When will this dog companion meme end?

When will this dog companion meme end?

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when western game devs have an original idea again

Dogs are mans best friend, and don't you forget it.

It was fun in the Fable and Fallout games but it is very much an idea that relies on novelty I think.

Hopefully never

I want to pet the puppy!

That's one cute looking pupper. I hope he won't die :(

there is something wrong with that dog's face

Dogs are the best. Cats, on the other hand, are shit.
pic related.

>6-8 hours in the plot kills off the dog/animal companion for cheap emotions

fuck off already


>6-8 hours in plot kills off main character
>you play as the dog for the rest of the game


>6-8 hours in plot kills off dog
>you play as the guy that killed it

>6-8 hours in guy who killed dog dies
>play his the weapon he used to kill it


>6-8 hours in the villain reveals that the weapon was the dog all along

t. catowner

what the FUCK

>villain reveals he's the owner
>dog and owner about to duke it out for final boss fight
>this starts playing

>you beat the owner
>with his last breath he tells you he was being mind controlled and it was the cats all along

>Game ends there
>We never get a conclusion in the fight against the cats
>Becomes the new HL3

Fuck off mudslime

HeeeelllloooOOOoooOOOooo reddit


Dogs are shit tier pets and animals.

I fucking hate dogs so much.
>Owners never keep them on a fucking leash
>They always run up to me and jump all over my clean clothes, owner just says "oh, he's friendly :^)"
>Shit all over the street
>Bark constantly while I'm trying to sleep

>I hate dogs because people are generally irresponsible and stupid


>thread is about how games lack originality
>insecure dog-owners who just today told their dogs they'll snap their necks for another chewed controller start shitting on cats right away
>cat-owners retaliate with same vigor and numbers
>someone tries to talk about exotic animal pals like tigers, birds and such
>is screamed at by "muh realism" fags
There, entire thread in advance for your convenience.

settle down, retard

>be massive SJW company huffing on your own farts nonstop
>include dog in your game
>mudshits can't play

>That guy who refers to your dog as it

I really hate when people get dogs and don't properly train them. I think this has to be a recent development. There's no way farmers and shit had dogs that would jump on their tables and bark at them 200 years ago.

I also call babies it

if it can't speak, it's an it

Fuck off retard

>implying you don't want one of these gentle giants as your companion

I didn't know DFW was an animal abuser

>insecure dog-owners who just today told their dogs they'll snap their necks for another chewed controller start

wasn't that optional?

muslim detected

I don't like dog companions in games. I love dogs too much, and they always either make the dog able to die, or have some story bit where he dies to make you sad.

Dogs are quite literally a companion species to humans. Sorry you're too autistic and probably like the toxoplasmosis infested parasite known as cats

When enough muslims start complaining and retard leftists begin to label owning or befriending dogs "alt-right", and campaign to remove them from vidya and all the gaming "journalism" sites will launch coordinated articles calling for removal of doggy companions from vidya beacuse it upsets muslims

>police sorry for puppy ad that upset muslim

t. weirdo who treats his dog like a substitute infant

We shouldn't fight, after all we're not mussies.

What games let me have a bird companion?

get off of Sup Forums, weston

can't think of a game

go away shammy

Borderlands, if you play as the sniper.

mark of kri

What the fuck is this?

Far Cry Primal.

>probably Ark,
>nakoruru's bird companion
>lufia ii

sounds like an American thing.
I've never seen that shit happen where I live

>can't have a hawk as a companion
>maybe a giant cat
>maybe a cute cat that's your friend

Shitty devs stuck copying ideas and bringing nothing new to the table. But far cry has been garbage since 3 so I can't really be surprised

I have a dog companion irl
Give me an eagle companion or a tiger companion in video games

Many dog breeds in general have declined and been ruined. Dogs use to be much better creatures capable of more.

shammy do you like r/games lmbo

I've seen people been more neglecting towards smaller breeds of dogs, i guess their logic when their dog is acting like an agressive douche is "looks cute cuz he is smol LOL"

Grandia 2