Give it to me straight Sup Forums, is it gonna suck?

Give it to me straight Sup Forums, is it gonna suck?

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Most likely.
Also, if it DOES end up sucking, they'll probably start making more Classic Sonic games, so it's a lose/win situation if you look at it this way.

I wouldn't say it'll outright suck but it's shaping up to be kinda underwhelming

It basically looks like a dark edgy version of Sonic Generations, so it probably won't "suck" but will be incredibly overrated by Sonic fans.

It'll be about as good as Sonic Generations

It looks kind of messy and unfocused. that said, it has one fantastic cheesy buttrock song.

I like that they're seemingly trying to tell a actual story this time, but boost game play + unnecessary classic game play + shitty looking oc creator makes me wary.

>Trying to tell an actual story this time.

I expect it to sell really well (in comparison to Shadow, Unleashed, Colors which are also 3D titles) because of the character creation, and the gameplay looks better than sonic boom, but I doubt it'll do as well as Generations but it may break even.

gameplay looks almost completely on the rails

What's your point nigger?

hyped about the story and the character development, with little else. Gameplay looks derivative and crap.

It will probably be another mediocre Sonic game, which is ok I guess? At least it won't be absolutely terrible.

That was 15 years ago

Spotted the adventurecuck.


If it has any sort of expansive storyline it will suck

>produced and written by the faggot who directed and wrote 06
>directed by lost world's director

let me redact part of that that, apparently sonic unleashed did better than generations commercially.

Kill yourself you idiot. 1998-2009 was the fucking golden age for the series.

>not crush 40
I actually would've considered buying this if it were them and not some literally who.

Crush 40 has to be somewhere else, Jun Senoue did the guitars for Infinite's theme after all
Hopefully it'll be the final boss song

Everything before Sonic 1 was dumbass

Johnny always sounded like shit, fuck off

Your opinion is of no consequence to my life

shut the fuck up nigger you stupid nigger johnny's voice is god-like.

I'm not quite sure yet. I enjoyed Colors and Generations, but we forgave the flaws in both because we had hoped more improvements were coming. We didn't know we'd be waiting six years for the next boostfag game and there don't seem to be improvements to anything. Not to mention we have a third gameplay style that looks pretty underdeveloped. When you think about it though, we've seen surprisingly little of the game, only the most basic levels. If Modern Sonic's levels are on par with Modern Seaside Hill then we might have something good going. $40 price tag makes it an easier pill to swallow as well.

>being this contrarian

It won't

People are just shitposting as if we hadn't have dramatic story in a Sonic game

The gameplay is still Generations 2 with added OC

It's going to be fine

>hating FUCKING Johnny