I want to play a MOBA. Which one of these 3 would be the easiest to jump into?

I want to play a MOBA. Which one of these 3 would be the easiest to jump into?

Dota 2. All characters are unlocked at the start

Why on earth would you want to do that?

>supporting the shameless plagiarization of community mods by billion dollar multinational corporations

just go play dota, the others are even bigger cancers

Heroes of storm so you don't have to buy items and do annoying last-hits.

hots is the easiest but also the shittiest, other two are similar with dota being somewhat better in some aspects

>For free

>Most players
>Deepest mechanics/gameplay
Dota 2 (also monetization is only cosmetic, all champions are unlocked and such)

hots because it's brain dead

Moba craze is over, don't bother.