I say gg after every game. It's just polite

>I say gg after every game. It's just polite.
>It's called good sportsmanship.

Same thing isn't it.

>Say gg after getting rekt
>Somehow its "good sportsmanship" and not being a cuck

Keep lying to yourself.

>he only says gg when he loses

>Playing Broodwar
>Everyone in the lobby is spamming "go" relentlessly
Fuck this bullying culture

>Get absolutely steamrolled
>Worst person on your team says gg
I wish I could hate people to death

>Absolutely steamroll
The term Good Game and its abbreviation has lost all meaning thanks to League of Legends. It turned from a form of thanks for a great match when stuff was truly a good game to a generic statement everyone spams at match end without understanding the usage of it.

>one guy says glhf before the match
>proceeds to absolutely stomp relentlessly

Every fucking time

How do you know they're not all listening to Galo Sengen?

actually starcraft did that