Post technically impressive video games

Post technically,visually impressive video games, or well optimized games in general, post'em. If you have some interesting trivia regarding the game to share, i'd be interested in that as well.

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Though it was hit with slowdown, but fuck the detail in the sprites and environments is just gorgeous. I truly believe this to be the prettiest SNES game.

Driv3r for the GBA was just a completely ridiculous achievement, the madmen got a proper 3D game working on a really quite slow platform.

Looking back on it now it of course looks like potato, but back in the day this was pure black magic.

Demon Chaos for the PS2 could shit out over 65000 enemies on screen at once.

The original Space Invaders.
The game was coded such that the aliens were programmed to always move the same speed, but the computer had trouble keeping track of all the moving parts and slowed down considerably in play. The more aliens you killed, the less objects needed to render, speeding up the game. The devs liked it so much they kept the "bug" in the game when they no longer had to worry about processing power (but they did get rid of the fact that the bullets would speed up as well).

Street Fighter 2 for the Master System
it even has digital voices.

Someone post that Asterix game, I forgot the name.

re-release never

The Xeen games in the Might & Magic series have some of the most crystal clear PC Speaker voice and sound effect samples I've ever heard.

That vaguely reminds me of the ghost A.I. in Pac-Man, in that only the original arcade version (and a few ports here or there) uses it correctly.

Scud Race was one of the first games released on the Model 3.
Virtua Fighter 3 also came out in 96. What a time...


I disagree. HL2 look impressive for a while, but it also got pushed back a lot. When we finally got the game, it was perhaps above average.

That Asterix game on the GBA.

Is there any modern day instance of these? I feel like we've just got so much power to throw at stuff that it you'll never see anything like this

Got a sauce on this?

You first.

I meant specifically the fact that it ran on Xbox Huge

I'm trying to think of games that are incredibly optimized and can run on a toaster but none really come to mind. I think devs stopped caring when hardware ceased to be a limiting factor.

The only original thing I can think of is Croteam's playtest bot that they used for The Talos Principle and are going to use for all of their upcoming games.
It's a bot that plays through the game at like 20 times the usual speed with only the most basic objectives given to it so it has to figure everything else on its own, reporting (most of) gamebreaking bugs, glitches and map issues back to the devs.
They amassed like 15000 hours of playtesting without a single actual playtester.

Lost World on the Mega Drive

Damn impressive looking and great co-op fun to be had.

I'll give you that. Sure.

It was complex shit, they really thought it out a lot

MGS5. A pinnacle of optimization. Runs on a literal potato, but looks just insanely good. Just nothing can go over what Kojima team did.

probably not. i mean they just throw out games and maybe patch those later on. it's not even about the "power" it's just rushing things out.

Amazon's Running Diet, running on an actual NES

Is that Gotta Protectors?

DOOM on SNES? Wasn't all that good, but points for trying.

Yeah, Devs made an actual nes rom to promote the 3ds game.
Bottom of the page,

mega drive port of strider was amazing, almost arcade perfect

There's several pages dedicated to the ghosts algorithm.
That said I was halfway correct if Pac-Man wiki is to be believed: It's the Namco Museum version (and all ports based on that version) that got changed.

TecToy's conversions for the Brazilian market are very impressive.

Street Fighter II on the Master System

And Duke Nukem on Sega Genesis. Even if it was pretty much a DOOM reskin.


I replayed HL2 recently and one thing that is still impressive is some of the physics. Not the "pick up this crate and put it over there" stuff, but the physics-based set pieces and other things that use the physics engine - catching a grenade with the gravity gun and throwing it back, shooting down a gunship and watching its wreckage fall around you, setting an explosive barrel on fire and rolling it down a slope to be eaten by some barnacles - are still fun and often visually impressive. I mean, most of it doesn't look any worse than similar scripted events in other games, and this is all real-time

Pic related is really impressive for psone, it truly was ahead of his time.

Amazing was the fact it was ported by Sega, not Capcom, who made the game.
Funny thing Strider was one of the first 8 MBit game to appear on consoles, which was definely impressive. But in the same year the Neo Geo was released and with it came The Super Spy with 55 MBit.

Id say Resident evil revelations on 3DS is the best example. the game looks gorgeous on it and capcom got a lot of mileage out of the hardware

The Mega Drive was a monster well beyond what we usually know it for. It was capable of competing with SNES games that used cart-inserted special chips, without any chips of its own. Not to mention it outputs the absolute best RGB signal there is.

When you consider the add-ons, it's even more impressive. While the 32x was a piece of garbage economically speaking, it was a fucking impressive piece of hardware.

And then you had the SEGA CD, which added extra sound channels, on top of rotation and scaling effects that were impossible on the stock Mega Drive. It also had a bunch of unused features, such as the ability of playing a game from the cart while simultaneously playing music from the CD Drive. There's a ROM hack of Rock 'n Roll Racing that plays CD quality music from the disc if you run it from a Flashcart.

GBA's not particularly slow at all, but the sheer amount of shit Driv3r does is really impressive.
V-Rally 3's also pretty impressive too (IIRC, same dev).

Scud Race is unreasonably good looking for 1996. I'm still mad it'll never get a port, just like every other Model 3 game that wasn't already ported (eg, VO:OT, Sega Rally 2, Fighting Vipers 2, and VF3TB, and all of them were cut back a bit due to the DC hardware's differences).

SF2 SMS doesn't even look as impressive as Fatal Fury Special on the Game Gear and it plays like ass.

it's pretty impressive
huge fucking 4mbit rom though

Damn, that port of VF plays like a dream. So glad I found it cheap.

I wish Super Spy wasn't so damn boring. It seems like it should be really fun, but it's not.

Sometimes I think of getting a 32X but then I remember that it's really fucking expensive and on then I'd also have to get a custom-made cross-over cable to get audio from my Model 1's frontal jack, and a Model 2 RGB SCART cable. And then only games I'd want to play on it would be Kolibri and Chaotix.

Given that was the last 8 bit game that wasn't intentionally retro, that definitely looks good.


Handheld V-Rally games on GBC and GBA.

The OG Xbox' graphics could easily pass off as early Gen 7 games on a regular basis. I think Ghost Recon 2 is the one that best showcases this.

Brown military shooters weren't such a tired genre at the time.

>Mafia is noted for having comprehensive damage physics on nearly all vehicles, even going so far as to make use of real-time deformation,[3] compared to vehicles in other games that used pre-made damage models. While substantially more robust than their real counterparts, smaller and weaker vehicles stand less abuse before breaking down and finally exploding, than large armoured vehicles. More realism is added here compared to other games in the same genre, such as the ability to puncture the fuel tank, overheat the engine, and the ability to break transmission gears. Many exterior components (such as windows, tires, headlights, and bumpers) can be removed from most vehicles with physical means such as crash-driving, hitting with blunt weapons (fists, baseball bat) as well as firing weapons at them.

Mr. Gimmick.

>intro and outro cutscenes
>gigantic levels and sprites
>awesome SID-music
>multi-layered all-direction parallax scrolling at high speeds
>sudden gameplay change by becoming a shmup

All the glitches aside, I still have no idea how they pulled that game off on the C64.


That game is so fucking good

Pokemon XY.

>chugs like shit

every core pokemon game except for maybe two first gens which had to work around the shortcomings of weak 8-bit gameboys is the opposite of technically impressive

Twilight princess.

None of the 3DS Pokemon games are technically or visually impressive.

If the speed of a game determines how impressive it is, Diamond and Pearl are the greatest games ever made.

>The OG Xbox' graphics could easily pass off as early Gen 7 games on a regular basis
Pretty much. Have you seen Black?

I don't like the 32x very much but The Sega CD is really underrated. Loved how some games used FMV in a creative way like Silpheed.
Best conversion of Final Fight too.

Good one. This one is worth noting too

Pokemon SM was. When it was taken apart by the pokemon hackers they discovered that the reason the game didn't run in 3D was because of a shitty code that kept rendering the pokemon over and over again. They fixed it and it ran fine then. Game freak is impressive at their sheer incompetence especially as of late with the 3DS titles.

>gen 4
Are you a turtle of something that find gen 4 fast?

No, I'm insulting it. The battles were like watching frozen oil.

>V-Rally 3's also pretty impressive too (IIRC, same dev).

They also made Astérix & Obélix XXL which is another extremely impressive game graphically.

Top tier devs who were working on a new game but one of them died.

IRONFALL Invasion for the 3DS looks great too.

Cop The Recruit is a 3D GTA clone for the 3DS that runs at 60 fps.
Same devs, extremely impressive.

The GBC games were very nice too

Looks pretty fun.

While I prefer pretty much everything from the original, L&R looked pretty damn good for an Xbox Hueg game.

KH:CoM is legitimately one of the best looking GBA games of all time. The amount of work they put into it is astonishing, and the fact that it has pre-rendered 3D cutscenes is something to behold.


PC remaster when

aw shit

the computer I had at the time couldn't run it

By the same dudes who ported Stuntman, V-Rally, and Asterix & Obleix XXL.

Or another port. Or a sequel.

Thats probably the most neglected Capcom series in history.

It was also one of the largest carts at 32MB (most were between 8 and 16) with the fmvs taking up a good chunk of it.

The review is hilariously bad, though.

Wario land shake it's insane "sprite" sheets.

FFVIII was good with that. The OP very much so.

sprites are still sprites no matter how big they get

All the background graphics are also unique.
There isn't anything like repeating tiles in it.

Yeah, wasn't so sure if they counted as sprites due to the way they were made.

Wario land shake it's art is absoultely fantastic.

>spritework so good, Sup Forums's convinced they're 3D models

shame about the gameplay though


Pokemon Gold/Silver is especially impressive and a testament to Iwata's genius at coding.

>Game Freak couldn't fit most of Johto on to a GB cartridge, decide to consult Iwata for help
>Iwata ends up optimizing the game, getting Johto and Kanto to fit on the GB cartridge

Granted GSC Kanto was kinda shallow, it's impressive there was so much content on a GB game


>Sup Forums's convinced they're 3D models
I'm pretty sure that's just shitposting.

Metal slug series baby,nothing will ever beat that game in term of replayablity or fun/content.
i'd be surprised if nu-Sup Forums has actually heard of it.

Oh come on. Metal Slug isn't THAT obscure.

>Metal slug series baby
Up to 3, you mean. After that they just started combining existing sprites, straight up reusing old ones, and having shitty backgrounds.

Fuck no. That game is terrible and it looked like well.

They're late 90s to early 00s
You know, when most of "nu-Sup Forums" was born

goemon's great adventure for the n64

>it looked like well.

Ever see the boss fights? They did some pretty neat stuff with them.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe looks gorgeous and runs at 1080p60 on a device that's barely more powerful than an Xbox One

You know, I don't know exactly WHY this game is technically impressive since everyone TALKS about this game being amazing from a programming perspective, but nobody ever gives specific reasons why.

That said, apparently this is still the hardest game to emulate on Dolphin due to "rare gamecube features" and "hacks" and "microcode." If anyone has more technical explanations than those, please tell me because I'm genuinely curious.

I still think it looks better than every console version

one of the impressive things was that they did all that in 9 months with only 2 dolphin dev kits

here's your explanation

RCT+RCT2 always get me. They'll run on just about any old shit, and they look reasonably pretty, with surprisingly stellar replay value. Solid controls and gameplay that still holds up completely.
Written in fucking assembler because why not, apparently.

Because the game uses hardware specific work arounds on limited hardware that still look great today, while having no framedrops (to my memory).

The gamecube might've been technically the 2nd most powerful of its generation, but the access speeds and specific way the GPU works, along with the gamecube having the fastest ram of the generation helped create good looking games and graphical effects that other consoles couldn't pull off. one that comes to mind are the graphical effects in phantasy star online, which even xbox couldn't do.

For the time the gamecube was really impressive for the hardware.