Where do you fall?
Where do you fall?
lawful neutral
neutral evil whenever i lose
Where would "nothing" fall?
Where's the option where I don't say anything because it was a really average game?
True neutral.
>being a good sport
>but can't be assed to write more
when i win i always say gg all me
lawful neutral
where's "gg ez", the classic?
bg should be chaotic evil. especially if you lose. I like to say 'bg, too easy' whether I lose or win
My usual game ended is "gg easy" in a win, "gg nice throw" in a comeback win or "gg 1v [insert number of teammates+enemies]" in a loss. Where does it place me.
stupid chart, remake it
>GG, no RE
lawful evil
>GG, would RE
chaotic good
where is
with the macro?
dead center
a thread died for this
True neutral.
That'd probably be CN or NE.
lawfull evil :^)
>bgbgbgbgbgbgbgb tean was fags
ggez regardless of whether or not I actually won or the quality of the game
>playing multiplayer games
I fucking hate millennials.
Neutral Good. Good game.
I will sometimes just say "gg", but only when I lose. I usually feel like an asshole for typing just that otherwise
>Win match
>say "nice job team!" in all chat
Good way to be condescending while also seeming to be nice. Works great in overwatch in particular.
what's RE?
>gg ez
I love saying gg close if we obliterate them. And I say gg ez if it's anything else, all the way from us getting btfo, to it being super close.
resident evil
Why say anything at all? Who cares
>say nothing if we win
>call everyone in my team a retard and act like a polfag if we lose
>spam ez in chat if we won at the last seconds
You have no idea of how much people get triggered in Overwatch, it's literally SJW: the game
My response to every single one:
>*silently reports player*
>Good game, would play again
Rubbing it in passive-aggressively, toxic
>Good game.
Rubbing it in passive-aggressively, toxic
>GG, would RE.
No you wouldn't, fuck off and don't be snarky.
>gg, was fun
Was fun to beat me? Toxic.
Flippant and jaded, like it was just another day at the office. Don't rub it in.
>gg scrubs
Toxic and insulting.
>GG, no RE
Probably the least toxic but still reportable
>git gud
git gud
gg 2 ez xD
I still dont know what RE means
Its just Rematch right?
>Good Game is toxic
How much of a retard are you?
name some good single player games
Good game, friend. :)
ur life
>no gg ez
>no gg ez no re
>no gg easiest game of my life
>no gg ez game ez life
>gg no re is lawful evil
shit list
>tumblr posting
gg ez
no thats pretty shit user but thanks i guess it's better than most people on here
Where is "never say anything"?
gg, was fun
None, it's the winners' job to say good game.
Toxic to your teammates, I probably won't report you for that though because it's not to me
So toxic Blizzard made it impossible to say in Overwatch. Reported.
You're probably already muted, but reported anyway
Not even toxic, just spamming. Still reported
Probably the most toxic of all these in the thread, don't be an asshole when you win
You're not entitled to my time. Reported.
Overly 'nice', clearly condescending, toxic and reported
I have as much fun watching you shitstains get banned as I do playing the game. Enjoy being stuck in diamond, that is until we play together and you get banned.
Neutral evil. I hate sugar coating things but I'm not going to sperg out on people.
If someone said "gg" and we barely survived the dungeon/level or 3 quarters of the team were braindead chimps I'm going to say "bad game and we sucked".
where does "gg close" go?
True neutral.
It's a virtual handshake, you do it whether you win or lose.
In the words of moot:
Was it irony?
>gg ez xD
dota has made me a shittier person, but these peruvian fucks deserve it
I dont much like your additude mister.
toxic post
Just like a participation trophy, right?
>Wow, someone actually reports assholes in overwatch! They must be ironic!
The absolute state of internet gaming. Sup Forums was a mistake.
usually just say good game or gg, but gg no re is by far the most fun.
'delete system 32, reconsider your life choices.'
I was refering to your posts m8
not your acts
> fucking Sup Forums out of nowhere
Chaotic evil, especially if some pleb gets mad
This is probably the most autistic thread currently running on Sup Forums.
>getting banned for just typing 2 of the same letter
Why am I even replying
I disconnect.
Same t b h f a m
And (You) posted on it
Really makes me think huh?
>Probably the most toxic of all these in the thread, don't be an asshole when you win
Why thank you, thats the whole reason i do it. Right there. Practically guaranteed salt.
Saying n****r gets you banned too and that's just six letters. Are you just pretending to be stupid?
What would Captain America say if he won a team match?
>"hahaha suckkk)"
izi brizi
>post gets deleted
that was fun
If you get your jollies from making people mad, you need to take a step back and evaluate your own life. That's sad.
Chaotic Evil
(Insert 'B' emoji here)
Mass replying should be a bannable offense
I´m pretty sure, saying that you reported someone is ban worthy
Where does "mad cuz bad" fit in
too much effort for these (you)s
But all of these are chaotic evil....
>completely crush somebody
>"Good game, would play again."
>get a ton of hate messages
I don't talk to people in games.
gg ez
fuck your word filter
>the absolute state of nu-Sup Forums
gg stands for "git gud" by default, no? "Good game" meme was invented by losers comforting themselves.
Gg, wp
Should be lawful good
>Being so thin-skinned, you spam report boxes with innocuous shit
Really making a difference there, champ. You sure this is the right website for you?
bg if we won
nothing if we lost
>lose game
>people still get mad
Either gg or ggwp if someone was really good in the last game. Sometimes gg nice match if it was really fun and balanced. So lawful neutral I guess.
>You are this triggered
see how effective it is?