Now that the dust has finally settled, can Sup Forums finally agree once and for all that RIN is the best girl in the video game "Katawa Shoujo" developed by "Sup Forums productions"
Now that the dust has finally settled...
Owen Young
Jonathan King
Hanako is best girl
Daniel Wright
You say that as if this wasn't agreed upon years ago.
Nathaniel Long
Fornicate thou.
John Gutierrez
Fuck off
Jaxson Barnes
Blake Wright
>everyone called Hisao stupid
>I felt that he was literally me
Josiah Roberts
I would say Emi was the best but then the obvious "HURR DURR ANAL SLUT XDDDD" fag would just post, so...
Justin Bailey
Emi was such a fucking normie.
Gabriel Reed
Shizune is best girl.
I wish her route wasn't a complete shitshow.