Valve new ip speculation

Well what do you know, their hiring again... But wait, not just economists and Psy-op sales clerks, this time Valves put posting up for;

'Software engineers - Games'
'3D Character Artist'
'Sound Designer'
'Virtual Reality - Engineers'

Does valve have something new in the works after ditching the HL IP? Could there be something amazing, ground breaking even on the way? Discuss...

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Valve is never putting effort into anything ever again. Why would they make a new game (and entirely new IP) when they're making infinite money from steam by doing absolutely nothing?

VR microtransaction hat simulator 2018
Will be groundbreaking

>The VR meme
Come on, this shit died faster than motion controls.

Exactly, they sit on their throne and they wither and die. CS:GO and DOTA arn't gonna hold players wallets hostage for the next 5 years.

CS:4? DOTA 2.5? Nah, its gonna be something to fill the 'battleroyale' cash cow market

I think that VR headsets at least are here to stay.
It lets you do stuff like play a space sim with full view of the cockpit without buying a $10,000 flight sim cockpit

VR is cool, it lets me do stuff like
>Force every game to be about constantly teleporting five feet

desu it would be cool if someone bade a PUBG competitor that had a spread of weapons more like Battle Royale did and wasn't designed around waiting around to shoot specks in the distance from a billion miles away

lol what fucking space sim? The scam one that will never come out? Tedious space trucking sim? FS2 is STILL the last good space sim.

"How to look like your company is worth something when it isn't 101"

The Steam gravy train is coming to an end. Publishers are creating their own services and will soon follow EA in making their games exclusive to them. Destiny 2 is the biggest game of the year and isn't on Steam.

That's a bad thing though because now you have to have every literal who's stupid DRM "service" cluttering your machine. The era of Valve as semi-benevolent monopolistic dictators of PC gaming was a good thing in that regard.

Elite: Dangerous?
X Rebirth VR edition?
Potentially X4 VR edition in 2018?

Both KoH and Pub fall short of suspenseful urban guerrilla combat and valve has enough experience in corridors/interior as well as sophisticated multiplayer map meta.

cud wurk

They confirmed they have 3 games in development retards

Boring space trucker sims

Valve hadn't ditched anything, you parroting retard.
The leak from the writer means Half Life 3 will be nothing like what he wanted episode 3 to be, but the series will continue for the better or the worse. And Valve still has three live games, just anounced another one and it's working on 3 VR ones, you stupid ignorant.

Here here, plenty are willing to let Valve have monopoly on online game library services simply for the convenience

I mean they're all going to be just as jewy, if not more than Valve anyway.

You might not like them, but other people really do.

Oh how I wish to believe this- but after the music dump (I.E, CS:GO HL'''2''' music pack) they've dropped it ... for now- probably back to the drawing board the way you put it

Destiny 2 is not the biggest game of the year. Say what you will about PUBG but it gets dwarfed by that

All the figure say otherwise, stop typing out your ass

They haven't released any actual figures, stop typing out your ass

PubG= the most played game, the most players online at once, the most brought game on steam OF ALL TIME, ALL OF THEM, AT THE SAME TIME

That's what I'm saying you fucking retard, Destiny 2 is nothing compared to it