Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

Now that the dust has settled, can we stop the hate and contrarian bullshit and admit that Infinite is the best fighting game to date?

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That's not Guilty Gear.


how did they fuck this up so bad when its just porting over from UMVC3?

>roster is ass
>buy dlc to make the roster semi-good and different
yeah OP is a fag

Fuck off, OP

See you in game OP.

>Capkucks are this desperate

Because they're completely different games under the hood?
You may as well ask why magneto couldn't do his mvc2 infinite in 3

Why were they stupid enough to Port UMVC3 so people could see how fucking awful this is by comparison?

Why is that woman shooting Duke Nukem!?

MVC2 and 3 were made on completely different systems, engines, and completely different assets.

Whereas assets were reused from COTA all the way to MVC2, TVC and MVC3 were both made on new engines. Assets ported between them are fairly simple, i.e. porting from MVC3 to UMVC3, or more of a similar case to this, porting Ryu, morrigan, zero, viewtiful joe, and chun li from TvC to MVC3.

Their hitboxes, properties, and animations are all transitioned over with relatively little change, so how could they not realize something this with Ghost rider?

But then again the game is VERY bugged, pic related.

>is the best fighting game to date?
>Marvel: Infinite

That's a funny way of spelling Guilty Gear, OP.

I feel obliged to ask this. Are you seriously claiming that COTA and MvC2 are equivalent because they use the same sprites?

Thats for sure something that would be returned to testers as "Working as intended"

I'll admit it's a good game when Marvel puts the X-men in it.

I really want to agree with this but then I remember Sin Kiske exists.
GG would be the best fighting game if only it were more balanced.
There's plenty of other broken shit besides Sin as well.

COTA, XmenvsSF, MSH, MSHvsSF, MVC1, and MVC2 all were made not only the same sprite by the same engine and similar physics and technical assets on the CPS2 systems.

The same way Capcom made 7+ iterations of SF2 at the time period reusing assets but tweaking them, they took that to an extreme with the "Marvel" games.

They were based on the code and engine of COTA, the core tenants of gameplay are the same across all the way to MVC2, it was just a matter of changing assets and creating new ones with new games. This is most obvious when one hacks the game to find that many characters have their animations or data for moves they had in previous ones, but its still in the games code. They were just ported because its on the same engine (like Thanos)

So no, not equivalents but they were using the same system. Just as the same process is being used now for the modern Vs series. Assets are being used from all the way back in TvC to today.

yes as intended

If you were a tester you'd know what I mean about it. This ones more obviously not. The full screen block is a fucked up design decision that they full well know about. Post the Dr. Strange slideshow

>mfw rocket raccoon

the world has failed me.

MvC2 is Naomi and used a new engine you retard.

I posted this the last time you posted this webm but I'll do it again because you think that is proof of the game being buggy.

That is a fake crossup using an ambiguous hitbox. Thanos uses the up teleport to put himself right above Iron man, then uses the Power stone. Because of the power stone's hitbox, Ironman is hit from the front sending him into the corner wall. Thanos begins to fall after the power stone and slides off of Ironman towards the corner. Instead of phasing through Thanos Iron man wallsplats against him, then Thanos walks under and launches. It doesn't look too good but mechanic wise it is all very sound.

You're still trying to draw parallels between a 6 button game and a 4 button game. Completely different mechanics, different interactions, everything that's conductive to combos is different. Compare a COTA combo video to MSH and they'll look completely different. Why? Because despite using the same sprites and the same engine it's still a different fucking game, with very different mechanics.



This kills the capcop

Nice try Crapcom shill.

wtf lol

I think MikeZ blocked me

What is it?


its a ghostrider infinite that is basically down down light which is his chain grab that turns out you can loop indefinitely

Is there an actual reason to play this game over MvC3?

>no comic costumes
>no comic locations
>all cartoon mcu and capocm redesigns
shit fucking sucks

It'll be the hot thing for at least a month and all the players are moving over to it. Other than that everything is worse.

Except Captain Marvel. Marvels big push of her is baffling.

at this point MvC3 is likely to become the new Smash melee, except it's been """dying""" from quite a bit.

Already patched.

Although I think its funny that hes shitting on Capcom when his shit is fucked up.
Indivisible better be a GOTYAY, or he fries with them

>OG Gamora
>Annihilation Ultron
>comic Rocket
>Superior Spider-Man

its not though

To not get #leftbehind

thats a pic of gladiator hulk something from the comics and its been redesigned please tell me you were just retarded.

>og gamora
I do not see purple highlights do you?

It is though.

just to help you see it since you posted it in the last thread she also has a gold headband not black, no mesh undershirt its a fusion of the comic costume and the mcu

its not thats the final build of the game what the fuck are you talking about

its only patched on pc since on ps4 its still there till tuesday meaning somehow this got through months of testing

There's a day one patch, and people have already installed it and it gets rid of the Rider infinite. MikeZ didn't bother installing it because he's a salty nigga.

I just want to know did you not even look at the figures before posting or are you really that dumb

>being this upset at being proven wrong


please tell me how I was wrong tell me how the "og gamora" in this game is accurate to the comics. I know you won;t and if you do you will just post some nonsense but it would be fun to see you try

>Superior Spider-Man
Fucking gross.

don't worry it will just be the mcu costume mixed with it because fuck comic fans

Why is there some beta in the video?

Yeah, cause comic fans really love Slott's Otto.

did you just call LI "evo top 8" "not a shill" "johnny sins" joe a beta

true I was thinking about the iron man armored spidey not superior fuck gonna go kill myself

>Infinite is the best fighting game to date

>choosing to play 2
>ignoring the fact that it's pstched out now
>implying Skullgirls wasn't worse in any way

Wake me when there's something as busted as the DHC glitch

Yeah, look at the dork. I think anyone would call him that


does dante have his DT

guys please do not write off this game because of how bad it looks it plays great! We made a bad story on purpose because we were allowed too!


Is that the AI frameskipping to block faster?

It's no stand/crouch transition animation while blocking.

can this nigga shill any harder?

That's Iron Spider last I checked. Got briefly called Scarlet Spider too, I think.

I do not even get what he means by memes? you mean people mocking how bad the game looks? thats not a meme

Don't be so harsh on Infinite, user.

easter eggs for a video game...... but IRL?

This MCUed Gamora costume will look horrendous in game.

>D-ditching the X-Men was not done to protect intellectual property guys, i-it was for the story. W-What do you mean we don't even mention them in the story. I-I thought it was understood they w-went away for some reason or something

>dust settles
>the game hasn't even been officially released yet and OP hasn't even played it

It is a joke to use "now that the dust has settled" or a variant in situations it isn't true.

Oh my god

>thats not a meme
meme is short hand for phenomena. Makeing fun of and shitting on MvCI has become a bit of a small phenomena. Therefore hating on it has become a bit of meme.

Learn about language ya dumb ass fucktatrd

So when the opinion of a game gets split between reddit people hating it, and neogaf people liking it, which opinion will Sup Forums be contrarian against?

Who is your most wanted newcomer?

I don't really know. Like I was exited for Hsien-Ko in MVC3, but then she was horribly mangled. If it was stripped down to "Character that could be cool", would be easily in the hundreds.

>Captain Hydra skin

We finally have confirmation that the story was priority over the roster

I was so happy she was announced for a new game.

And then HK came out and she was the worst character in the game.

Life is suffering.

If that is the case, why is Firebrand Dormammu's sidekick instead of Jedah's? He doesn't do much as is and Jedah goes like three fights in a row solo.

Funny thing is, that's already been patched out & Mike refused to download the patch.

Isn't the issue that the patch is only out for some versions at this point?

>supporting Capcom
I really hope you aren't serious

I've wanted a Breath of Fire character for years; Nina was my preferred choice, and with how close she came to getting into UMvC3 I had high hopes. Too bad for me.


Capcom used the same Ryu spritesheet from Street Fighter Alpha to MVC2, with only getting new assets for Capcom vs SNK and Street Fighter III because they were designed for new hardware. Disingenuous.

Did they patch the rest of the game where it isn't shit?

I know it's out on PC. Don't know about PS4.

Does the dust ever settle anyways?

$ 2 0 0

I don't even know why they made the Infinity Eggs in the first place when it's clear that all the money went into the character statues, which actually look pretty damn good.

I'm a casualfag fighting game player, probably the kind of person Capcom is courting the most with these recent games, and I literally don't give a fuck about this game because it doesn't have the characters I like, and I don't really care about the shitty marvel movies either. So if all this buggy gameplay shit is a sacrifice to get in people like me, they fucked up.

What things do you like, speaking as a casualfag? Seems strange if it fails at the target audience.

dumb capcbro shill still thinks game wont be dead on arrival.

i hope that paycheck is worth it.

>You may as well ask why magneto couldn't do his mvc2 infinite in 3

he actually could do the ROM in vanilla mvc3 iirc

Nostalgia, like the X-men. I remember mashing out berserker barrages on arcades a few decades ago and I'd like to again, but I can't.