though

overrated and boring on repeated playthroughs
>let's just follow the AI slowly through scripted sequences throughout the WHOLE LEVEL
killed modern FPS

This mission is overrated. The first half is so boring and slow it is stupid as fuck.

Modern warfare trilogy was pretty fun

>The first half is so boring and slow it is stupid as fuck.

i think mile high club is the best, but thank god i'm not an adhd retard like you are.

they're a guilty pleasure for me, i don't give a shit about the multiplayer but i enjoy the singleplayer, i'm actually playing advanced warfare right now
i haven't finished AW or played IW, ghosts or MW3 yet but black ops 1 & 2 probably have my favorite campaigns

Treyarch at this point is the only ones who know what they're doing.
A friend of mine gave me a Key for Black Ops 2 for free and that was hands down my favorite campaign. I was reluctant at first because I was also a massive Battlefield fan and love the multiplayer and series in general more than COD but I had more fun with BO2 than I did with BF3.

I just found Black Ops 3 in a bargain bin the other day for $9 so hopefully it's as good as BO2 was

black ops 1 and waw are pretty much the only cowadoodies I care about

Black ops 3 had an awful campaign, it was literally too deep for you garbage
It sucked

How's the campaign in the space one? Haven't played one since mw3

IW is a new direction for cod campaigns, it's not like the others

modern warfare 1 and black ops 1 followed by ww2 ones. love them all though but the last I played was advanced warfare. should pick up the rest when I get the time

I played like 30 hours of cod4 mp but otherwise never touched the multiplayer aspect

No, they're completely throwaway and forgettable.

I always complete the single player before playing the multiplayer.
I generally enjoy all of them, but Ghosts was really short and pretty underwhelming.
Last one I played was Advanced Warfare, and since then I haven't had the ugle to play any of them... plus it annoys me that they bring out a new one almost every year.

did you play Black Ops 1?
This shit was way too good for a CoD game, story fucked me up really hard

3 words

They were fun the first coiple times I played them while I was still fooled by the epic setpieces. But then I played more of em and realized how fucking scripted everything is and how the game will straight up break if you don't do what it wants to do. That and the parts that don't play themselves are just boring peekaboo shootouts that haven't changed since the second one.

This. Michael Bayesque but more Bad Boys and less Transformers. Beautiful set pieces. MW2 was the best.

Classics are great.
COD4 and WaW was great.
MW2 was good.
MW3 is okay.
Black Ops 1 and 2 were godly.

Black Ops 3 is fun to play through, but the story is way too obtuse and not even in a fun way.
Everything else isn't worth writing home about.

The modern warefare line is excellent through and through. Black ops 1 is kino. Everything after that is boring and clearly they've settled into a routine formula except it doesn't have the same spark as the other games did.

The robot dude from Infinite however, will always be a bro. He's up there with The best.

Just a shame he was pretty underwhelming as a villain.

How are the solo campaigns for Bf games?

the whole point is its just an on rails setpiece themepark attraction, you're supposed to just play along with the scripted shit
i used to hate them for it too but now that i'm catching up on the ones i ignored i feel like you should just play along with the game, it's a stupid action ride not a sandbox

Quite literally CIA funded propaganda. CoD could have ditched the single player portion years ago.

cod Rhodesia when

It's a boring action ride once you realize all the cool parts are just cutscenes and you could have just watched a regular movie instead of mashing all these buttons

Test post

3 is notoriously shit
The others are meh

I liked the Bad Company campaigns for what they were, BF3 not so much, BF4 was just bland. That said I did kind of liked Hardline and 1's campaign.

4 is easily the worst
reeeeaaaaally fucking short and tries to be CoD way too much with multitude of scripted bullshit, but even the worst CoD is better that this bullshit, plus the fact you get a token nigger and chink woman in your squad
seriously, fuck BF4

Mile high club is a based mission. Just because I don't like a slow, scripted mission with no player options doesn't make me an adhd retard.


And yet millions will rather play a cod campaign than watch this hypothetical movie you're talking about
Great argument man

All the modern warfares and Blops 1 was fun. Blops 2 was fucking garbage in both campaign and multiplayer and everything past it is cancer.

WWII looks like it'll be cool though

As much as I like CoD games before MW2, Black Ops and Black Ops 2 80s levels are goat.

Great time period for weapons and stuff. WW2 has been overdone, modern warfare is played to death and the future stuff always ends up cliché as fuck.

>Just because I don't like a slow, scripted mission with no player options doesn't make me an adhd retard.

>no player options
>can choose to kill enemies or ghost them
>complete player agency in evading line formation in the field

>thinks OPERATING is all about high speed low drag gunfights

>everything in CoD games is scripted

literally the definition of adhd. remove yourself form the gene pool, and maybe devs can can start making better games.

>really liked TF141 campaign from mw2 the first time playing it
>years later think Rangers campaign is the most kino of them all
this cutscene and the level still give me chills

there's actually clear difference from what I've seen in CoD campaign from MW3 onwards especially ones that developed by Sledgehammer

for example in MW1 and 2, the campaign is pure linear gameplay from start to the end of a chapter except maybe one or two
in MW3, there is always a cutscene in every fucking corner

I liked 3's ending.
I liked Hardline because it didn't seem to take itself too serious

>it's good because it's popular


COD 2 : Big Red One

>Walking simulator that's ends on a no-failure cinematic interaction
Fuck that level

Most of the dude bros who buy CoD don't ever touch the campaign

This entirely. 10/10 taste

I really liked the campaign in CoD2.

Console children please leave

I enjoy them.
Though I think it's very weird that we have seen NOTHING of WWIIs singleplayer yet. Usually they would have shown something by now.

You got a source on this homo? Because most people do and some will not play MP and just stick to the campaign
But yea most play both of course

Because he's a shitty actor in a popular tv show, what did you expect?

Millennials: The Mission

>most people do
Got a source on that?

It's honestly great. Multiplayer was also lots of fun, like UO with CoD2 controls, to the point it even shared some maps with UO.

t. PCfag

What's good about it? The last "modern" CoD I played was 4, and I only ever played the campaigns.

You made the claim first

Modern Warfare series is great
Black Ops series is pretty good
xxx Warfare scifi shit is cool as hell, but the games fall flat both in story and gameplay

My overall favourite: MW1

The single player for that shit was fucking terrible. First CoD to introduce the jump jets and shit and what do you do? Walk in a straight line through every level shooting cardboard cutouts that are barely a threat and just kinda wait for you to pop them in the head on the hardest difficulty.

Should have been jumping from roof to roof on skyscrapers fighting off a Hind with a railgun or some shit but they seriously do not give a fuck with these games because they can piss in a jar and it'll still sell millions.

So it's just a worse version of uo multiplayer. Sounds like shit.

BC2 is OK, BF3, 4, and BF1 are meh. You're not missing out on anything if you don't play them.

cod 2 campaign was pure cykakino

How so?

Just check out the completion rate of the campaign achievements/trophies on any CoD my man

No, its fucking mind numbing. I play FPS games for gameplay, the weakest aspect of these games is the shooting. In a fucking first person shooter. So to compensate they use all their resources to funnel the same boring gameplay through new exciting locations but its just a visual change. New gameplay additions amount to scripted shit or "press button and thing happens" no mechanical depth whatsoever. If the games were all shooting everyone would agree its shit, so they use setpieces and other non interactive shit like walking really slow to pace the awful combat.

>Cod 2 controls
>On a console

My nigga.

That's low for all games retard

>complaining about CoD2 controls on a console
>when CoD2 was made for a console
Are you retarded or are you denying history?

Don't forget how mw1 had a campaign whose level design amounted to
>Run forward to stop infinite enemies from spawning
Retardation. It completely destroys any sense of player agency or accomplishment. It's actually an on rails shooter
>Cod 2 was made for consoles
That's why I'm complaining about it, dip shit. The controls are garbage.

Woah so you telling me that nobody plays the campaign RIGHT?

Depends, they're all over the place.

BC1 and 2 don't take themselves too seriously since the squad you're playing as crack jokes and bicker like children regularly and were conscripted for reasons that do not amount to 'I wanted to serve'. a little light hearted, basically.

BF3 and 4 look like they're trying to get into CoDs way of telling a story with straight faced seriousness and destruction, but they're not nearly as exhilarating or interesting as CoD. really the only reason to play 4s campaign was because of the 3 weapons you can unlock in multiplayer depending on what ending you go for.

BF1s story is considered the best by some, but irredeemably short since the War Stories vary from tragic to adventurous depending who you play as. Just about everyone who cares about the single player will tell you that the prologue mission sets up false expectations for what the rest of the game will be like

>That's why I'm complaining about it, dip shit. The controls are garbage.
These are standards for console shooters.

Just because X amount of people didn't play it doesn't mean millions didn't
Use your head a bit

I stopped caring about CoD with the release of Black Ops and only recently caught up with some of the later games. From all the titles that I played, Advanced and Infinite Warfare had the best campaigns imho. BLOPSIII campaign seemed neutered for the sake of co-op. Ghosts was shit,

Hi me

Played through the entire Black Ops campaign baked out of my gourd. Holy fuck it was so intense going through vietnam in those tunnels and shit.

Favorite campaign: Advanced Warfare
Least favorite: CoD3

World at war is so amazing and memorable



Yes. But last game's campaign was really lackluster.

This scene was so ridiculously stupid I loved every second of it.

>We do not fight. We attack!

Still one of the best missions in a COD campaign.

cod1-2 - didnt age well
cod:uo - aged somewhat better
cod:mw - super comfy singleplayer, multiplayer still very populated
cod:mw2 - michael bay jason bourne sim singleplayer, fun multiplayer
cod:mw3 - shit singleplayer, shit multiplayer with worst map design in series
cod:bo - fun singleplayer with cool plot that's not really fitting to dude turn off your brain lmao gameplay, okay multiplayer
cod:bo2 - retarded disjointed singleplayer, dont know why everyone liked it, bad RTS segments for no reason, multiplayer is a strange mix between cod and unreal tournament that I didn't like
cod:bo3 - same shit as cod:bo2
cod:aw - great singleplayer, never played multiplayer (pirated)
cod:iw - didn't even finish pirated singleplayer, it's shit, plot feels worse than ever, instead of over the top shit it's typical hollywood sci-fi garbage, down to edgy villains who have no motivations whatsoever and quippy sidekick characters

i just want a game with all mw1-3 maps and weapons with good balance, why can't they get their shit together, fuck

This thread is the perfect place to ask a question that's been bothering me for a little while.

I've stopped playing CoD games at Black Ops 1. That was the last one, I have no idea about any of the other ones, but lately I've had a bit of a craving for a wild ride single player experience. Which of the CoD games after Black Ops have good single player campaigns? Or, rather, if I were to pick two or three of them to play through on the highest available difficulty, which ones would be best? Keep in mind I don't really give a shit about multiplayer CoD at all anymore.

i really enjoyed advanced warfare campaign user, mw1 remaster is worth a pirate if you liked the original

Black Ops 2, I tells the story of the main villian through the eyes of the Mason family

>cod1-2 - didnt age well

That's when you know you can disregard the rest of the post.

second line is when I stopped reading
1 and united offensive are pretty damn great on the hardest difficulty since you've got no health packs at all and have yo make you do with the health you started with

Pretty much what I did.

they all last about four fucking hours, kid.

Is the MW1 remaster campaign any different from the original MW1, or is it the same?

So Black Ops 2 and Advanced Warfare, got it.

On a note related to my original post, what are the best games that deliver on the "wild ride" single player experience that have come out within the last few (say 4-5) years? I've resigned from scripted single player campaign games for this period to play muh grand strat and general nerd games and haven't been following the scene at all. The games don't have to be restricted to a specific genre, I just want some dope action-packed engaging storytelling and gameplay.

I enjoy the atmosphere but that's about it. Gameplay is full of cod problems that were somewhat fixed in later games. I enjoyed cod2 multiplayer but that's about it, I found both cod1 and cod2 to be very forgettable, maybe I just liked medal of honor more. There were so many ww2 and vietnam games at the time that I didn't really care about cod games to be honest. UO seemed more like a modern CoD game rather than CoD2. Never played big red one or 3

>yfw you remember absolutely nobody questioning Russians just casually parking their whole fucking fleet in the goddamn upper bay

I've heard good things about titanfall 2 campaign, never played it myself. Doom 2016 is pretty good. Didn't notice any differences in MW1 remaster, it felt very challenging

it was the other one that was a bitch
the one with the ferris wheel

2 and 4 are pretty much the same game in different settings.

I play the campaigns on veteran first (and only) time through. With the high weapon damage and the cheesey MURICA written it can get ones blood flowing.

MW3's campaign was such a blur to me that I don't remember much aside from Soap dying and rescuing the Russian President's daughter or something. But real for the russians wouldn't be able to get halfway across the Atlantic without Britain and US gearing up for war.

How the fuck did they sneak their entire Navy over here?