If this series wasnt in dogshit Nintendo hands this universe would have been bigger and more detailed than Mass Effect...

If this series wasnt in dogshit Nintendo hands this universe would have been bigger and more detailed than Mass Effect Instead you get this forgettable platformer dogshit


Bigger doesn't mean better

Fuck off, play ME if you want ME

>bigger and more detailed

Pretty much this.

Halo is the biggest example on how "bigger and more detailed" doesn't mean shit.

So Nintendo needs to innovate by copying what everyone else is doing?


And where is ME now?
That's right, shut the fuck up.

they copying all the fucking indie devs already i can find 100 better indie games than metroid

to what end

>Mass Effect

People want Samus' story not some random shit happening on some feminist planets or some shit.

>And where is ME FANS now?

Waiting for the devs to stop fucking up and make a proper game

> metroid fans are just taped by nostalgia cause indie devs are making better metroids for PC

Why are there always ancient chozo ruins and power ups on every planet this bitch lands on?

I like METROID but every game is the same

That's what Prime do for OP

And Indies copy Nintendo, so what's the big deal?

Fire emblem
F zero

Could be way bigger. But Nintendo only cares about mario and Zelda

Pokemon is something they don't have 100% control over and even then there is really no where else to go without making a spin off since no one wants a true open world or mmo game
Fire Emblem is as big as it could get without ditching the genre
Metroid is as big as it could get without becoming a full blown shooter dropping the exploration
F-Zero went as far as it could but no one ever cared

PCfags still assblasted that their romhack got C&D.
Dont worry maybe someo indie group will make their own Metroid with their own assets.
Just like Smash Bros
Too bad you wont give a shit, since its not muh franchise I want

No nintendo needs to innovate by actually creating a new IP instead of just shitting out essentially the same game over and over again

Yup, look what happened to Halo 5, they try to make it Mass Effect lite and it fell on its ass. No Halo 6 is taking a step back and finally just focusing on the Chief again instead of going the Halo 5 route with all these stupid characters.


Metroid's universe should be as big as the first 3 games, Hunters, and Samus and Joey combined, if not bigger. The federation was only good in Metroid 1's manual, and Samus should be allowed to do things that don't involve the shitty modern version of then at all.

Remember the last time Metroid went big on storytelling?

Anyways, I like the way Metroid handled the lore in Prime, it was there if you wanted it, pretty interesting, and sometimes didn't even tie into what you were doing.

I don't need a big backstory or universe or "character development". Keep that garbage where it belongs; in books and movie theatres. Video games are about gameplay, and anything that doesn't make the gameplay better deserves to be thrown out. Not every game has to be a cinematic experience like Final Fantasy or Xenoblade.

Yes, I remember the vast Chozo ruins on the BSL.

Case in point: Prime 3. Great game, weakest Prime.

D-d-d-doesn't COUNT!

Not a terrible effort, but releasing yet another shallow pandering esport into the sea of esports just makes it an unpleasant game.

>b-but I can masturbate to the characters

Whatever. That doesn't make the game good.

> B-But its not muh ultra complex 2D anime fighting game

I kinda agree, then again it's a very delicate matter expanding a universe and not turning it into a clusterfuck. Mass Effect couldn't even go 3 games without completely fucking itself to the point the next game (which was also a clusterfuck) in an entirely different galaxy and even the second game had it's problems with the established lore and Mass Effect had probably one of the firmest foundations I've even seen for a Sci-Fi game. You could have literally gone anywhere or done anything after that first game and they totally fucked it up in three games.

If Other M is any indication of what would become of Metroid if they focused on expanding the universe and trying to tell stories that aren't Samus goes to a planet, kills everything on it and then blows it up then maybe we should consider ourselves lucky. However; while watching the SR introduction video where we see the Galactic Federation senate and the federation troopers and we hear about the space pirates I would be lying if I didn't on some level want more of that. I would like to see the a threat to the galaxy outside 1 dimensional space pirates, metroids, ing, or phazon that you just walk in and exterminate with extreme prejudice. I do envision a Star Trek like galaxy where the federation has to play politics with outside star empires and other Federations and while they hire Samus to take out a Space Pirate instillation there more going on outside of that. Having their hands busy with some other galactic issue would also explain why they hire bounty hunters to keep the peace rather than sending in assault ships full of power armored mobile infantry since the brunt of their forces are busy elsewhere on more important issues than lowly pirates with bio-weapons playing at conquerors.

Then again what benefit would a wider scope to the universe have on a Metroid game if the story was still just Samus goes to a planet and exterminates all the evil lifeforms with extreme prejudice? Not much really.

So am I the only one confused about what the last 2 slides in the gallery are supposed to mean? I know the first nine show how the Chozo created the Metroids to stop the X-Parasites and then sealed the planet after they evolved, but what about the last 2

>forgettable platformer
What kind of pathetic edgetard do you have to be to talk like that?

Was looking for sauce on that art, and apparently its canon. Her height isnt stated in the art book right?

Fuck this insistence on negativity. I just got done with the Metroid Queen, and frankly, Samus Returns is damn solid. Sure, it's not the greatest fucking thing ever in the history of ever, but it's a much welcome back to basics affair that doesn't fuck around.

Highlights are that fucking mining robot, and how Samus finishes it off, Zeta Metroids in general, and the Phase Drift, which is hilarious in how it showcases the utter absurdity that is chozo technology.

Also, the infant metroid is cute.

Who in the fuck wants samus to talk? I don't understand this. Not every game needs to be the next epic space opera. Just an orange woman shooting weird aliens for 3-6 hours between platforming is what works, not everything needs to be some fucking epic.

Looks like the picture they're painting is that the metroids turned on their creators, thus prompting Chozo to lock them away in pools of acid and escaping the planet.

The people who want voice acting are the same lads who think movie games like Final Fantasy are the height of the medium.

Yea I get that, I'm more confused whats happening at the end where all the chozo get killed

Do you have the full images, or a link to them somewhere? I don't have 'em all fully unlocked, so I can't comment much without seeing the remaining blocks.

The voice acting was fine in Prime 3- keeping in mind it was 2007.

Metroid is at it's best when you get dropped on a planet and are given freedom to explore it at your own leisure. Instead of a story about the overall galaxy I prefer learning more of the setting I find myself in. To have the entire game and story be contained in the one planet allows for an incredibly focused experience. While I don't really like the prime series I do like the scanning visor and how it could provide additional details on the environment and the history of the planet.

Here's the thing. Prime 3 had voice acting, and it was fine, the story was dirt simple and didn't overstep its boundaries. Conversely, Samus didn't speak, even when interacting with other characters. Hell, in Fusion she didn't speak aloud until near the end, when she needed to. Being a woman of few words is an explicit character trait.

Just saying, I don't really mind voice acting in Metroid, but Samus doesn't need to talk to get her point across.

>since no one wants a true open world
Who the fuck wouldn't want that?

People who like the series.

>Abloobloo i don't like metroid.

Go play halo you lorefag, oh wait it turned to shit just like mass effect.

I have no problem with Samus being given a voice. Super Metroid has her summarizing the events of Metroid 1 and 2 and is the best intro in the entire series. The problem lies in giving her voice during the bits of the game where you have control the character because it creates a weird disconnect between her and the player. If Samus reacted differently from the player in a situation it would be bizarre. Samus being silent during gameplay makes sense in two fronts because A. In most games she is entirely by herself on whatever shit hole she's on and B. It makes your thoughts and reactions the same as Samus because her and player are the same entity.

Does this count?

Prime 3 was the worst specifically because of that.

A cinematic movie game by Square? I think the Ps4 has plenty of those. It's specialty is story heavy visual novels infact.

>Mass effect
That was so hard, wasn't it.

>forgettable platformer

Maybe if youre under 18

You fucking faggots who want muh story are whats ruined the industry. You want a story go read harry potter.


I don't know /specifically/. It tried to differentiate itself a lot from the previous two games, and while didn't always hit, but it was still good.

>it's a storyfag episode

Sometimes it feels like if Nintendo didn't exist, there wouldn't be any more big developers that think function-first.

Dang, this is a vintage shit post.

Reminds me more of SaGa, I got some pretty powerful Frontier vibes from the interconnecting story. Also reminded me of 7th Saga for the SNES. I have high hopes for it.

If it wasn't so horribly heavy on story, I'd have high hopes too. But I'm expecting cutscenes left and right.

Why would they? They make millions just shitting out the same games over and over again.

>Nintendo announced Prime 4

Not every single game is going to be a marvel of story and design. What the fuck are you expecting from a 3DS reboot of an older game?

>this universe would have been bigger and more detailed than Mass Effect
Why is this necessary or even desirable? If anything, part of the atmosphere of Metroid is finding fragments of lore without knowing the full picture. If you just want a huge fictional universe for the sake of sinking your time and money into something, there are plenty of those already.

There's nothing wrong with Samus having a voice, it just needs to be done well like Metroid Fusion.

>glorified Wii Boxing


>pretending Bioware garbage is anywhere near the quality of a real Metroid game
Now this is some quality bait. I don't know if Biodrones exist anymore, but you'd likely be able to bait them if they did.

Content is just as important as gameplay.

Really, there's plenty of juicy stuff in the Metroid universe. But really, it's probably best to just read about it, perhaps in the form of collectable paragraphs that count toward your 100% totals. Like, for example, the Kriken Empire. Imagine if they were the villains of a game, and you could scan some Kriken lore to learn more about them. I mean, the formula is right there. Supplemental storytelling works for Metroid, even in picture form. Game about fighting an evil chozo when?

As an aside, the lack of any lore entries is why the Ing are the least compelling of all of the series antagonists. We know nothing about them. We know plenty about the Space Pirates, and they've become beloved villains because of all the hilarious info Retro wrote up for them. But they dropped the ball hard on the Ing, who are the main antagonists of Echoes.

ummm... no sweetie

there's a few interesting bits about the ing how they're vastly more intelligent than the luminoth dare to admit which could have actually made them compelling villains

but like you said, it was vastly underused

>Mass Effect
but we already HAVE 3 kinds of beam weapons

I'd say it had more to do with the focus on mediocre shooting action and toned down exploration, but that's just me.

It's an edit of the one from the book.

>We literally just got more Lore to talk about.

Normally I would agree with you. but these Chozo Memories put your argument to shame as well as Prime and Hunters. Honestly though it wasn't until recently when Nintendo started to give a shit about game canon honestly so its a fledgling slowly being carved but I like what I'am seeing.

>MFW theres a huge chance we'll see X parasites again possibly in Prime 4 or a Fusion Remake.
>MFW There is corruption in the Federation.
>Theres a high probability that Captain Falcon and Samus share a Star System and Starfox and Kirby are in a different part of that universe
(Samus Returns spoilers)
>Not all Chozo are benevolent beings. Some are militant on par of a 40k Commisar.

Abs are shit. toned and Athletic is better

>since no one wants a true open world or mmo game

Maybe not a mmo but I think we can all agree that a Pokemon game running on the BotW engine would be the best game of all time.


>pubes in a skintight suit.
Absolutely Disgusting

>Not all Chozo are benevolent beings. Some are militant on par of a 40k Commisar.
>Militant Chozos have arm cannon
I am beyond ready for the next game. Honestly a better idea compared to every Sup Forums fanfiction "samus le escape from the federation xD"

Is this on a different page as the one as pic related?
It's odd they'd have one with and without heels.

That's not a nintendo IP

This. See, Yoshio? You can tell a good story as long you stop being a fucking retard.

Seriously though, that traitor chozo needs to be the villain of the next game.
>Samus having to confront the unpleasant parts of her adopted culture
>fighting real deal chozo weaponry, not just Pirate knockoffs or ancient half busted artifacts
>possibly learning whether they're truly extinct or not
I'm drooling just thinking about it.

its an edit dumbass

That was my original point.
I don't have the art book to confirm that for myself and only have the one page.

I'm pretty sure the pubes would be a dead giveaway.

Didn't see the pubes in the second one.

Me too, a far better enemy than the Federation would ever be.

>ME as parameter of anything

Samus is the gal the Feddies call when they can't deal with shit. What possible threat could they pose to her?

I'm supposed to take that shit seriously? Nigga, please.

Especially since Pornstache Man's big plan to assassinate the legendary hero who has killed god like alien monsters singlehandedly, was to come at her with a glorified tractor. Fucking pathetic.

there was a metroid game that focused on storytelling
it's called other m
fuck off

I just want a game post Fusion where the Federation is super pissed.

>would have been bigger and more detailed than Mass Effect Instead you get this forgettable platformer dogshit

>kid pretends to love metroid because its the hop thing to do
>gets mad when its a fucking metroidvania

Exactly that's why when it comes to Metroid and Halo, I just want to fight aliens. Samus and the Master Chief would curb stomp the GF and UNSC as enemies.


They devs recently said they will never make BOTW Pokemon

I'd be more embarrassed if the I and O keys weren't side by side

It'll be interesting to see how they take advantage of having a mainline Pokemon on home console hardware for the first time though.

Huge Metroidfag here. There's plenty of potential to expand the Metroid universe but wanting anything like Mass Effect is just wrong. We need more good lore, maybe some more new characters, and a fleshed out Samus but it needs to be done very carefully so we don't end up with another Other M situation. And Metroid being what it is, it doesn't need to go full space opera either.

i'm 99% sure they hate it because now people will have higher expectations and they're the laziest hacks that ever lucked into becoming successful developers

I can actually believe this

just encountered that purple fire stuff for the first time, what are you meant to do to get past it?