The success of Switch and potential success of the Xbox One X is unlikely to impact the PS4 at all


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the Switch won't it's targeting a different demographic

the Xbox certainly might if it proves successful, it wants the brogamers that are on PS4

who the fuck cares if one impacts the other? Does everything have to be fucking console wars?Ar we allowed to not enjoy success from everyone?

Xbox is only relevant in murrica. Nintendo still sells shit aside the exclusives like Mario, Zelda ect. Sony has it good because their console is decent all around. It's like this and will be for a long time.

>Nintendo still sells shit aside the exclusives
Thats every console user

>potential success for xbone

What makes you think it will be successful? A console with no exclusives is supposed to regain their market hold? Maybe if those idiots didn't cancel scalebound and kept a nice stream of exclusives. They learned the powerful console meme from Sony now they just need to learn to FUND MORE GOOD GAMES.

>potential success of xbox one x

Switch is competing against much more dangerous foes - smartphones and tablets.

The only thing that could hurt PS4 is PC, but graphics card are stupid expensive nowadays and there are good exclusives.

>Nintendo still sells shit aside the exclusives
>"If I ignore the fact that they're insanely successful right now, it will be like they're shit!"

>smartphones and tablets.
I doubt it. The games on the Switch vs. Smartphone games are completely different