>You can be immortal
>But you can no longer play any video game
Do you accept my offer?
You can be immortal
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Yes chickenbot.
Fuck video games
Yeah that's fair. Sure.
If video games stay as shit as they are? YEah sure thing.
that depends. Can I still commit suicide if I choose to? If not, I decline.
Why would you want to be immortal? So you can watch your family and friends die, witness the Earth being destroyed and spend trillions of years after that drifting alone in space?
>There probably won't be any vidya when we get to Heaven
>have all the time in the world to learn anything you want
>have all the money you want
>when humans eventually outgrow the earth and colonize other planets you'll be there too
>when the universe ends you'll be floating on nothingness for the rest of eternity
Sounds like a pretty shitty deal mate
Being immortal sounds exhausting. There's no end, no rest, no true peace. You see everything and everyone suffer and perish. You will truly be alone. It's a curse, not a gift. I'd rather live a single life until the end.
We talking ageless immortality, Moon Elixir Immortality or Zamasu immortality?
will videogames end my immortality or instantly kill me? Or will I just lack the ability to ever play?
Immortality is always a monkey's paw. I'll keep my vidya.
>implying we all won't go to hell anyway
Am I just immortal in the sense that I can't die of old age and have a perfect immune system or am I immortal in the sense that I cannot die even if I get hit by a car or stabbed? If it's the former, I accept. If it's the latter, I decline. Mainly because I still want suicide to be an option.
Yeah sure
I think there's roughly even odds major life extension will become available in my lifetime and should I choose not to kill myself, biological immortality during this extended lifetime.
No need for gimmicks.
I'd take the deal if it was biological immortality
>There probably won't be any Heaven when we die
That gives me time to draw for ETERNITY.
If I'm fully immortal in the sense that my body is immune to damage and my body doesn't age, but I can also voluntarily choose to turn it off once I get sick of it.
The whole "floating through void for eternity" thing is overblown.
You'll probably go insane or comatose after a few centuries at the latest, which is really no time at all after you've been alive for aeons
Being immortal sucks.
Is it worse than being completely deleted and not existing anymore though?
t. mortalet
i would rather double the lifespans and perfecft healthgd
>implying there is "insert childish concept" of afterlife
you'll get bored of it and wish you were dead
When you die you go to whatever afterlife you believe you are going to
I guess il'l go /tg/ route
Name 1(one) thing more comfy than not existing
Immortality is a bad idea unless you get invincibility along with it
>You will die when you reach this specific age
What would be your cutoff point, Sup Forums?
Being immortal sounds scary as shit, eventually all life will die out and you'll be alone. As a christian, evne spending an eternity in heaven is a little scary
That's fine. I'll just watch Let's Plays. I haven't actually played a video game in a decade.
Heaven has good vidya
With real actual immortality you lose your humanity, so there will be no more need for rest or stimulation. heck when infinity comes into play time won't even be a thing anymore. It's a pretty good deal on the chance that reincarnation is real or there is some kind of afterlife. If those were proven to not be things then living out your one life is probably safer. You don't want to die only to be forced to exist in some capacity ever again.
Just like real life
>>when humans eventually outgrow the earth and colonize other planets you'll be there too
I honestly don't think humans will last another 2 generations, much less long enough for mass effect to happen. Between the environment getting fucked up, nuclear war, over population, civil war due to more and more jobs being lost to automation, etc.
I would seroiusly recommend against kids unless you want them to deal with that shit
What does Heaven look like?
Haven't you guys learned from all the games, movies, and books about immortal beings? in the end all of them wish to be dead to be at peace.
No, not out of any love for video games, but just life is too full of bullshit to be worth living it forever.
If you're immortal, there will come a point where you will just float around in space for eternity, with nothing and no one.
of course
That's because the authors themselves are mortal
They don't really know how an immortal creature would feel like
Hell, most life on earth don't even realize they have a limited life span and they just don't give a single shit
>You'll probably go insane or comatose after a few centuries at the latest, which is really no time at all after you've been alive for aeons
You would only go insane after a torturous amount of time by yourself. So if a few centuries alone wouldn't be torturous, it wouldn't be enough to have an effect. No matter how long it takes, you would have to suffer enough that your brain literally stops functioning as a form of self defense.
That's all theoretical jojo shit anyways
Imagine being in your room with all the vidya that has come out and came out, you have all the tendies and coke you want and you will never grow fat or old.
you have all the games and consoles that will come out in the future too.
and you can be alone or play vidya with other friends in heaven.
atleast thats my perfect afterlife.
That's just sour grapes BS since we're human and have to die. Immortality would be fucking awesome, that's why writers always have to make up stupid monkey's paw bullshit to make it seem bad.
Nonsense, Renaissance painters took years to finish their masterpieces and they never got bored.
who needs videogames when you can become a hero and help people 24/7
reminder that Araki fucked up so bad with Kars that he had to do an deus ex machina to fix his fucking mess.
Can I play one game if I just settle for invincibility?
Yes where do I sign Mr Satan?
We deus vult now
me on the left.
Nah, they'll have all the latest games.
anime time
Sure, it would be unpleasant, but it wouldn't be infinite and there's no way it would measure up to countless years of experiences.
Giving up immortality because you're worried about what happens at the end is like not having a delicious milkshake because you don't like the noise the straw makes on the bottom of the empty cup
Okay, sure.
>can be immortal
>but can no longer feel emotions
Would you Sup Forums?
Do board games count?
Hell no. Life isn't worth livung without video games.
Who cares?
Then I'm already immortal
I will probably just play TTRPGs like D&D or call of Cthulhu with other immortalchads forever. We won't even notice when mortalets disappear.
God's not *hick* *buuuurrrrrp* real Morty. We're all just *burp* dust in the wind. Y-you're all *hick* sheeple for believing it. Life is me- *burp* meaningless Morty
>say yes
>still play video games
What are you gonna do? Kill me?
>Between the environment getting fucked up
Humans actually have a pretty good track record at taking action when shit is about to hit the fan (For example, just now we're celebrating the 40th anniversary of Montreal protocol) and air pollution, lead poisoning, acid rain and what have you have gone down. Even anthropogenic climate change isn't an existential threat even in the worst conceivable scenarios since there are known climate engineering techniques that are there if all other options fail (like injecting sulfur dioxide to stratosphere, which wouldn't be your first option for various reasons but it definitely works because large volcanic eruptions have cooled the Earth through this process).
And fusion (or cheaper launch systems/space-based manufacturing for space-based solar), a technology that genuinely seems foreseeable now, solves pretty much all issues. For example, it's not technically difficult to extract carbon dioxide from atmosphere or purify sea water or do any of those things, it's just too inefficient to be worth it, but with fusion you don't care.
>nuclear war
There aren't enough nukes to cause human extinction by a long shot even if they were all used to cause maximum devastation military objectives be damned. Unimaginable carnage yes, but it's not an existential threat, and a risk of large-scale nuclear war seems to have gone with the cold war.
>over population
World population is projected to plateau at 10B or so. Moreover, vast majority of space utilized by humans is taken by agriculture and there's a lot of room to grow simply by reducing waste before food even reaches the markets, and that's to say nothing of genetically modified super-crops or vertical farming using artificial sunlight becoming cost-effective with fusion. With fusion, Earth alone could support a population of a billion with quality of life far exceeding contemporary Western lifestyles (and then you can go to space).
>this massive strawman
That the concept of the abrahamic god is nonsense for retards, doesnt mean that you must automatically default to nihilism.
There are literally infinite possibilites, since we are not advanced enough to know shit about existance, but i sure as hell dont believe in some bullshit some other human made up to controll the populace.
I dont flat out denie the possible existance of meta beings though.
You are nothing without your memories, and your brain can only hold so much.
You're gonna have to define video game.
And immortal for that matter.
>become immortal
>immune to all forms of illness and disease
>start whoring myself out to HIV positive people for good money
>become the mythical Rent(al) Don Juan for all fags out there
>start "discovering" bisexuality
>whore self out to pozzed girls as well
>become a literal god among men in the porn industry
>immortal so my dick and balls can take a beating no one else ever could
>cover every and all fetish base because no longer have to worry about my health
>build fortune, hide it, fake my death after a while, and restart eventually again because time no longer applies to my perception like it does everyone else
>video games will be long dead by then so it's literally just free immortality with no genuine downside
And when all the humans die out, I'll fuck every planet and star I fall into and remain stuck until they all expire too. I'll fuck a black hole's singularity. The possibilities are beyond endless.
>jobs being lost to automation
There's going to be some upheaval but far greater productivity => quality of life seems like a good thing to me. It's not the first time this sort of thing has happened (not too long ago the majority of people worked in agriculture and look at the situation now) and even if it comes down to post-labor society, it doesn't seem like a threatening prospect. Even if Google/Alibaba/whatever shareholders own most of everything, do you REALLY care if wealth was so abundant everyone makes contemporary billionaires look like beggars?
Well your cells arent fit to age infinitly either, so if we speak about biological impossibilities we can throw the whole discussion about immortality out of the window.
what do you plan to do after you get tired of sticking your dick into everything?
I feel that at this point we have achieved pretty much everything that could be done with vidya and all that is left is to improve concepts.
Immorality sounds dank, but what if life suddenly becomes so miserable, dull and boring beyond recovery? I assume that even suicide won't kill you.
My answer is no, you stupid cock.
When are you going to release the third movie of the incovinient truth Al Gore? I want to hear your non-arguments al over again.
>nuclear war
not gonna happen, nuclear warheads are for defense, not offence.
Its like having a gun vs not having one. If a thief sees that you have a weapon he is not going to fuck with you, but if you live in any shitty EU country were even assault spoons are considered illegal you are probably going to be assaulted at night.
>over population
Jewish lies, first they stated that there was overpopulation to plant the idea that you don't have to have a family, and then they waited. After this was fading away they told us that we needed refugees to populate our cities, which is just another fucking lie.
>civil war due to more and more jobs being lost to automation
automation is only going to fuck jobs that don't require much knowledge. Just reform the school system to make arts and programming as important as history or math and the problem is solved.
Well since he is immortal and wont age he won't reach that phase when you stop wanting to have sex every single minute. he is going to be fine.
should anything exist that cannot be destroyed?
yes. theres so much more to life.
Take a break. Explore other things. I'm fucking immortal, user. I could spend time learning how to give the most perfect blowjob. I could spend time blackmailing CEOs and politicians to make my own conglomerate corporations that directly compete and make industries like Big Oil sweat.
The idea of "death keeps us motivated" is such armchair psychology bullshit, and everyone knows if a scientist or doctor ever became immortal you can fucking bet they'd be spending all of their time working on cures and whatever else bullshit that'd benefit humanity. Not because they're "good people", but because they'll be fucking gods among men if they do it.
Stop picturing an immortal viewpoint from a fucking mortal viewpoint.
I accept.
>get to watch everyone I love or ever will love die
>get to watch humanity go extinct and the sun go supernova
>get to float around the vacuum of space for eternity until the death of the universe
>only have to give up video games
Fuck immortality. If you had said "flight" instead I might've considered it for longer than one nanosecond.
I accept.
>give the most perfect blowjob
nigga you gay
What kind of immortal are we talking about? Ageless immortality, we're you can't age but can still be killed, or Deathless, as in you can't die at all ever.
1 day before 100 years old.
Want to give everybody the hope of having a family member reach a decade old so they can brag and then die before that.
And I'd be much richer and more fulfilled than you while being worshipped for being the perfect laymate. And even if I was the shittiest lay, I'd have all the time in the world to get good. And I'd have the perfect pool of people who would be desperate to get laid since being HIV positive means they can't normally get laid otherwise.
Yeah, nigga, I'm gay. But I'll still get more pussy than your imagination could ever allow.
fucking sameface bastard, hate seeing his shit. only good thing he has made was the chen shorts.
Amazing post. Please write more, I'm in love with you user
There's more to life than fucking men lad
Is there really though?
>be immortal
>no longer play video games will forever
>just be sitting in your ass watching Tv until the planet dies.
i'd rather be a door for all eternity
trips confirm
Why not just kill myself so that I don't have to experience the pain of eternal life or playing videogames?
>you're mortal
>you will die when you get too old
>but you're impervious to all forms of damage, including nuclear explosions and even radiation
>the only condition is you have to give up your favorite game series forever
would you take the deal?
hell no, what would even be the point