Silent Hill thread?
mostly because I need the pasta. I feel like playing SH3 on my 1440p monitor.
Silent Hill thread?
mostly because I need the pasta. I feel like playing SH3 on my 1440p monitor.
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish there was a good way to play on current systems other than emulation/being a stinky pirate :(
>not gladly keeping your money away from Konami
where have you been lately
oh yea konami
Emulation doesn't have anything to do with piracy. You can buy the PS2 disk and play the game on your PC via an emulator.
Also, the game looks fucking gorgeous on the emulator, way better than that shitty PC port:
Konami is shit, dont feel bad about it
Time for the JUST YESTERDAY updated SH PC Guide + DL links:
SH2 torrent:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!
In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
If SH3 runs like shit even on a strong PC, check and lower the Rendering Resolution setting.
SH2-4 do not support Xinput gamepads. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
You can now see some decent emulator settings for SH1 as well in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Also give the new PGXP emulator a shot for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.
-Play in the release order.
-Never play below Normal difficulty.
-Replaying them all is recommended.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting,
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors.
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help.
SH3 in 4K holy shit
No you don't, don't you remember what a fucking bullet sponge and mace spunge the final boss is? It's retarded.
welp, this time the youngsters got here first! Thanks!
you seen those shadow glitches and shit? It's fucking horrible.
PC port > > > that crap. And people have ran it at 4K for years.
arigato gozaimasuuuuuuuuu :333333333
>SH1 is "2ugly" + has "stupid cult shit" !
>SH2 PC port has ugly fog and bad audio!
>SH3 crashes all the time!
>SH4 LOL!!
What's with the stain campaigns against the original SH games these days? I swear I see someone bitch and whine about everything these days.
>tfw eventually pussied out of that fight on Hard and replayed everything on Normal Action difficulty
It pissed me off that I had to waste a decent amount of ammo and health on all the Insane Cancers that spawn on a room of the church, right next to every door, and it's a tight as fuck room that almost guarantees you'll take damage and waste a crap ton of bullets just to get past them, and which left me with less stuff to fight God with. Nevermind how utterly annoying the Slurpers are and how easily they can throw you to the ground and make you waste even more health items. Fuck that. It's the only Silent Hill game I never had the balls to finish on Hard.
Is SH1 on PS3 okay?
I was considering getting it since I can also put it on my Vita
Yes. It's literally just a PS1 rip, being played through the Sony's own, native-style PS1 emulation software.
Grab the NTSC copy if you can, it's a bit faster + tad less censored.
What is NTSC? How do I get that?
I'm doing what it says but even if I change the res in scripts I can't get it to show up in 2560x1440
NTSC just means US version, not PAL.
>What is NTSC?
Did you really have to make me feel old now?
NTSC = US copy. PAL = EU and Jap region.
>how do I get that?
buy it from the yank PSN Stroe.
oh ok I'm in Canada and the cover looks like the one on the right in the store
You have to be 18 to be here, buddy.
Japan is also NTSC.
Anyway, the difference between the two formats was that NTSC was 60 hz = 60 fps, and PAL was only 50, so the games were slower a bit, if their coding didn't account for the lower framerate.
So the Euro version just replaced all the normal grabbing babies with the ones from the later levels?
yes. Killing kids was a biiig no-no in Yurop in the post-Columbine world.
Even the ones in NTSC version are slightly pre-censored; originally, they were very fleshy, kid-like things. These things turned into the semi-invisible ghosties in final game.
like I've seen "ntsc" before but wanted to be sure
You are a god among user, thanks.
personally i think the spooky ghost is better than the potato monster
Silent hill 2 is one of my favorite game but i never played Born from a wish , and i almost never see it mentioned it here, should i play it?
the Mumblers, the "knife kiddies", were going to be in the OG version too, but had originally much more man-like skin texture. This was altered into more alien-ish green, with obscured face and hunched down backs.
Thank you, it is good to see that someone takes the bother to update this, good job
I love Silent Hill 3 so god damn much
I love SH1 more !
Yeah, it's pretty OK.
Quite short, a bit unnecessary maybe, but IMO still fascinating. I always found it a bit spookier than the main game, dunno why.
The fucking song when enemies are near still fucks me up. The only noises in that game that fucked me up harder was the shit in the prison.
Someone knows why the control for SH2 are fucked up? I have to press start+x to shot
help my asshole hurts I'm literally butthurt
>Someone knows why the control for SH2 are fucked up?
Sounds like you're using a modern Xinput gamepad, which the games were not designed for. Because it didn't even exist back then.
Either re-bind the controls via the Options menu, use a Joy2Key program or something, or just play with KB+M.
If I remember correctly, Maria's (western) voice actress said that she had no idea she was even in BFAW, they simply used a bunch of cut lines from her SH2 performance. Was it even made by the core team/canonical?
I've never heard her say that, and she does have a few yet still clearly brand new lines in the game.
Yes, it was made by TS. No other team had access to the games that early on. Some do claim that such bonus campaign would've been requested by the American publishers, as it was originally an Xbox-exclusive feature.
Weird, I swear I heard a podcast interview where she said she doesn't remember doing BFAW, they used unused lines from when she did SH2.
me again, nvm seems like there's a youtube playthrough of BFAW with her so I'm sure she'd have mentioned it. I must be thinking of something else.
>podcast interview
Never listened a single podcast, so can't comment on that. Still, she pretty much has one major scene with a lot of dialogue, so it's kinda hard to say how it was played out. It's been 16 years after the release though, so I would not be surprised if some details would've gotten blurry with the age.
ah, ok.
wtf why does this have under 400 views
dumbass shoulda put in the title that he was playing with her
Yeah , i indeed use Xinput , i configured the controller the best i could , thank you sir
Ok I actually started listening and she starts talking about it at about 21:00. She says they used lines from her original SH2 performance but she isn't sure, but this is the first time she's actually seen BFAW.
Absolutely. This is literally the 1st time I've even HEARD about this LP, and I'm a huge SH-sucker.
Heck, the ex-TP guy did a SH2 playthrough with Guy Cihi years ago, and it's still super popular.
Can someone make a video on how to install Silent Hill 3? I'm too retarded to figure this out
yeah I went on a huge SH binge a while back and watched all the playthroughs with Guy etc. but I only found this because I googled "Monica Taylor Horgan Born From a Wish interview"
it was literally told in -Mount the ISOs like a CD
-run the installer
-apply the fix
>finished SH2 and it was amazing
>tfw for some reason I can't even get past the first elevator leaving the mall
I get too fucking spooked and anxious. why
It's the tom Hulett internet defence force
>hehe I hope you pre ordered downpour
SH2 was always the mildest one in the OG trilogy, when it comes to horror and challenge.
BTW, I really hope you finished SH1 already, because playing SH3 before it would be a BIG mistake.
i-i haven't.. I got the remakes a while back on 360 and thought it would be super amazing but the new voices and shit are terrible. the old is the best. should I try to play it on PC with an emulator or something first? Is it like SH2 Door Checker simulator?
Not that guy , but if you're talking about sh3 then you can just play the pc version
If you're talking about SH1 then you have to emulate , again this guy posted everything you need
>I got the remakes a while back on 360 don't meant the goddamn ""HD"" "Collection"? THE biggest blunder of the century, the absolute slimy rock-bottom of ALL "remasters" ever created? The raped mess that we've told you to AVOID AT ALL COSTS for almost a decade now??
Holy shit son, break and burn that mess, and grab ALL the original games for the PC from:
Emulate first one, like instructed.
SH1-3 are practically identical gameplay-wise, but SH1 is waaay scarier, more open-ended and better paced than ALL of its sequels. Still my absolute favorite game in whole series.
For those who want to try the non-Team Silent games on the franchise, play PS2 Origins and Wii version of Shattered Memories. Avoid Homecoming, Downpour and that godawful PS Vita diablo-clone until you're done with others and you feel like getting angry playing infuriatingly bad games.
>*play Wii version of SM, and nothing else
fixed that for you
Origins is merely ok, although plagued with problems. Theres moments of "they get Silent Hill" in there every now and then.
I didn't know. ; -;
I do now. It was from a friend who couldn't get into it. I'm glad I got it
I replayed sh1 recently, why is it your favorite ? i can see why of course , just curious.
What's the difference with the psp/ps2 version ? (shattered memories)
>Origins is merely ok
not him, but I loathe Origins with passion. It fucking rapes the entire original trilogy's back-lore entirely, and is a fucking horrible mess to play. Writing is also from ass, and it already shows some of the earliest The Movie -influences.
>I didn't know. ; -;
it's amazing how people can have missed the gigantic shitstorm it sparked. Hell, even Team-Silent's original devs HATE the thing!
A dirge for a dying video game industry.
>I replayed sh1 recently, why is it your favorite ?
From the top of my head:
-Largest, most interesting and varied town sections.
-Best pacing out of the whole series; the slow beginning and Apartments in SH2 really grind people's gears.
-Great, varied major locations (School, hospital, sewers...)
-Better enemy and boss variation, all of 'em are fairly dangerous
-Nicely balanced difficulty, both action & puzzles.
-Scary as fuck, full of mindfuck parts as well
-Great visual design, full of small details.
-Awesome soundtrack and audiowork in general.
So far, I've literally played the game a good 40-or-so many times through, and still get an itch to replay it from time to time.
SH2 is pretty close 2nd with some around 30 replays, but besides the cult-hit worthy plot and symbolism elements (many which were already introduced in #1 in one form or another), the gameplay, spooks and pacing did take a step backwards IMO.
>What's the difference with the psp/ps2 version ? (
Practically nothing. But funnily enough, PSP version looks a biiit better than PS2. Still a big downgrade from Wii.
>not him, but I loathe Origins with passion. It fucking rapes the entire original trilogy's back-lore entirely, and is a fucking horrible mess to play. Writing is also from ass, and it already shows some of the earliest The Movie -influences.
But it managed to do the most important thing and be scary at times. Plus the interior level designs weren't that bad, as jarring as the mirror gimmick was it made some nice maze-like areas with fun puzzles. Thats why its merely "ok", 6-7/10 while Team Silent games are 9-10, fourth game 8.
Shattered Memories was one of those rare Wii games where the remote controller gimmick actually works really well, its a controller/flashlight/phone all at the same time. So its easily the best version. As for Origins, PS2-version you trade upscaled graphics with weird input lag bugs in inventory and map.
Oh my god , this is funny and sad at the same time
>But it managed to do the most important thing and be scary at times. did?
All I remember is rage and frustration.
shid I'm gonna look into this
Yup. Asylum, Theatre and Motel were all decent areas and the idea that some monsters are always better fought from the distance was nice. Yamaoka also had some underrated tracks on the game.
Man, now that i think of it the sh1 intro really stuck with me since i was little, also
>proceed to enter in the girl's bathroom
>hear little girl crying
I confess I'm bit biased when I also think SH1 is the best one, because I finished that game the year it came out and I was 10 years old at the time. Very first horror game I ever finished.
How do I man up to play those games? I really liked them, I watched some playruns on YT, when those were done without talking, and yet never had the balls to actually play them.
>shid I'm gonna look into this
if you HAVE played SH2 and 3 already, preferably 1 and 4 as well, then check out the HUGE, two-hour long review / analysis video(s) about the HD Collection, in "The Real Silent Hill Experience" -series, made by TwinPerfect.
Doesn't get more in-depth and detailed than that. It's hilarious, sad and educational.
>I watched some playruns on YT,
way to ruin good games for yourself.
There's no magical trick. You just START PLAYING. Hell, I played these all when they came out, and I was like 11 when SH1 arrived. Yeah, they were spooky AF, and I played like 30 minutes at once. But I still played them.
It's like a hot tub, just dive in. Once you get a hang of the controls and what the game expects of you it becomes a real comfy experience.
I will lad. Thanks guys. I don't see much SH activity so you guys are great
Close the curtains, put the volume up, be in a dark room all by yourself. The whole point IS to get scared. Those going "I played it through and I didn't get scared at all fucking pussies lol" when playing those games with lights or music on missed the whole point of the experience, like going on a rollercoaster ride with eyes and ears closed.
If you get a nice adrenaline rush and have problems sleeping at night, you know you have a decent horror game/movie/book at your hands. Bonus points if you get cold sweat and nightmares. Last decent horror game I played myself that gave some good scares was White Day PC remake.
SH3 will always have a special place in my heart mainly due to the mall. One of my earliest childhood memories was being at the mall in my area. It eventually closed down but there was a department store connected to it that was still open. I remember going there with my mom and having to use the bathroom in the now derelict mall section. It was silent, all the lights were out, most stores empty but still some signs indicating what they were. The layout was way different than SH3's mall but the connection will never leave me. Thanks for reading my blogpost.
literally download PCSX. Don't give any money to fucking Konami
Played SH1 as a kid very early in the winter morning in my room. Atmosphere was enhanced by a thick night fog and gentle snow outside the window, just next to the tv. Got through the hospital for the first time and started looking for the Antique shop. This creepy noise starts playing on the background:
Then a bird flies straight into the window right next to me with a loud bang. I nearly shit myself. Bird was okay though, little confused but flew away after few minutes.
Damn, that's awesome/terrifying. Always cool when horror connects with you in some way that's outside of the game.
>How do I man up to play those games? I
you don't need to; SHs have always had a huge female fanbase too.
Had two other somewhat similar experiences but milder. One where I played this horror-themed puzzle mobile game early 2000-era, where darkness was filled with monsters so you had to create paths from light sources. Played it through during an extensive power outage in our house because of harsh winter. Second time was playing Fatal Frame 2 in the middle of a night with a friend and roughly after leaving the house with the twisted neck ghost in it, my flat's attic started making weird noises so we went to investigate.
Are there any nude mods for SH3?
Most of the money goes to Sony tho'...
But yeah, emulation is better choice for the most part.
Why not?
there's enough lewd heather art if you look for it.
Because just "no".
Nah, played it with perfect quality on PCSX2.
I'll even make a webm to prove you wrong if you want.
where did he get the pizza?
Daily reminder that SH4 is the true masterpiece and anyone who disagrees is straight up casual.
This is the autism of legends.
>helping people experience good games is autism
This is the quality of shitposting these days.
Yeah but like the only other good way to play it is on PS2 so it makes sense that someone would do that
fuck off
>I watched some playruns on YT
Man, way to ruin your potential first playthrough.
Games are best played unspoiled.
>Nah, played it with perfect quality on PCSX2.
with native res and effects, maybe. For (U)HD gameplay, PC port is much better and easier choice.
Nope, 8 times resolution.
Only thing that was native was aspect ratio.
Eat shit.
Are the shadows still at the original 256x256?