Why isn't it installed, Sup Forums?

Why isn't it installed, Sup Forums?

I've played it so much that I always burn out by the time I hit Downtown on a new save.

Time for my yearly replay I guess.

>thinking about replaying VtMB
>that combat system and physics

Add the clan quest mod, or Antitribu.

We ain't getting another game like this due to the change in attitude at white wolf.

For every Jeanette in a new game we would get 5 sexual minority characters and 2 transgender people to boot.

It is...
I replay it with a new clan and mods every couple of years

Been giving it some time between plays, so it feels a bit less monotonous. Plus, Cryaotic's playthrough ruined some of the fun, since he didn't even have it fully patched.

Because I just got done playing through it

This is my legit fear for every franchise that I love.
Its not just the forced diversity, its how badly its done.

>Walks up to a girl
>Hey there Miss, do yo....

But user, it was never deleted

Because I'm not trusting Sup Forums with game recommendations.

Also, I feel the dark gothic sexual style done up in VTMB is past, left in that 2004-2009 era of gothic. New age goth is co opted by hipster movements so it will never be as pure as it were.

Just finished playing it again yesterday.

I realized that the end game isn't as bad as everyone says. Exploring the levels made me realize that the sewers have multiple ways to complete parts of the second and third sections, it's just the first and fourth that are a bit hard to navigate and combat only. Society of Leopold have an environmental mechanic where you can send a boulder down a hill to kill some of the guards outside, and inside you get to either hack the security systems or try to do a bit of platforming to jump over them. Then you also get to rescue Ash if you can lockpick his cell or just find the key a little farther.

Honestly the end game does feel a little unfinished but I think people exaggerate how bad it is. I think a bigger issue is just that it seems like enemies get more defense but your weapons don't entirely scale accordingly even if you max out combat stats.


bad writing is bad writing, why is bad writing with gays and shit any worse?

Because it's not only shit but also gross

the hotel spooked me too much and the combat system was garbage
maybe I should actually play through it again

This is completely true but it still hurts

Combat is fun if you pick the proper clan and enjoy using disciplines and feeding in between melee combat. Pick Brujah or Gangrel if you want to do melee.

Is Strauss overrated?

>claims Camarilla protects vampires and that they all need it
>let's a doomsday disease spreading cult grow with headquarters literally across the street from his chantry
>blames the anarchs and insults them

But isn't brujah the least unique run?

Like, only a few characters even mention you're a Brujah.

Because I recently reinstalled windows and couldn't get past the Chang Brothers

I'm not sure actually, Brujah is the clan that I've played the least and the last time that I did play one was long ago. It's possible though, they're probably the most tame of the clans.

You could do a Nosferatu melee character since they have potence, and the stealth could make it a bit more fun for you too. They're just a little weaker against bosses unless you get level 2 animalism to spam burrowing beetle while you use melee attacks.

I run through this game on Halloween weekend every year.

>only Gangrel to go
>tfw 2017 will be the last year of playing spooky VTMB

I have yet to not go with Jeanette because of free sex and a more interesting character, though I am feeling like doing a low humanity run soon.

all non-camarilla are anarchs
a non-camarilla did it
he's right.

I have it. It's okay.

anarchs are the niggers of vampire society

Some are somewhat decent. Isaaks stroke me as a cool guy.

What about beckett? What is he?

>What is he?
If you ask him he says something like "I'm just Kindred". He's independent, but not an Anarch. He says that people cling to groups too quickly as soon as they find a little bit of wisdom and he doesn't like that.

I was playing it today and it just made me want to stop for some reason and start a new character. I was in the society of leopold. Does it get better because i legit hated playing through that part for some reason

It is


Society of Leopold is pretty close to the end of the game. You get a fun chase level with a werewolf, but the other few levels are all mostly straightforward combat. As long as you pumped up some combat stats like Jack tells you it should mostly be okay. I think the end part of the game is still fun.

>Having desktop icons

It got boring after second playthrough. The first one is still one of the most impactful I've ever had.

Keeps shit organized

I still get goosebumps from some parts of the game after 20+ playthroughs. There aren't many new games that really catch my attention, a few have, but not enough to fill all my gaming time. I'll play a new game once in a while, mostly go through older games or some multiplayer games though and play VtMB once or twice a year.

The haunted mansion was something else. Only topped by P.T.

I have this shit installed since 2007. If I didn't needed a bigger HD it would have been installed since 2004

I had 4 playthroughs and with each new one it was becoming more and more of a drag. I don't play any modern games myself, frankly speaking I don't play much at all. But if I were to choose between another run in Gothic 2 or Dark Souls and Vampires, I would choose the former almost every time.

I wish there existed more good r34 fro Jeanette and co.

This is the only game I know of where they got that dark Gothic style just right, not too emo, but not too mainstream.

I bought this on GoG without knowing that it came preinstalled with the (no new content version) unofficial patch. Can I still install mods that need an older version of the patch or install the new content version of the current patch?

1.it's not Halloween yet
2 already finished, still have a shit tons of games to play

>all non-camarilla are anarchs
that's not true at all

>all non-camarilla are anarchs
Maybe in the earlier days, but "Anarchs" became a group with some guidelines and leaders.

I was just mostly joking though. I like Strauss, he's mostly reasonable and smart, just thought that was kind of funny with the plaguebearer headquarters being right across the street from him.

Because i have Freelancer installed

Can you sex up vampires and beat the shit out of annoying hobos with a disembodies arm in Freelancer?

I can't seem to find it in your picture user can you be a little more specific

>annoying hobos
Are you talking about the one with the sign in Santa Monica that's always shouting?

Everything he says is true.

I still take him out just so he shut's up, that is unless he says something new on return visit.

Only problem is how empty and dark areas are after you're done with them.

haha originaly i was going to post the entire desktop, but i decided to cut the image, and that's the final result... a piece of shit.

Because I played it like 50 times, modded and unmodded, and there just isn't any more shit to do in it.

jesus user don't beat yourself up so much

>We ain't getting another game like this due to the change in attitude at white wolf.
You know, not to piss off all the goths in the thread but I could give a shit if it's about vampires or not. Just to have a game that has this quality quests, this small and concise worldbuilding and this quality writing would be enough.

Same for me but I still get the urge to play it once or twice a year. I've also watched a few videos of people playing it on YouTube, it's the only game that made me want to do that. Normally I'd only watch some 20-30 minute glitch runs of random games.

But still, I'm hoping I get to play this in VR some day. I think it would be incredible. I don't have any hope for a sequel or another game being "the next VtMB" but I would really like to try it in VR.

This, really. I'd probably like the game regardless of the setting/style

VtMB had minorities, gay people, and an obese character. But those weren't their defining characteristics so it works. If anyone would be able to write good characters with those attributes I would expect it to be them.

You still have ME2 installed (not to mention copious amounts of Final Faggotry), you're not exactly the best example.
Hell, the rest of the games there makes VtmB look incidental at best.

Such a shame that the launch of Bloodlines was such a monumental disaster that it pretty much killed Troika
Especially since they were supposed to develop Fallout 3 instead of Bethesda

It'd be a "shame" if it had been a tragic accident and not activision being cunts.
>hurr let's have the launch compete with half-life 2 while the game isn't even finished, no way this can go wrong

What is the best clan and why is it ventrue?

lol ventrue
doesn't even go fast

But you can dominate plebians and act like a douche and say it's genetic.

Most of his dialogue gets annoying but I always get a little smile in when he quotes The Dead Flag Blues.

its obviously the Toreador Chads that are best.

I can act like a douche and say it's genetic without giving up on going fast

And dominating plebs? That's for people who can't talk them into giving you what you want.

>tfw ran out of good RPGs to play

If I keep playing grand strategy titles in lack of a good RPG, I'll go insane.

Best clan is Lasombra - edgy as fuck too. Too bad you can't play as one.

I know this exact feel

That's not how you say Tremere.

Yes, but being absolutely the strongest combat clan makes up for it

Because it is simplistic trash. It is like if Tony Hawks had left out the skating and just had a few dialogue options and a few shitty npcs to kill.
What is supposed to be the appeal?

Because the fap material for this is poor as hell

You meant Toreador

>I hit thing
>making up for out of combat abilities

>It is like if Tony Hawks had left out the skating and just had a few dialogue options and a few shitty npcs to kill.

>Not sexing up Jeanette at every possible oppurtunity.

>Not installing that one mod that lets you fuck vivi

It's there man, look for it, I just wish better artists made better nsfw porn of it.

> It is like if Tony Hawks had left out the skating
... pause ...
> just a few dialogue options and a few shitty npcs to kill.
It really is just a few set pieces. It is like "postal" ffs.
Shame, because the concept is great.

Name one good out of combat ability lel

Obfuscate in general

In-dialogue madness/dominance

Generally having social skills worth shit

Every character can easily be strong enough to kill every enemy without issue, not all can easily navigate the rest of the quests as well.

People keep recommending me this game when I ask for a game to play in order to prepare for Halloween. I'm wondering what this game is, and if it's worth pirating.

Replaying this wont bring down my backlog any

Kill yourself, kid


Dominate/Dementation are both direct downgrades to persuasion, and playing stealth in this game is just retarded

> Dominate/Dementation are both direct downgrades to persuasion

Depends on the situation. Dominate/Dementation provide combat options letting you save points at critical moments, provide stealth options out of combat, and provide some degree of combat advantage (though not much).

> and playing stealth in this game is just retarded

lolwat, half the game is better played in stealth. You're missing out on a ton of rewards if you can't sneak.

For what you spend on dominate you can just put points in scholarship and melee, and get way more bang for your buck.
All melee gets you is overhearing some NPC dialogue. Its nice to try it out at least once, but after that its literally pointless. Either you go hard on obfuscate and youre literally undetectable by humans or you dont and then people can spot you from a mile away

>For what you spend on dominate you can just put points in scholarship and melee, and get way more bang for your buck.
You should invest in scholarship no matter what. The benefits are crazy. You get enough melee from free points, so I don't see a point in investing there. By the time you'd have the points to go max melee, guns take over anyways.
> All melee gets you is overhearing some NPC dialogue.
Did you mean "stealth"?
In which case, congratulations, you missed like half the optional objectives and several missions that are mandatory stealth.

Ok, but if im investing in scholarship, theres literally no benefit to putting points in dominate
Ive played through the games multiple times as Nos/Malk playing heavy stealth heavy characters, no clue as to wtf youre talking about besides those fucking dumbass mitnick missions

If you're 100% desperate for a vampire rpg set in modern day similar to vtmb, Bloodlust Shadowhunter exists.

I like that game, it's different enough from VtMB to feel fresh but close enough that it's still good. It has a couple objectives that are kind of odd design choices and going through the Shad hideout can be really confusing and take a long time, but I still like the game a lot.

Pretty impressive considering it's made by one guy.

Dane, Museum and Fat Larry missions all give stealth benefits. Imalia quest is stealth mandatory. All that plus mitnik means >10xp and a hideout.

You meant XP? Hhahahahaha
I thought you meant like added content or something. XP is so plentiful in this game that theres no point in going through those missions stealthily when you could blitz through them combat wise or just talk your way through them
If you enjoy it though, go ham. I just see it as the most annoying aspect of VTM, compared to the dialogue or fun disciplines

I got it installed.
I am in Downtown now, never played it before. First playthrough.

Does the game get better?
I can't bring myself to continue cause I heard endgame is all fighting shit n shit

What clan are you?


I know a lot of people dislike them but I like them

Endgame is mostly fighting, but fighting gets much easier over time. Stock up on ammo before heading to the kings way, everything else just falls into place.

Looking at it I would've assumed at least 5+. That's crazy. There are a lot of "tell not show" decisions regarding how to play the game but I guess that's better than having someone give up on a low budget experience like that just because of not being able to figure something out. With games like that I know it takes me awhile to get invested and a lot of them I just quit on but somehow it was able to hold my interest

Gangrels only flaw are how slow they attack. Pump Protean, Melee, and Unarmed and youll be unstopable. Spend any extra points in Scholarship or Charisma, and the noncombat parts will be a breeze.
Fortitude is also good, but ive always found animalism to be useless. Not even good for RPing

A lot of people are wrong