
The average game is an iphone farming game or facebook game.

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Why are you posting this everyday? sage

Fuck youself shill

Stop getting mad at girls.

What the fuck is Nesta, why did they make a study on video game demographics, and why would they?

>video games
>passionate about arts
>as culturally significant as high art

because they include shit like Candy Crush as a video game

>using shitty surveys where most of people are idiots who never touched other game than Candy Crush
>push it as an narrative and agenda in real hardcore gaming world and "journalism" to prove that there is a lot of "female gamers"
really makes you think

Sure, if you count every person who plays Candy Crush or Angry Birds, you'll get those stats.

When are first world nations going to get uncucked? This shit is spreading like a virus.


wtf i love girls now

I want cuddles!


Of course this is your typical COD player. They just use voice changers is all

what a nice jewish boy

>women waste their time actually playing videogames
Holy shit how stupid are women?

Why do they constantly counter people who play a phone game maybe 10 minutes a day as gamers? Do we count people who read the newspaper as bookworms?

>men waste their time actually playing videogames
Holy shit how stupid are men?

Less stupid than women.

Every human is a nigger

So what youre saying is, if I want my qt gamer girl, I have to wait until im in my late 30s to 40s?

Fuck that Im not waiting another 20 years. I'll just fuck those sluts down the block.

Look around. Do you see any men actually playing vidya?

Probably because they're fucking clueless and don't understand the demographic.

Liberalism is blatantly a mental illness.

>When are first world nations going to get uncucked?
Probably never. The dialogue has broken down and I don't see it ever getting started again. We aren't communicating in a healthy way any more. We're throwing up barriers as fast as we can, under the pretense of tearing them down.

There's an epidemic of depression, anxiety, general feelings of being unappreciated, on both sides. Men feel dirty and unwanted and women aren't willing to comfort them because the women think the men are dirty and don't want them. Women want the men to change and they feel invalidated when the men don't change, because they're too busy feeling dirty and unwanted. Instead of reaching out to converse and help one-another, we're receding back out of the world, into hermitage. The only people left talking with each other are yelling at the top of their lungs, convinced that everyone but them has to change.

It's all cucked. It'll be cucked forever.

Shouldn't the video game industry attempt to cater to me, a male, more? I'm the minority after all.

So how many times is this thread going to be made now?
How long will it be until these threads stop being made even when new articles come out?

what kind of catering would you like, user

And all those feelings of being dirty or unwanted, and girls desiring $10k/day chad CEO's are because of jews.

End the jewish problem and we end the cuckoldry.

White genocide is real