Yooka Laylee is 2.9GB

Yooka Laylee is 2.9GB

also, I want to drink that water

well, yooka laylee is also much smaller in scope, and reuses the same assets over and over to build its stages

so does mario

yooka laylee has bigger maps and probably more of them

This looks to be one of the most polished game of all time.

>yooka laylee has bigger maps and probably more of them



Let's say, for the purpose of argument, Yooka Laylee's maps are ten times bigger than Odyssey's. Those maps would still have zero (0) fun gameplay.

yeah well fun doesn't determine file size

same motor engine as the game cube mario same graphics same shit just rehash


SUPER MARIO REHASH #234983246092

Nothing about it gives such an impression.

Mario in shorts reminds me of Tomba the Mighty.

Fuck off shitposter. Yooka Laylee is great. Mario Odyssey will be great. Stop being faggots.

What's everyone's favorite level that Nintendo's shown so far? Mine is probably a tie between Bubblaine and Bonneton aesthetically.

I bet you also like Knack.

Why does this link keep crashing?

Lower poly models than your usuall AAA games, siple but effective textures that work with the artstyle. No 10 dubs of 5.1 audio etc.
It's not magic, most devs are just either lazy or go over the top on poly count and textures or uncomperssed cutscenes

>The entire game of odyssey is the same size as NBA 2k18's save files


Doesn't compression come at a cost of longer loading times?

the tropical island stage with purple water, looks like a 3d yoshi's island

Incompetence and laziness.

We've had the same fucking thread like 3 times in a row now. STAHP

depends on how it's handled

nintendo are usually very good about load times in mario and I expect this to be no different

>NBA 2k18's save files are over 5gb each

THAT'S the real Why, honestly.

depends on compression method, lossless compression does

lossy compression can

but basically simplifying your assets doesn't, like removing audio detail, decreasing texture resolutions, but this isn't really compression even if sometimes people call it such

they forgot to add in the graphics

in all seriousness games are generally so large because of voice acting and Nintendo uses very little of it

I personally think it looks like the clunkiest Mario game to date, but they're making up for it with scale and content quantity.

Steam Gardens looks like it'll be a lot of fun

Probably shitty textures

I legitimately can't fathom what makes one reach this conclusion.

more like anything video related like cutscenes that are prerendered and such.
look at the elder scrolls games. small games file size wise but lots of voice acting and content

gamecube tier geometry and textures


wow ur so enlightened

>how the fuck does nintendo do it?
I think a lot of AAA developers overvalue the small loss of quality in audio and texture that results by using a half decent compression.

Also Nintendo games usually lack prerendered cutscenes in favor of doing everything in real time, which can often take most of a game space, specially when you have to have 4K video now.

There are many big and small developers that use correct compression and limit the use of prerendered cutscenes for little more than logos, but since the PS3 generation I have the feeling that AAA developers want to show how big and good their games are by having the actual files have a big size too.

lol wiiu loading time where 30s to 1 minute even a bf4 map loads on 10s


user used a 'big' word and you got butthurt. fucking hilarious

switch is 720p so that helps

Well yeah granted, but based on the footage we've seen, it's such an odd conclusion to make.

Mario is nothing but bullet sponges
I dont get how people still like it

>user used a 'big' word and you got butthurt.
but that was you?

what part of this made sense to you?

Not having a ton of uncompressed voices and sounds might help.

it was not

yes, cutscenes and voice acting are the major culprits behind massive game file sizes

when all that fluff is cut down games aren't even that large, so 5.7gb for a mario game isn't surprising

3gb of the game are actually just uncompressed samples of charles martinet wahooing into a microphone

The part where all the enemies eat bullets like a sponge eats water? Unless something changes in this one I'm not interested.

again, what are you even saying? its a platformer not a shooter

Aren't most games only big because of uncompressed audio?

you can't rape women by mind-controlling them with your hat in yooka laylee though

I'm curious, how heavy was Zelda BOTW ?

How does that excuse bad game design?

and precompiled shaders, modern games are big because that way they can be optimized for performance, which is a bigger priority than file size

I remember Titanfall 1 being massive as shit on release purely because of audio

am i talking to a literal retard? what in the hell are you talking about. youre talking about a platformer, a mario game, as if its has shooter like gameplay and using the wrong lingo for the wrong type of game.

about 13 gb

>implying scale and content quantity can EVER save a clunky game

13.7GB. Pretty heavy, but understandable when it's world is so big.

Is it as much of a why as why does Cemu generate a 7 GB txt logfile in less than 30 seconds if you turn on all of the logging options?

Only for the handheld display, it's got a higher native resolution when docked

I think it's a new meme. I see that posted everywhere as a complaint for some reason.

user...he's merely pretending.

dude, idk what to say to you. the enemies are literally bullet sponges. did you not see the part where mario had to hit that grunt like 20 times to kill him?

>has to jump on goomba 20 times before it squishes
>not a bullet sponge

That's still pretty good.
I mean, when you think about the upcoming pc port of FFXV...

>20 mamajamas on that goomba
>not a bullet spongebob

samefag stop

Yeah, really. It's pretty ridiculous. I realize it's a big game but is it really worth taking up so much space for?

dude what about the part where he jumped on that enemy 20 times

didn't you see that part where he literally nuked the shroom 20 times?

What about it looks clunky though? I'm not even sure what any of you mean when you say this. Mario appears to have a variety of movesets at his disposal, doesn't seem to control poorly either.

what about the part where mario gave the pakistani death penalty on the goomba?

It's just shitposting. Anyone who doesn't bother to provide any amount of justification or context to their claim can be ignored, especially with a game this big. It's a (you) farm for people who lack friends/attention in real life

>mario not being a bullet sponge

900p higher

Sure, I'm just pointing out that 720p isn't entirely accurate, not looking to engage in your petty console wars

>in 2017




I suppose you're right. I'm seeing people repeat this stupid bullet sponge meme over and over again. And claiming that Gamecube games looked exactly the same as this.

I bet the sub 85 IQ retards who still find this meme amusing don't even know who Quintin was since they clearly don't get the context.

console wars? of which year 2007?

There are fucking PS4 games with 900p resolution. Why do people act like this isn't still a thing in this day and age? Consoles are still weak as shit.

Delete this.

Please stop engaging in console wars, it's so boring

>Yooka Laylee is great


a couple years ago 5.7gb would be a completely normal filesize for even a AAA pc game. Recently developers don't give a fuck. They don't compress their audio or textures or their massive prerendered 1080p cutscenes.

>A NBA 2k18 save file equals 5gb+

Holy father of pure uncompression.

>I think a lot of AAA developers overvalue the small loss of quality in audio and texture that results by using a half decent compression.
Compression doesn't result in loss of quality. You just have to decompress the asset when using it. It just makes load times take a hit. If you are dealing with 4K hardware with ultra-high res graphics and aren't only working with an 8 gig cart, it's probably better to forego a lot of compression Nintendo is using.

I... what? How? How could someone let something like that happen? How can a save file be that big? What the fuck is going on at EA? Why are all there games so fucking small yet so fucking huge in file size.

there's pee in there! dont!