Cliff Bleszinski On LawBreakers: "I Have To Keep This Game Alive"

>I Have To Keep This Game Alive
>It's been very humbling for me
>I'll try to be less of a dick

>Cliff Bleszinski knows the player figures for LawBreakers right now are low. But he isn't losing faith. Games can be slow-burners--just look at Warframe as an example--and developer Boss Key has big plans to get lapsed players to return and bring in new ones. In an interview with GameSpot this week, Bleszinski spoke frankly about LawBreakers. He told us he's been humbled by the low player figures; he talked about the mistakes he made in the direction of the game. He said launching near "Destiny season" probably didn't help. And he said he wants to be "less of a dick" with his interactions with people online.

So, will you help Cliffy now?

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I didn't not buy the game because I dislike him
I didn't buy the game because it's boring


It's already dead though, unless he has resurrecting powers.

>I didn't buy the game because it's boring

They go on about how fast it is and how sick the movement is but that literally applies to only 1 class and the shooting is all COD hitscan shit. plus the commercial song was gay.

>launching near "Destiny Season" probably didn't help
Yeah, that's why this game has no players. Destiny.

More like PUBG season

the game is garbage. im making an arena shooter right now that is far better.

UAHEuaehuheauhea fuck you nexon

Ironically, a lot of people play Destiny.

No where near as much as Pubg, but yeah people like Destiny outside of the echo chamber.

Can't fix broken.

He probably shouldn't have allowed the art to look like an angsty preteens wet dream.

my main problem with this game is how boring the characters designs are, they all look like stock UE4 store NPCs.

Why does such a Progressive person glorify gun violence? Why doesn't his game have a strong pro-gun control message that would win him his privilege points along with the unisex bathrooms?

>can't fix broken
yet your webm plays and looks different that the current release

Cliffy somehow made the most visually unappealing game of all time. Brown maps, annoying sparkles all around, all characters are black women with purple hair, that's the impression i'm getting from this game.

Law Breakers on life support confirmed

In it's current state, the only chance it has to stay alive is going F2P

OMFG this is fucking seizure inducing, how are you supposed to see shit?!

pretty close, like the most interesting character is the robot one just because he's different and unique

He won't be "less of a dick". Phil Fish got really sad and tried to pull this for about 24 hours. Saying he was getting sad over "everyone pick on Phil Fish" and that he wanted to come off nicer. Then he threw it all out when he took a picture with some other douchebag giving the bird to the camera. And that douchebag was Cliffy.

'Those XBOX fanboys are pretty salty"

He deserved it just for that, and I dont even own an xbox

Lawbreakers launched a full month of Destiny, and a lot of normies buy MP games to play for a short term.

Add to the fact that Lawbreakers numbers being tossed around are PC numbers, and Destiny's not coming out until October, and to top it all off the timed Playstation exclusive shit might turn some PC people off, there's really very little correlation between LB launch and Destiny launch.

I love how Sup Forums is so casual now that they celebrate and grin when more hardcore games flounder. But they celebrated overwatch for months and months based mostly on a character trailer, and welcomed area effects, ultimates and other casual mechanics.

> a million hobbygrade hero mmboafps arena games
> some have busty girls with huge asses
> some are free
> some are free games with busty girls
> lawbreakers only has black people and costs $60

What's the point of including afros in your game if you aren't including afro physics?

when did he say that?

It's the only one that isn't pandering to casuals in some sneaky way or another


>tfw I hate Destiny's business model, never played the first one amd gave no fucks about it
>but kinda want to support it for the crazier bits of scifi lore like the Vex, scifi shit you don't see outside of a few really autistic novels

The entire shitty genre panders to casuals, at least some let you look at tits whilst being casual.

Cliffy is very tenacious.

>why does a 60 dollar online only arena shooter die in an oversaturated market that has multiple good F2P titles out

>Cliffy somehow made the most visually unappealing game of all time.
Well don't forget that he also made Gears of War. The game that not only introduced the cover-based TPS into the industry and would lead to shitloads of generic and boring shooters that all play the same, but it also pioneered the 'brown n bloom' super realistic gritty aesthetic into the video game world.
That and Cliff has the audacity to say that his new game is going to be EDGIER and MORE QUENTEN TARATINO and MORE R-RATED than popular FPSs which he says are more whimsical and colorful, even though he is just talking about Overwatch and that is just one game in a sea of gritty, realistic FPS. And these gritty brown FPS game can be attributed to what Cliffy did with GoW.

Anyone playing PC games from the late 90's through the late 2000's has played on a low gravity server. While its fun for a short time eventually you get tired of it and stop.

>The game that not only introduced the cover-based TPS
Except it didn't. There was that PS2 game that did it first.

yeah, I should have said, "PIONEERED and POPULARIZED the modern TPS cover shooter" to be more accurate, but the point still stands

I actually can't tell what's going on in this webm.

>Unreal tournament series gets boosted massively thanks to the community and mods. Maps and mods for days. Some of these mods even became standalone games (Red Orchestra and Killing Floor).
>Make a new game that's restricted despite having to buy the damn thing in a market saturated to the brim with shooters
Cliffy sure is dumb. UT was fun because it had a million game modes, maps, mutators, and other mods. Those games were an amazing value. Why would Cliffy look at UT and then just do the opposite of what worked? This is such a failure on a basic level that I really want to know what's going on in his mind.