
What are you hopes and expectation from the Shin Ryu ga Gotoku generation?

Also do you think Kiwami 2 will top 2 or Zero?

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Yakuza 2 is already one of the best yakuza games out there so kiwmai 2 will already top 0

Do we know how long they've been working on K2 roughly? Only slightly worried because Kiwami and 6 are the only Yakuza games I'd considered rushed besides 3's localisation even though 3 itself was not a rushed game.

the dragon engine should be completed by now but it will have some copy/paste like kiwami got and will be priced 30 bucks again

I think Nagoshi said it'd take 3-4 games to perfect the engine.

Didn't Nagoshi say Kiwami 2 was built from the ground up and not a copy of 6 like Kiwami was of Zero? Only similarity between 6 and Kiwami 2 is the engine. They apparently even completely redesigned Kamurocho.


>Also do you think Kiwami 2 will top 2 or Zero?
The live actor pandering is rubbing me on several wrong ways, also being developed on the dragon engine is kind of a red flag, if they don't polish that shit and make a combat system that doesn't feel clunky as fuck it might have a chance

went to that place (kabukicho) alone a few weeks ago
A lot of tired korean/chinese prostitutes here and there and niggers trying to sell me overpriced titty shows
"no foreigners allowed" signs everywhere

do they show this in the yakuza games?

>Just got to Sotenbori with Daigo in Y2
>Some punk on the street says I'm strutting around like a peacock
>"I peacocked your mom"
