I just realized that 90% of worthwhile games made in the past 7 years were all exclusive to this thing. Fucking wow.
I just realized that 90% of worthwhile games made in the past 7 years were all exclusive to this thing. Fucking wow
name them.
Really makes the noggin joggin
>DS and 3DS both have some of the best libraries of all time
What went right Sup Forumsros?
Oh, I didn't know Nioh, Nier Automota, Crash N sane Trilogy, Bloodborne, and Uncharted Remastered were on the 3ds
With respect, that entirely depends on your taste. There is not a single game on that system that I would be interested in. Meanwhile I can play games like BeamNG, Factorio, Children of a Dead Earth, Cities: Skylines, E.Y.E, Brigador, Combat Mission and so on.
>Crash N sane Trilogy
>Uncharted Remastered
He said worthwhile games.
There were a lot of 3DS EO games, OP, but I still don't think they reach 90%.
>93 metacritic
How is that not worthwhile?
How is that worthwhile? If anything, high metacritic scores should be a red flag.
Is it that the fun games are on ds devices or is it just because it is so chill to play with ds that it is fun?
>suddenly metacritic doesn't matter
how fucking dumb are you
DS absolutely. 3DS fuck no.
Japs began moving their games to handhelds after the 7th gen disaster.
It never mattered, besides telling how much a game panders to the lowest common denominator.
Metacritic doesn't properly account for reviews that don't use the /10 or /100 rating scale. It's a useless site that's only good for people on Sup Forums to brag about their eraser shaped shit stations.
Destiny 2 is a textbook example of a highly anticipated game for the masses and it has a low 80's.
And that's 20 points too high.
Not op but I'd buy:
Mario rpgs (the good ones)
Monster hunter 4U/gen
Luigi's Mansion 2
Planet Robobot
Samus Returns
A Link between worlds
OoT and MM remakes
Shin megami tensei iv
Xenoblade chronicles
Castlevania mirror of fate
Kid Icarus: uprising
Probably some jrpgs and stuff I can't think of from top of my head + eshop classics. Pretty solid library after these years
So we're just going to ignore the user scores?
>inb4 "they're biased too"
>hates the Crash N sane trilogy, likely for it being a glorified port
>lists Xenoblade for the 3DS
Yeah, you're not a hypocrite or anything.
Abso-fucking-lutely. To even consider user scores in today's climate shows a deep ignorance of modern trends.
>basing your entire life around other people's opinions whether or not they are "professional" "Critics"
I mean honestly. I read/watch reviews but I do it to gather enough information to think for myself. It's like buying anything online. People who were paid to test the product will always give it 10/10. People who have even the slightest problem with it will sperg out and give it a -10/10. So you look for informative negative reviews in order to see what's right with the product, and you look for informative positive reviews to see what is right with the product and then decide if it's worth your money to give it a try.
>hates the Crash N sane trilogy, likely for it being a glorified port
Where the fuck did he say that you fucking shitposter? Don't put words in other people's mouths, faggot.
seeIt would be nice if they gave a reason for it then.
>implying they arent
literally every sonybro gave botw a 0 on metacritic
Still play my Vita more.
This, your best bet when trusting user scores is if the game is like 10 year sor older + not really popular. Any game released today with the smallest bit of hype the user scores is a total shitshow of only 10s and 0s where it reads like 90% of "reviewers" watched a youtube video of the game instead of playing it
how much longer until we have an emulator that doesn't suck
It makes no sense, the single most desirable platform in the past 20 years still doesn't' have a good emulator.
I can't wait because then even Sup Forums will be able to talk about games like Bravely Default or Monster Hunter 4U as if they actually played them. Not Kid Icarus though, that ain't happening.
>Mario rpgs (the good ones)
There are no good Mario RPGs on the 3DS.
>Monster hunter 4U/gen
>Luigi's Mansion 2
Bad games.
>Planet Robobot
Great game.
>Samus Returns
>A Link between worlds
Mediocre games.
>OoT and MM remakes
>Shin megami tensei iv
>Xenoblade chronicles
>Castlevania mirror of fate
>Kid Icarus: uprising
Bad games.
There were a lot of everything, user. You like EO? It has 5. You like MH? It has 5. You don't like EO or MH? Fuck off, casual!
>the 7th gen disaster
Sure. Crash sucks.
lol, I'm in my 30's and I've literally never heard of Crash or Uncharted until this year.
3ds and DS emu will never be good.
it ruins the split perspective and doesn't mimic the feel of using the touch screen properly.
there's also no reason for it. Just get any cheap 3ds and crack it.
I don't think you played Kid Icarus, at least not more than 1 hour.
>A Link between worlds
If DS Zeldas weren't a thing this would be easily the worst 2D Zelda.
>Luigi's Mansion 2
>Castlevania mirror of fate
C'mon, now you're just shitposting here. I love the 3DS but that list is just Godawful
Space Harrier scratches the flying section itch far better and most action games do the ground sections better.
3DS is a shitch tier blunder. NINTENDOOMED
Just the original, a link between worlds after you get to the dark world. most people stopped playing long before that and I can't blame them, most people hadn't been born when ALTTP was released.
You're ignoring everything else. Or are you saying Space Harrier's two songs, one of which is 3 notes long beats the best OST in recent years too?
I LOVE my 3ds it might be old and the L button don't work anymore, but hell it still get new games that are legitimately good, and I can get them for free.
The custom themes, the games, the MH4U, the shit that CFW can do like in-game screenshots n' shit, the 3DS is so dreamy.
Even Pokémon was good on the 3DS. That should tell you something.
Pokemon fucking sucks, my dude.
>Or are you saying Space Harrier's two songs, one of which is 3 notes long beats the best OST in recent years too?
Yes. Space Harrier is also not bogged down with shitty, cringe-inducing dialogue that actively slaps Kid Icarus fans in the face.
it's the same game with little improvement 30 times since 1998
the nintendo delusion is real
super wasn't bad at all but the other 2 are just way better.
>He doesn't know
>most people hadn't been born when ALTTP was released.
I would like to refute that but watching how that game is praised it seems like it is true.
Why would I bother arguing with someone so good at ruining his own credibility? Just keep talking my man.
Space Harriers music is fucking awesome you autistic Nintendo cock sucker.
>Better than super
That is objectively wrong.
Rescue had actual recluit, rescue had actual mechanics of evolution, rescue plot is far better than Super, rescue areas are better than Super.
Is not as polished as Super but definetly better given the hardware limitations
that's pretty fair, but I think the whole game as a package is what makes it good.
Huge weapon variety, even within the same weapon class. Get to fuse weapons to make all sorts of shit with different stats.
different power loadouts increase the variety even more.
Tight controls that solved the whole how to make a good DS/3DS shooter dilemma.
Good story and characters with plenty of dialogue. None of this ever interrupts the gameplay, either.
constantly ramps up the action.
Hades in general.
Intensity system and achievement board.
good 3v3 multiplayer rules.
Individual weapons were well designed. There was some good meta to be found but everyone serious about the game abandoned multiplayer to go back to playing mk7 after only two weeks.
It also revived a dead nintendo series and made something awesome, without simply rehashing it.
Sakurai put so much fucking love into this game. It was in no way a bad game. At worst you might be able to say mediocre.
>I have no retort so I'll laugh and dismiss it
Thank you for playing.
I'm sonybro and even I can appreciate some of the games you listed.
Maybe you're just burned out user.
>hating on mon hun
well that was a quick trip to "ignore this poster, he has shit taste" town if i do say so myself
And the gameplay is total steaming garbage, together with the plot and music. You just like it because you were 7, it aged like shit.
>Kid Icarus: Uprising
"What if we took some kids whose only experience in writing was an Avatar/Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction 10 years ago and got a guy with mutated hands to design the controls," the game
It fucking sucked, is what I'm saying
3DS had one of the most forgettable libraries in existence, what games were you playing on it that were GOTY material?
lmao no fun allowed
if you really care change the volume settings so you don't have to listen to them talk. (IIRC it had these like any game, could be wrong.)
>Kid Icarus fans
That didn't exist. There are people who fondly remember playing the NES game and getting turned into eggplants. There's literally nothing else to talk about when it comes to Kid Icarus, it's just another 2D nintendo platformer.
controls were perfectly fine, you just sucked and didn't want to try anything different. I'm guessing you didn't even know how to flick the camera properly either.
>list doesn't include Rhythm Heaven MegaMix/The Best +
why do you even have a 3ds
Rhythm games a shit.
2hardcore4me. I'll stick to more casual games like MH or EO.
Hoy, a fellow casualry!
>Ignore critic scores
>Ignore non-critic scores
Then what the fuck am I supposed to read
Am I the only one who didn't have problem with coin toss?
It's fucking impossible, the human body cannot pinpoint a hundredth of a second. I'm playing on hard or whatever.
>what is rhythm
A professional drummer couldn't nail that. Merely pressing down is like a tenth of a second.
No, it's not that hard.
A millisecond? Really? Fuck off, you played on Normal or some shit, quit acting smug. FYI I made it to this point without missing a beat, and after 12 attempts I still couldn't get it.
wubadubada is that true?
Holy shit, you are the most burned out man on the planet if you think they're all shit.
it really isn't. Use your rhythm, man.
are you white or something?
>a tenth of a second
>meanwhile other rhythm games have a tolerance of +-16.67ms for every note
git gud
Rune Factory 4 alone is worth getting the 3DS for. Easy 200-300 hours of gameplay right there.
Just beat the fairy. When does it get good? Do the waifus have hidden depths?
Monhun is Sony's property. It doesn't count.
>Senran Kagura Burst
>Senran Kagura 2
that is some garbage taste
top kek
>puts a fucking spongebob game as an arguement
It seems that I'm living in a parallel universe, truly the mandela effect of videogames.
Shit I don't give a fuck about.
>being this pleb
spongebob bfbb is legit top 5 3d platformer of all time, not joking
I don't get it. I've never gotten the chance to play it much, but isn't battle for bikini bottom usually praised here?
I could see it getting a low critic score, too.
I think a 71 with an 8.8 user score seems like a pretty accurate score.
what exactly was his point in the first place?
I only played 3U and Portable 2, so I cant say if its great or not. I wish I was in your boat on enjoying the 3DS though, it was so underwhelming compared to the PSP and DS for me.
You aren't. Come up with your own conclusions from footage.
You have to interpret them. User reveiws are binary, being 0 or 10, and only written by people with an agenda. The critic reveiws are swayed by fan hype. You can see this with any remaster of a game, as unless there are actual performance issues, they will just give it good scores to appease fans of the original.
you're a fucking manchild. shut up
Well, that is obvious, MH is one huge casual filter, only real men can play MH.
Fucking casual manlet.
Not quite, 3DS has a fuckload of them but it dried out around 2014-early 2015.
I would say that 70-80% of this generations good games were legitimately split between 3DS, WiiU, and Vita though. My PC barely got any use this gen until this year and last.
>Sunset Overdrive
>Persona 5
>Horizon (I guess)
>Gravity Rush 2
>I genuinely dont know of anything actually exclusive to PC that isn't meant as a second job anymore
Like seriously, that's the not even 10 or so good exclusives you miss out on with that combo.
Vita, WiiU, 3DS, PC was the fucking masterrace this gen and anybody who thinks otherwise doesn't like video games.