Bought this today
Can someone please explain to me what a god damn monstrosity of a game this is and what exactly went wrong with such an amazing concept
Bought this today
Can someone please explain to me what a god damn monstrosity of a game this is and what exactly went wrong with such an amazing concept
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nothing, it's a good game. Great OST
Battlefront is worse
its pretty decent if you're good at it
EA ruins every company it comes into contact with
>Amazing concept
Reevaluate your mental health first
It feels like the game would be better as a WW2 game. I assume its at least gotten better than at launch though.
You just suck at it, don't you?
>we need diversity but WWI wasn't diverse enough so alternate universe lol
It's slowly becoming decent. This is probably the best time to pick it up.
The last half a year was a waste of time.
You bought a DICE game
It's a good battlefield game. Why did you buy it if you don't like Battlefield games?
Dice Sweden. Dice LA are the good team now. LA was the shitty B team for the longest time, but they are the only reason the netcode in bf3 and bf4 was actually fixed.
Dice Sweden is full of fucking incompetent retards now.
Couldnt they have gone with a WW2 and Vietnam game if they wanted diversity then? Or why not a Korean War game?
Its hard to believe not too long ago DICE LA made the Medal of Honor reboots.
>Dice LA are the good team now.
yeah im not so sure, ill give them credit for massively improving BF4 (they had nothing to do with BF3)
but they're the ones responsible for Medal of Honor Warfighter, and they ignored most feedback when it comes to BF1 CTE
making a game from the ground up is different than improving an existing one
I think it's all the extra shit. Hard to describe but today's games, especially FPS, have a million hints, tools, assists, and markers on the screen. You don't just play, you're in a neverending tutorial of some kind. It just feels wrong
it's fun but the racist assholes here spamming "WE" ruin it
Why does now make a difference? The dlcs aren't free
>Couldnt they have gone with a WW2 and Vietnam game if they wanted diversity then? Or why not a Korean War game?
>expecting liberals to know fucking ANYTHING about history
Listen here chicken fucker Hitler was bad because the book said so and that's all there is to it ya hear?
Its a good game, def best BF since BC2, the fuck are u talking about?
BF1 an ok game with great atmosphere but the UI is awful, both the HUD and especially the menus. There is massive latency when pressing any button in a menu and you frequently see wrong selections displayed when servers are busy.
The netcode is fairly decent but you can not host your own servers and only rent them through EA, which for EU only allows you a choice between two datacenters, both of which are not enough to cover the region. You will frequently play with people who have a ping of 150-200 because they have to play on servers too far away from them.
The unlock progression is incredibly stupid this time around. You unlock "guns" thare just the same gun with a different attachment, most of them useless for the role of the weapon to begin with. Funnily enough there is a customization menu with crosshairs, bayonett option, zoom factor and recoil direction but instead of just adding the attatchments there they decided to make them appear like unlockable guns to give you the illusion of content. It feels like shit, it plays like shit and there are incredibly few interesting tools to use. Compared to BF4, which was a wonderland of quirky attachments and gadets to unlock and use, it's a significant step backwards.
Then there are issues with vehicle balance and map design but every Battlefield has those so I guess you knew what you were getting into anyways.
The game also has unresolved bugs and exploits since the beta. They are not interested in updating it and I doubt any software engineer is even touching it at this point, only a few designers scripting new content are left and they aren't doing a good job.
Just as warning: The DLC maps are far worse than the default ones. The visual composition, texture quality in certain places and flow of combat are sub-par to the ones you get with the base game. Do not waste money on the DLC or season pass. Obviously they locked guns behind DLC but they aren't that great except for two or so.
You can turn off/set to low opacity all the additional crap. I do that, since those things make it harder to see the enemy. It was a nightmare in BF3 when they didnt have these settings and your screen was literally cluttered with objective markers on the other side of the map.
But it seems to be ingrained in the gameplay itself. It's not just crap on the screen, everything is dumbed down and made easier. Feels like a lot of these games play themselves
>Just as warning: The DLC maps are far worse than the default ones. The visual composition, texture quality in certain places and flow of combat are sub-par to the ones you get with the base game. Do not waste money on the DLC or season pass.
You high or something? DLC maps are great, especially the new one. They play more like a Red Orchestra with more of a frontline present, and it finally feels more like WW1 instead of CoD on a big map.
I can already imagine what you look like IRL are you female too?
Not sure what do you mean then. The gameplay flow is great for me and interactions with the environment and vehicles feel smooth. What exactly is "dumbed down"?
How does the price matter? When discussing BF1 quality we're talking about the entirety of available content, not just the base game, which is like half of the actual game now.
Because the vanilla version of Battlefield 1, much like most modern games, was released incomplete, full of bugs that got patched out over the next couple months. There were also balance patches, but I don't really know whether they hurt or helped.
Don't get me wrong--there are still bugs. But they're rare and mostly cosmetic.
take your racism somewhere else fag
>mad about racism
>calls him a fag
Like pottery the left really is mentally challenged
I'm interested in buying TSNP just for the St. Chamond tank and the trench raider kit. Are any of the maps included at least decent?
So you are a fat female IRL then right?
Learn to read.
So they've added extra maps for free now?
Not when you play against good players. The maps are incredibly easy to break as you can blind-throw grenades like in CoD and get guaranteed kills due to the limited shooting corridors making it necessary to fight in certain spots. There is also far less opportunity to make use of terrain and destruction in meaningful ways, which is the only real thing BF1 did far better than previous BF games.
>So they've added extra maps for free now?
I didn't say anything about additional content. I was only talking about the bugs and balance patches. Work on your reading comprehension.
... But, now that you mention it, there was one additional map that was patched into the game, Giant's Shadow, and it's pretty fun.
>amazing concept
>World War I
>The United States entered the war because of the Germans' decision to resume the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, and the so-called "Zimmerman telegram," intercepted by the British, in which Germany floated the idea of an alliance with Mexico. ... They abandoned it in the face of US pressure earlier in the war.
If we hadn't won that war, Mexico might have been habitable.
I liked the first new Medal of Honour
I wasn't being sarcastic. It was a serious question.
I didn't detect a hint of sarcasm in your post. You're just really bad at interpreting the words of other people.
It's pretty fun user, don't know what you're mad about.
>So they've added extra maps for free now?
Just to chime in here - there was one free map called Giant's Shadow they gave out for free. It's one where you fight around a crashed airship. All other maps that weren't available on release are DLC purchases.
The next patch is going to fuck up the TTK in this game.
Battlefront looks better and weapons actually shoot straight.
BF1 is even more casualized than Battlefront.
Well you clearly misinterpreted it some way because you totally ignored my question to start off with. Either you don't know how to communicate to people or you're a retard. Don't lie you faggot.
stop responding to me thanks
I honestly really hope you die i wish death to come upon you any stupid fat bitch like yourself who complains about words should die go eat another twinkie fat bitch fuckin nigger cunt
I didn't have fun with it until I got a dedicated clan to play with.
>not owning the battlefield with a tank
racist posts aren't allowed here bye piece of shit
Verdun Heights and Fort Vaux are considered to be infantry grindfests, while Soissons and Rupture are 100% vehicle focused, almost no middle ground
Also inb4 someone says your baiting i know you aint your just a triggerd ugly tumblr bitch who likes niggers
i said to stop responding to me, stop
Fine then, I'll say it again.
>Why does now make a difference? The dlcs aren't free
The vanilla version of Battlefield, with no DLC purchased, has considerably improved since launch, through balance and bugfix patches.
>So they've added extra maps for free now?
As a matter of fact, they have added one map. But even without it, the game is much better now.
Do you have cheese curds in your fat disgusting pussy? you fat sick cunt
grow up
Thanks hun! X
You better not grow up your already a stupid fat bitch no need to get bigger
What about Nivelle Nights? I saw that playing on that map is required for one of the new assignments, "It's Where You Stand."
The reward for completing the assignment is the stimulant syringe, which I would love to unlock.
well at least its not full of hackers like bf4
Why are you even on this website?
why does it matter? this forum is funny to fuck with idiots like you
>tfw this would have been considered a miraculous game in 2006
>tfw not twitchy enough for 2k17 adhd kiddies
Im not whos been responding to you stupid..
>he's still responding
Dropped it after a month
Being a ww1 game I thought there would be a focus on bolt actions and only a handful in the team having automatics like ro, how wrong was it
Its just another modern military shooter with a ww1 skin
Fat tumblr bitch cant wait for you to have a heart attack and be eaten by cats
What? It is a fast paced twitch shooter
Bet your family is so disapointed they raised a stupid fat bitch like yourself
easy bait
Id blow your fucking brains out if i ever met you IRL come to utah bitch get killt
how can i report this post to the fbi
m8 come to london il bash ye fukin hed in
Try googling it fucking stupid retarded bitch you dont have any brains? what a surprise a leftie cant think what a shocker
shouldn't the mods be deleting this racist filth?
do you also swear on ye mum?
Literally playing this now on Xbox. Love it. Over 200 hours in so far. Let me guess you guys hate it because it's popular or something?
there is literally no reason to be racist
swear down blud
Shouldent you be blowing your fucking brains out?
stop responding
>console fps
Yeah it's fuckin' great. I don't even have to try. All my opponents are teenagers and the game has auto-aim.
shut up
>Says it has a great soundtrack
>Doesn't even post the best song on the OST
If you dont let these people know they arent welcome they will come back.
WW1 is just a really boring era, especially for an arcadey game like battlefield. Maybe WW1 might be interesting if you go the simulation route but the BF series has never been about simulations.
in come the racists
Wasn't the top conservative in the world right now too stupid to know Andrew Jackson was dead by the time of the American Civil war?
This is just a meme opinion, actual ww1/2 games are fun
>wahh im an ugly fat tumblr bitch conform to meeeeee
I'm black I can't be racist apparately
I'm proud of my black nazi great grandparents
This guy gets it.
It's fucking pathetic the only people who get mad about racism is ugly fat white cunts and BLM fat niggers
This game is fucking great you shitter. Git gud faggot.
I can tell it's working.