Why are old minecraft versions so comfy?

Why are old minecraft versions so comfy?

Because they remind you of the days when you were underage and didn't really have to worry about your future.

honestly this

Dumbed down graphics (comparatively) that are still stylized

did they change something?

Also has to do with actually being excited for updates rather than just being "meh" about it
I wish I could go back to playing beta for the first time

How do I change back before the hunger bar?

because the game was legitimately better then. more shit doesn't mean better shit, a lot of the stuff that's been added to the game since misses the point of what made it fun to begin with. minecraft was fun because it was about exploration and building shit, not because of rpg mechanics or shitty survival mechanics like hunger. these things just serve to take away from what made the game actually fun to play.

when you have a core gameplay concept that is fun on its own, you can add very little to it. players tend to find their own way to have fun, and you can change the game in subtle ways to help this along. this is how minecraft should have been developed, and it's why it's such a fucking chore to play now.

Anyone knows what happened to the beta server?

>tfw played this game to death before it was even released, back when notch himself was shilling it on Sup Forums

It was a simpler time. Before early access, before greenlight and kikestarter, where a man could come to us with a semi-original idea and let us have our way with it.

>tfw when we've had mods for years that run circles around vanilla minecraft
>minecraft devs still expect people to get excited about useless shit added in updates that will never go anywhere

1.5 was when it peaked, 1.6 and onwards has only been useless clutter

is it just me or did the terrain generation hit a sweet-spot at some point then start getting worse and worse?

It was just fun and exciting. Especially since there weren't many kids. Most of my memories of old Minecraft were on multiplayer though. Still hunting down the owner of buildworx for a map download.

i just want a mod that gets rid of all the goddamn rpg mechanics and survival shit they've tacked on. i played minecraft from indev to well into beta and most of the time was spent exploring caves and building cool underwater shit or my own caves. i don't want to think about farming or raising cattle or any of this shit, i just want to explore my goddamn caves and build my fucking underground empire, fuck


That thumbnail reminded me of Magic Carpet.

Get the official Minecraft launcher
add a profile and allow beta builds
select beta 1.7.3, the last update before hunger was added, also a very good version if you ask me.

One caveat is that If you use a modern profile on minecraft by accident, and load that world, you'll fuck it up and never be able to play that world on 1.7.3 again.
They don't separate the saves, they carry over to every other profile, so just be careful.

man I wish 4craft didn't turn to shit all 8 times it was revived

Because early Minecraft Alpha was a really unique experience at the time, and was early in development so we were all filled with wonder on what would be added to the game in the future. The simplicity of mining, building, and fighting off monsters at night was great. And then the game got bloated with a bunch of shit.

I wish /vg/ had a fun modded server with just magic mods. So fun using blood magic and thaumcraft to build a floating magic tower with

I think both I and the game have grown into different beings over the years.
Vanilla Minecraft was fun because it had endless possibilities and I could just fuck around, the world was genuinely fun to explore, if a bit samey nowadays.

Now it has all these updates and features and skin packs, and the community has soured into Hunger Games and Jumping challenges (Thanks for that bullshit, Netnobody).
It feels like people only play these games for the PvP, and they dont venture out to create their own shit anymore

This is literally all minecraft is now