Does this just seem wrong to anyone else? It's been 200 years and the world is still just a shithole...

Does this just seem wrong to anyone else? It's been 200 years and the world is still just a shithole. 200 years ago nobody used electricity, rode horses, and most people never left their hometown. Look how much progress we've made since then.

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Yes, Bethesda ruined Fallout, we know.

my biggest issue is the cleanliness.

After even only 10 years, all those fucking towns wouldn't have random fucking rubble in the middle of their occupied streets. And when you go to a big ass city, and it looks like the nukes just dropped 2 weeks ago still?

Not to mention rubble in occupied buildings.

>its been 200 years and there's still buildings with only a couple of miles of busy, populated settlements that haven't had the shit looted out of them
>with complete structural integrity
>with rooms that could easily be cleared out and re-purposed as living accommodation

Bethesda is a shit company.

You guys just assume everyone is white. There are modern towns that look worse than fallout towns right this very second if you look outside the western countries.

Surprisingly racist AND true statement.

Nothing about it makes sense. Even random fucking people would be able to go to libraries and find diagrams and plans for how to make power plants and shit and could rebuild some form of a civilization within a couple of years.

America is not white, the rest of the fallout world has recovered was repopulated by Aryan Gods while the "Melting Pot" of america where the fallout games take place is a place where Rich Europeans go to hunt for sport.

Oh yeah, shit. I forgot there'd still be thousands of niggers out there with absolutely no skills or drive related to restructuring society.

Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

Right? The first reaction for most of us would be to band together, clean out a few buildings and patch them up, then set up a perimeter and work on starting the electricity back up while getting some agriculture started. There's a lot of people who would just go from supermarket to supermarket looting until they got raped and killed by someone else doing the same.

Fallout: The Frontier is going to be awesome

But fallout takes place in a western country and I'm pretty sure a large portion of the characters are white.

if Rich is hunting for sport in America then how come you never see him in any of the games, hm? I haven't heard one mention of this Mr. Europeans before.

It's crazy how some non-white countries can be so completely undeveloped and retarded. It hit the most when I watched a documentary about some white american dentist going on an humanitarian trip in Africa.
He got to a village without a good source of water and made them a well. It gave them decently clean water within walking distance for everyone in the village. He goes on to do shit elsewewhere and comes back to this village after a couples of weeks and what does he see? Half the village is sick or dying. Turns out they used the well as a toilet, yet kept taking water from it.

I think the idea is that each game takes place in a different area of America at a time right before it's about to re-develop. America's still a big place, though, so there's not really any force left that's strong enough to re-conquer everything.

Am I the only one thinking it doesn't look good? Sure it looks ambitious but it kinda looks bad and janky, I don't play Fallout for vehicles and railshooting

Holy shit the retardation. I was thinking they were lazy for not building the well themselves, but that's a new level

Did you see the video about an asian guy telling a nigger that they had roads and railways built by Belgium in the 50s or earlier and they didn't even bother about maintaining any of that? It's fucking golden

Even in poor shithole african countries, they have modern cities that are kept clean. Even in Zimbabwe there are modern cities. The cleanliness of these places isn't about IQ or development, but by how much a community cares about its upkeep.

It is very ambitious, and tanks look a bit forced, but I hope vehicles and railshooting will be completely optional after the main story, and not that common during it

Did you watch some gameplay videos? Impressive voiced quests, even secondary ones, and impressive interiors

Every good thing Zimbabwe has they owe to Rhodesia and white people.

When the Rhodesians were forced out of Zimbabwe by the local nationalists, it turned the entire country into a shithole. As good as it may look now compared to its neighbours, it was much better under the name of Rhodesia. If left on their own, they would have got nowhere.

After Fallout 4 my expectations have been tempered a little, but it still looks like a game with a lot of promise. I've always loved frontier stuff and the feel of a huge open wilderness, and to combine that with post-apocalyptic settings is a really fun concept for a game.

I read a piece about how a humanitarian did the same thing and built a well for a village and upon returning a month later a neighboring tribe had fucking murdered every person there for the well, Africans will never fail to surprise me with just how chimp-like they are.

>Turns out they used the well as a toilet, yet kept taking water from it.
You mean like literally every animal on the planet does - including humans before germ theory became well-understood?

Well yes, that goes without saying. My point isn't that these countries or people are well off right now, or that they wouldn't be better off under the old Rhodesians, but that the ultimate aspect of the cleanliness and well-being of a community depends on how much the community cares about its upkeep. Advanced civilizations can have high-tech cities that are shitholes, stone age civilizations can have towns that are safe and mostly tidy.

I don't think humans in the medieval period thought that shitting on wells would be a good idea. On the streets yes, but not wells
You know, it smells and looks bad, even if they don't understand germs

At best they are so incredibly ignorant that it demonstrates that no one should give money for schools because it's doing nothing
At worst they're animals

I watched the arena video, and tho I can forgive bad voice acting (it's a mod after all) the dialogues with the sneaky looking guy were pretty cringy
Other than that yeah the environment looks pretty good, but I'm worried it won't really be a Fallout game, more straightforward Fallout 4 type game
If that's their vision I'm fine because they develop what they want but I sure won't be interested

>I don't think humans in the medieval period thought that shitting on wells would be a good idea
Where do you think the sewage drained/seeped into you fucking idiot?

You're still trying to define the whole of the country by the exception. The fact is most of Zimbabwe is a starving shithole now. Most of the country are just too retarded to care about their own well being.

>implying africans have sewage systems

>implying you are literate
Try reading posts before you respond to them, if you're capable of it.

Try to not cut yourself with that edge

But niggers don't have either. They just destroy everything they touch.

which goes right into the ground water wells and rivers that they drink from. people were drinking their own piss and shit until pretty much the beginning of the 20th century

keep in mind that in the areas we know about from the games, there are factions based on keeping people from technology, using them as experimental fodder, and actively sabotaging their efforts to rebuild. Not to mention the numerous mutated animals/people/crazy robots/numerous armed raider gangs, and based on what ending for what game you got, more nukes could drop from the sky or the water be poisoned by a super-virus.

Really, the only hope the wasteland has to actually progress is for a group like the NCR or Legion to come in to lock shit down.

Obviously. But again, that doesn't disprove my point. I can name dozens of sub-saharan african countries with stable government and mostly safe cities. I used Zimbabwe as the example precisely because it has its reputation as a failed state, while still having modern cities. It's a lot easier to find examples in the more successful African nations, but I can find safe, relatively clean towns and cities even in the poorer ones like Togo, Zimbabwe, etc.

>You know, it smells and looks bad
So does tobacco smoke but people still though it was healthy for centuries. The only reason you think this is "common sense" is because you grew up in the developed world.

That's a somewhat excusable miss understanding about how this sort of thing worked. Noggers will walk 10 foot upstream, pop a squat, shit in the water, wash their ass, and then walk 10 foot downstream to collect drinking water. And they do that TODAY.

Why did this thread instantly turn into Sup Forums? Did I miss a codeword or something?

Empire of Dust

Isn't the whole point of the Fallout games that the NCR/Legion etc. don't need to exist, and that the people of the wastelands don't need saving?

>does not directly refute the central argument
Wow, you said nigger, so edgy. I'm tired of you faggots pretending like you give a shit about white people or western civilization. You don't. You just think being a racial supremacist is super cool and edgy, so you try to spread your retarded ideology everywhere. You morons can't discuss a single topic without bringing politics into it.

We made all this thanks to proper education and health user. There is none of that in a post-nuclear era were people had to actually survive outside and didn't have the resources to buil any cool tecnology.

The only good parts of Africa are parts funded by rich white tourists or the parts where all the rich darkies get together to make their own gated communities against the impoverished hoards.

Not really, some of us genuinely care. It's funny you talk about racial supremacists as if they're judging people incorrectly, then you proceed to do exactly that.


It happened right here Five replies in, opened up the stormfront gates

>Isn't the whole point of the Fallout games that the NCR/Legion etc. don't need to exist, and that the people of the wastelands don't need saving?

if it was, they really don't get that point across with all the raiders and mutants everywhere

So do people in rural India, China, and Central Asia. They're uneducated and superstitious; it is not at all exclusive to niggers

This guy started it
Stormfront needs to leave. They are the worst posters anywhere on the internet, worse than furfags, worse than SJW's, worse than reddit or Anonymous is legion. They can't talk about anything without bringing up how superior white people are. And if they realize nobody cares about all the bullshit they spew, they try to force them to care by throwing around accusations of jewish shill and race traitor.

ATTENTION ALL STORMFAGS ITT: Sup Forums is for talking about vidya. If you want to discuss politics, which clearly you do, go back to the shithole board known as Sup Forums. At least that place is already ruined.

You sound butthurt my friend

Triggered or merely pretending?

I blame it on those factors rather than race. I mean, while Mesopotamia was flourishing and prosperous most of Europe was still composed of nomads tribes.

Romans had to guard their water sources to prevent people from shitting in them. Shitters are retarded. That's not to say that Africans aren't retarded, they're just not unique in this.

But it's true you fucking Negro