Kill admin 3 times

>kill admin 3 times
>Reason: aimbot

>kill streamer once
>reason: stream sniping

reason for what?


never happened

I can recall 4 times this has happened to me in CS 1.6

>kill admin's gf ten times because she always engages me but sucks at aiming

>admin has invincibility turned on

>shoot other team
>everyone on the opposite team is invincible because they donated to the server

>admin is spawncamping us with 100% crits
>manage to land a few shots
>eventually kill him
>banned for 3 weeks

>admin's gf on my team
>admin on other team
>i dont play strictly how she wants
>he bans me
>whilst she being admin too

>everyone on server is friendly with joint team effort killing tryhards thanks to friendly fire
>admin shows up with his soldier fuck buddy as crit medic
>bans everyone who tries to friendly fire to stop them, is playing music even though no-one minded and ruins the truce

nope. didnt happen.

I even took a screenshot last time.

t. admin

>get into pub, map is turbine
>go only fists heavy and go around punching people
>get kicked because I wasn't playing seriously

>join server
>"HEY user TALK TO US!"
>Reason: no talk bot lol


>getting banned for playing the game with a steamer on the server
what's the point of playing then?

>say "aw crud" into mic
>Banned: Swearing. This is a Christian server.

Thats when I join on my alt account and fuck his face twice as hard.

> Playing on small niche servers instead of large communities like Tiddies and Beer or TAW

You only have yourselves to blame.

t. 50 hour playtime admin

>ask if anyone likes bacon
>Banned: This is a Muslim server.

That's what I get for playing on a european server.

>online friend starts a tf2 server some years ago
>wants me to play there a lot to help the server grow
>I join one team, he and his internet girlfriend joins the other team
>proceed to kick his shit in
>"wtf, demoman is cheap, play a class that takes skill"
>slowly work my way through all the classes as he says the exact same thing for each of them until I'm killing him exclusively with secondary weapons
>kill him by axtinguishing him in the face until he dies without him even being on fire
>reason: fuck off, you just lost a friend


>Banned for running over a streamer using a car
>Banned reason harassment

OUCH! you deserved it