ITT: Things that are worse than the estus flask

ITT: Things that are worse than the estus flask

You gonna start?


*Eats 99 Dark moon grass*

Literally everything. Estus Flask is the Dark Souls of healing mechanics.

I laughed

I already did. Bloodvials a shit

Yep, bloodvials are ass

Passive Health Regen

this thread


And why is that?

What do you think it tastes like? I'm thinking cherry.

could you kill a nigga if the nigga was BIGGA?
i doubt it

It tastes like fucking blood, you simpleton.

Because they're worse than estus in about every way. As the saying goes "don't fix what isn't broken".

In other words you can't explain your position.

Woah, so it's like the dark souls of healing potions.

The autistic kid that keeps posting the same discussion everyday because he needs others to validate his opinions mostly due to his insecurity about his own thoughts.

Explain why it's better to let players health incredibly quickly twenty times right off the bat.

Because I can parry it by shooting you and following up by pulling your asshole inside out.

I'll bite. The estus flask refilling after bon fires and deaths adds weight to your decisions. Until very late game when you can farm humanity, you have very limited health.

In Bloodborne, instead of giving you your mandatory health pickups, it forces you to farm for them, which was a pretty bad aspect of Demon's Souls that they'd technically fixed for a few games. It's a bit of a regression. I think it artificially lengthens the game if nothing else

I don't have to, you're the one claiming it's worse than estus in every way. Burden of proof is on you.

>it forces you to farm for them
Ah, it's this scrub "argument" again.

You seem to forget that for healing bloodborne also has the rally mechanic


PC chuckle brothers still assblasted.

>Being this butthurt that I'm critically thinking about your precious waifu game
Call it scrub, but it forces you to fight low level enemies that present no challenge. There's no purpose for it late in game. You're the scrub that likes lamp, kill easy enemies, lamp, kill easy enemies. kek

You are correct, I did forget about that. But I've always considered it a last ditch effort for healing. It's extremely risky. If they would have done rally with an estus-type system, and balanced it accordingly, that would have been great. Maybe 10 estus charges that don't heal as much as rally, to encourage rally use?

Estus is a crutch for casuals and the Dark Souls series should have never come to pc.

estus > vials > grass > tedious upgrading shit


Which game had tedious upgrading shit?

>but it forces you to fight low level enemies that present no challenge
But it doesn't if you dont run out of them?
Its a simple issue of "are you good enough to earn more flasks than you are wasting".

>pic not related

2 and 3
its fine for one play through but having to remember the location of and hunt down a dozen upgrades every play through is very unfun for me

There should be no healing items.
You get full HP when starting a new area or when facing a boss, that's it.

Nice job bring console war horse shit when no one mentioned it once. Op really is trying hard to keep his thread alive. If you suck dick hard enough you might actually make a friend.

>Call it scrub, but it forces you to fight low level enemies that present no challenge
You shouldn't be farming bloodvials regularly enough for this to be an issue. If you are then you are shit at the game and should be treated similarly to that guy that couldn't beat Cupheads tutorial.

Don't forget that healing in BB is risky due to getting parried, but that also works in your favor too when fighting enemies. I guess now is the best time to drop the Git Gud.

>I can parry it
Kinda irrelevant to people who played it offline though, I don't mind souls PvP but I'm not wasting money on a subscription for one game

2 and 3 had you upgrade your Estus flask

You can parry other hunters and even bosses in the game you cock gobbling faggot. Do you need to have summons for every souls game you play?

1 did as well, with the firekeeper souls, and humanity burning at bonfires

My problem with the blood vials was that they were tied to a button that had a different use in the previous games

so for the first 2 hours I was waste vials trying to change weapon form

That's true, although I'd say that Moon Grass and Lifegems are even worse.

Really, Blood Vials should have just triggered rally without needing to lose health, so that you'd pop one and then need to attack in order to replenish your health. For a game that really celebrates being more aggressive than Dark Souls, blood vials are probably the safest healing item to use in the series.

2 and 3 have twice as many upgrades half of being required if you want a decent amount of them and placed in random fucking locations with no rhyme or reason
1 had very hard to miss fire keeper souls in memorable locations (or just killing npcs in extra playthroughs) with humanity being a common resource

You start with a guaranteed 5 and can extend all the way to to 20. Plus a lot of bonfires give you 10 by default.

>Plus a lot of bonfires give you 10 by default.
Wrong, only bonfires that have firekeepers do this and there is a much smaller amount of these then the latter.

Yeah, but the game gives you enough humanity to kindle bonfires around the start after the patches. At the release humanity was a lot more scarce however. I remember back when I got the game for my 360 the humanity was nowhere near as plentiful as it is now.

Regardless if you have not killed the area boss, the game will give you soft humanity for just grinding mobs in the area so you basically always have access to 10 Estus flasks.

I just said how I'm not gonna pay for MP and you sperg out and bitch about me summoning, a system I don't touch on the first run of souls games.
>parry other bosses
Any that use health vials? Because I never noticed and that was what we were talking about before your autism took over, I'm plenty aware that a souls game has a parry system, thanks.

Its understandable that they remapped the weapon transformation button since there are transformation attacks and they play quite a huge role considering the massive damage modifiers.

>As the saying goes "don't fix what isn't broken"

At least we agree that Dark Souls 2 is shit.


>pepsi face
someone post the PDF

Given bb's pace, imagine how awful would it be to have the vials in the consumable menu.

That is infinitely better than the DaS1 Estus System.

Kindling is a fucking joke; 20 Estus is too much for ANY situation, especially given the fact that you just need to kill the easiest boss in the game and then drop a few humanity for the permanent improvement to a bonfire. It really should have been 5 Estus for regular bonfires, and then you can pump it to 10 with the rite. 15-20 is awful.

Gradually building up your Estus through limited upgrade items is much better. It keeps the amount of healing you have much more balanced for most of the game, and rewards exploration rather than farming.

The problem is that due to the segmented Estus, Dark Souls 2 and 3 have way too many bonfires. 15 to 20 Estus is a bit much but if you co-op, it's shared between the host and all the phantoms.

DaS3's version of the Estus, which is instant, heals for a fuck ton, doesn't slow or cost Stamina, and is constantly full because of bonfires being within spitting distance of each other.

"it forces you to farm for them"
Ive never had to farm them, git gud skrub

This. Fuck chug souls 3

>It forces you to farm
>Doll is right next to a fucking store that sells Vials.
>"m-mmmmmuuhhh level up echoes"

I hated them at first too, but then i got good.

Bloodborne teaches you to not waste vials.

Don't even have to git gud. I'm shit at this game and still haven't had to farm..... unless there's some magic invisible line I haven't passed yet that 'forces' me.

The DLC is a bit of a spike but I've owned the game since 2015 and never had to farm for vials.

>Defending Blood Vial drops
>"git gud"

Not that guy, but Blood Vial drops make the game easier, not harder. Farming for Blood Vials is tedious, but doesn't make the game any more difficult. Enemies and corpses dropping Blood Vials, however, definitely makes the game much easier. You start out with 20 vials, which is already too many, but your supply for the level is actually going to be 20 + whatever drops you find. I could eat an ambush in the face, then R1 spam to rally most of my lost health back, then pick up some blood vials off the corpse and wind up with a net gain in healing items as a reward for walking into an ambush. DaS1 and 3 had some limited ways to replenish Estus, but they weren't nearly as reliable or plentiful as Blood Vial drops in BB.

>it forces you to farm for them

>Have to farm in order to refill on bloodvials

Why did they do this? It's meaningless busywork. The same goes for weapon degradation. I like that they included it in there, but the price for repairing a weapon is so small and the process of doing so is so simple that you may as well not include it.

I don't even mind the farming. I just think they're OP as fuck considering how many you get early in the game.

This combined with the healing on hits and increased ability to dodge made BB the easiest game in the series for me. The only boss that cockblocked me for more than a few attempts was orphan, and even he wasn't that bad.

The difference is that Bloodborne expects you to go through the levels(which are larger than DS1 levels) and the boss in one go with those Blood vials. Dark Souls 3 generally gives you 2-3 bonfires mid-level with which to restock your Estus flask and Dark Souls 1 levels weren't all that large in the first place. Blood vials are also a percentage heal so 20 blood vials actually translates to only 10 full heals.

the estus flask

I agree with your estus point, for starters.

But vials being finite are meant to encourage use of rallying. They mesh better with Bloodborne as a game as it is faster paced and more combat oriented. Why should I care about checking to see how many mistakes I have left before I have to head back to a lantern? Nigger, I can go all in with half health and still leave with half health even if I get damaged. I shouldn't have to stop and think about how much I should hit up a lantern in Bloodborne, I should be thinking how much I can get through *without* having to step back and heal up.

As for farming, and as others have said, as soon as you have echoes to spend on consumables you should be doing so. You don't even need to level up in the first areas and if you do you're probably dumping into HP anyway. Boy, do I dump echoes into short term survivability to get by the part that I need to get by or do I put points into long term survivability that I don't need right now and won't need until Amelia. Hmmmmmmmm.

If you get past Amelia and still have to go back to Yharnam then you should consider working on how you play the game. Vial management will follow.

I think they give you a lot early game to give you a surplus - that you don't need, mind you - and to introduce the storage mechanics.

This is a very solid reasoning.

Smells like shit

While I do like more the estus flask, at least from a lore perspective (you're actually drinking remains of fire while in bloodborne you''re consuming blood by smashing a vial against your leg?), mechanically it doesn't make that much of a difference. If anything the blood vial is better. You not only lose your blood echoes, you also lose a finite item and their value in echoes. In dark souls, fuck it, if you have a few souls, go nuts, at least you see how a boss is or do a suicide run, nothing of value is lost. In bloodborne you're loosing a finite thing for every fuck up. If anything bloodborne should have made the blood vials more scarce or more expensive.

I would say yes but then i remember Dark Souls 3.

You're not smashing it against your leg, you're injecting it.

>almost 50000HP worth of healing power always in your inventory
>full 99 stack costs only 30k souls and lasts for days, alternatively can be farmed with ascetic in the gutter very effectively
>enemies are literally braindead and can't do shit against you simply backpedalling and popping them one after another
>they stack up to 4 times

That would've been alright if they only had lifegems available to you as healing and adjusted the level lengths appropriately given how potent lifegem heals can be in Dark Souls 2

>The estus flask refilling after bon fires and deaths
>adds weight to your decisions
>very limited health
Pick one.

But how? The item is just a glass vial.
I get the idea that you're injecting it, but the character has nothing on him to do the injection, even if it had, are we to believe that your character has prepared 20 needles from that blood vials?

I think that it's just one of those things that's streamlined for the sake of simplicity in animation but the characters are definitely supposed to inject the blood instead of smearing it against their leg.