Post pictures of games poorfags like me will never play.
Working Emulator Never Ever
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It has no good exclusives anyway.
>not a good exclusive
It's actually a double exclusive since it's the only Vita game anyone played
It's not that it's particularly hard but that no one gives a shit.
The Vita's games were either all multiplats or ported to other systems.
What other platform does P4G exist on?
It's a port, use some common sense.
Persona 4 is on PS2
Persona 4 Golden is on Vita.
P4G has content P4 does not.
P4G exists exclusively on Vita.
But it's not an exclusive. Sure.
Let me guess, you also think that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is exclusive to the Switch too.
That's what they said about the PSP yet here we are but I probably just jinxed it and it will forever be doomed to emu hell along with Xbox and Nintendo 64 emulation.
psvep dotcom
There's this. Probably just a virus, though. Feel like I'd know if it was real.