ITT: terrible game design

ITT: terrible game design

How the fuck was I supposed to know I had to get him a drink? He never asks you for it, just says he's thirsty. I just thought that I had to do something else, beat a gym or something, and when I came back he would have had his drink and let me pass.

Fucking bullshit

He said he is thirsty. This implies he wants something to quench his thirst. Drinks are good for quenching thirst.

You are a dumb guy.

I want to fuck cirno!

NPC blocks in Pokémon game are always shit

but cirno is a stupid

And yet you can't offer him soda, lemonade, or water. What's he want? HOT FUCKING TEA.

in the original game you could give him any of the drinks

but because to many people got stuck on it (and it was technically possible to game-over if you didn't have money for water) it was changed to the key item hot tea

It's a game made in JAPAN. It's a cultural thing.
If you are THIRSTY FOR TEA IN JAPAN you don't explicitly tell someone "I want you to bring me some tea" you moron. You say "I am thirsty" and hope to God your conversation partner picks up on the message, which you didn't.

I'm slightly more forgiving on this because thought the entire game, IIRC every single item not named the bike is for exclusive use on pokemon. You can't buy yourself a water or beverage and drink it, when prompted to use it goes to your pokemon party screen.

* Objective updated: Bring the guard a drink
* Waypoints added: Drink vendors

Yes, by complaining about his thirst he is definitely trying to get this random 10 year old to go buy him a drink, it's just a Japan thing.

imagine being this autistic

It's nintendo, what did you expect? A promp similar to press X to pay respects? Nintendo likes putting a few things that are hard to find or even know you have to find
It's artificially making the game longer, but its normal for nintendo

>and it was technically possible to game-over if you didn't have money for water
The odds of that happening are incredibly slim, assuming you beat every single trainer and spent all your money you have TM16 and Meowth to prevent that.

The real question is, how did he share the tea with all the other guards who were thirsty so they let you through too? How much tea did that old lady give you?

Fuck this guy, I think I was stuck on him for half a year as a 9 year old with no real english knowledge.

In the original game though

It's a bribe, the guy and his buddies will let you pass for free if you bring him a drink. He can't go get it himself in work hours and his workplace doesn't have tea as a benefit.

still, it's the reason why if you lack the money, the safari zone lets you in for free in yellow

Pokemon is for children, the first time I played I reached Misty without knowing I could buy pokeballs and capture other pokemon.

just get him some brawndo, it's got what guards crave