Why do people seem to accept LGBT characters in Japanese games but not western ones?

Why do people seem to accept LGBT characters in Japanese games but not western ones?

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Japanese don't whine about muh representation

Because western games only include them as prejudice caricatures.

japs do it better, kind of like cars

Daaamn... Undertale character design looks like THIS?

>the retarded west is literally why poison is a guy

Because Japanese characters are beautiful while western characters are ugly as sin

>Why do people seem
You mean Sup Forums.
If you mean "people" in general then it's the other way around.

>japanese geimu
choose one, gaijin piggu


The japs don't usually do it in a disgustingly pandering way that western devs do. Or if they do, it doesn't come off as that to me as a western person. I don't mind LGBT characters in games but if they're clearly pushed just for the sake for representation then that's dumb as shit. Just treat them as regular characters instead of pushing tokenism and that's fine, western game or japanese.

The Last of Us had a pretty good example of a gay guy who didn't come off as a HEY WE PUT A GAY PERSON IN OUR VIDEOGAME but rather as a natural character like the rest of them.

Because it is literally okay when they do it. Japanese people can do no wrong.

I know you got the answer already but yeah.

Because most people are actually disgusted with gays and trannies, despite what they say to keep up the appearances in a polite company. It's only natural to be repulsed by the unnatural.

The Japanese usually include such characters ONLY as a comedic relief, which is not at odds with how most people feel about the issue.

LGBT characters in Western games on the other hand are extremely hamfisted and politicized.

Because we are massive weeaboos
If you don't like that fuck off

Asia does it to tell a narrative.

The west does it to push an agenda.

>I'm a badass swordsman who happens to be gay
>I'm a gay character who has no other qualities, stop oppressing me

they should ban all western garbage on my sadpanda

Exactly. Talk about about Magypsies in Mother 3. Pretty much the reason why the game never saw a Western release.

because usually they are well written characters

the gay dude from mass effect 3 reminds me why western ones are fucking annoying...all his character was that he was gay...how exciting

Japs do it because it's cute. (((West))) do it to spread Weimar-tier marxist propaganda (literal mental AIDS).


Eastern LGBT characters tend to be like actual sane people. They act like a normal person who just happens to be gay/lesbian/trans.

Western LGBT characters tend to have "IM A FAGGOT" as literally their entire personality in a sad attempt to pander to the LGBT crowd. Which is ironic since the LGBT people are getting really pissed since it makes them look like retards.

>Just treat them as regular characters instead of pushing tokenism and that's fine

Except anyone who makes this argument refuses to provide any examples of "good" LGBT characters. They just bitch and moan about their SJW boogeyman pervading any game with a gay character in it, no matter how innocuous the character's inclusion may be.

And no, shoving a character into the background and practically forcing them to remain in the closet isn't positive representation, either.

Japs sugarcoat gays and lesbians by making everybody cute and/or attractive instead of the freaky shit we get IRL, yuri stuff is a good example of this with all the bloom and cute young girls instead of hambeasts with dyed hair

Another big reason is because when a jap character is gay its either played for laughs with over the top flamboyant shit or its just a trait that doesn't get in the way of their actual personality (if there is one to begin with), when westerners do the same they make a big deal about it as if making a character gay was still considered some huge breakthrough, either that or clickbait


OP has been posting this thread since March. Report and move on.