just IMAGINE the holiday season
Just IMAGINE the holiday season
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Couldn't care less fag
could* care less fag
With Odyssey just around the corner too, gg any competition
I think all the consoles will sell well this season, but the PS4 may finish 3rd with all the shit coming out like the Iphone X, the Xbox X and the Switch with Mario and their holiday liineup.
no one likes nintendo anymore, and no one likes mario. if they did do you think the wii u would have failed?
why the fuck do you fag care so much
Learn to idort and stop wasting your energy on shit you dont like.
So a new console has outsold two 4-year-old consoles that most of its potential player base already owns. This just in, Apple sells more Iphones this week than 64KB Macintosh computers.
Add to that how the Wolfenstein and Doom ports confirmed that not only the Switch has third party support, but that the console is easily as powerful as the PS4 and the Xbone (even more given how it has portability, something the others lack).
I can see Sony and Microsoft abandoning the videogame hardware industry in the next two years, three tops.
>People already own XBONEs and PS4s
>Only thing left is the Switch
Yeah, I really can't wrap my head around why the Switch is selling so well
Nice wojack bro.
literally not an argument
Are you retarded, or just pretending to be retarded?
why is there a penis?
Sony have been out selling nintendo 4 out of the last 6 years
You're not an argument
sales =/= profit
This is getting REALLY old:
>Title implies it's worldwide
>After all the clickbait the source is finally cited in the middle of a paragraph, revealing it's only in a single region
So this means the PS4 is still outselling the Switch. And journos need to nitpick certain regions to point out one outsells the other, while ignoring the only number that matters (you know, the whole world, the TOTAL number). This is as scummy and hilarious as Microsoft saying "XBONEX IS THE MOST PRE-ORDERED CONSOLE EVERRRRRRRRR" and under the fine print you see "for xbox consoles".
Context matters. Switch isn't outselling the PS4, moving on.
Oh yeah? Nintendo has sold more consoles then Sony during the entire history of the industry
user, the switch won in august
Just wait till XBOX comes out. It will rape ya all
>Just America
>CoD, Battlefront 2 etc. guarantee PS4 dominance due to casual fags this fall
At least you tried again.
>Implying FIFAland counts
And guess that region. That's right it's America :^) so it still sold a shit load and you're still an assblasted sonybro
>just the biggest market
It's actually pretty genius if you think about it. The headline's technically not wrong since it didn't say worldwide and console war fags will click on it to fuel debates. It's extremely scummy, but I'll give credit where credit is due.
>release years after the other two
>outsale them most of the time, but still not even all the time
>Add to that how the Wolfenstein and Doom ports confirmed that not only the Switch has third party support, but that the console is easily as powerful as the PS4 and the Xbone
Not to bash the switch, but nuDOOM is so linear, i wont even surprised if it runs on mobile with enough downgrade on assets.
>holiday season
The vast majority of switch owners are manchildren who don't have someone who loves them enough to buy them this shit
>Current gen is 7th gen
>i-it's only out selling in Japan. Nobody cares!
>i-it's only outselling in North America! Nobody cares!
I see a trend here.
>New system outsells systems that have been out for years
>more news at 11
It's almost like people who want PS4 and XBOX already own one..
yet PS4 outsells it by far in worldwide sales
really makes you think
Thats actually horrible but they have stock issues as an excuse.
Dont be dumb man if the entirety of Europe picked up a Switch and bought Fifa you'd say it would count. you cant just dismiss Europe like that that being said We'll see by the end of this month if when it releases on the 29th if the tides change again.
[Citation Needed]
>just IMAGINE the holiday season
Nintendo has pretty much confirmed there will be a stock shortage this Christmas.
Want to double down? They ceased production on the NES Classic so they could repurpose their efforts into Switch production. They have now announced that the NES Classic will return in 2018.
You sound very insecure. It's only consoles m8.
What's wrong with consoles selling more then one other? How much more did the PS4 outsell the switch? Negligible? And this is the thing I hate about neo-Sup Forums: competition doesn't matter as much as you think it does because it's a fucking entertainment industry. People will pay exorbitant amounts of money just to play an exclusive on the consoles. Some people like fire emblem, some like Halo some play PC only. There is no signal of games dying anytime soon folks
>Switches (lol) on and off between Japan and North America
Lmao, just... lmao. Now try pulling a PS4 and excelling in both.
>6 months
> try pulling a PS4 and excelling in both.
>Newly released console sells more units than consoles than other consoles that are almost half a decade old
Color me surprised.
Again, context matters.
When I say "PS4 is outselling Switch" you should assume the following:
-it's worldwide AKA the total number
-it's the most consistent number, not from a single month but from the largest time-span possible
So when you say the Switch managed to scrape by in a month as a way to undermine my statement you aren't doing much. I'm still right in the fact that PS4 is outselling the Switch overall since Switch's launch. Of course there are ups and downs in specific periods of time, such as big releases or more availability, but the average is more or less the same.
Why go for Europe? I said worldwide. If you said the PS4 outsold everything else and only then said it's Only in Europe***** then I'd call you out on that too.
Why do you keep bringing up individual regions as if they mattered jack shit to the total number? I don't care if the number 10 is divided like 1|1|8 or 3|3|4, the total is still 10. The total is the only thing that matters. According to you the Vita is still well and alive considering it didn't sell liek absolute shit in Japan and still gets weeb 3rd party support there. But in a worldwide context it IS a dead platform.
Yeah, Switch did a bit better than the PS4 in the US. Heck, the Xbone is on parity with the PS4 in the US for the most part, but it doesn't stop it from being outsold 2-to-1 worldwide. See how little a single region matters? A single region doesn't kill or save a platform no matter how much you try to pretend it does.
Yeah, clickbait channels like TheKnow and all these "journos" are doing an impecable job at deceiving everyone. The last meme I read about (just before this Switch outselling PS4 bullshit) was that Destiny2's sales were shit, 50% down from Destiny1. Then I found out those were only numbers from fucking UK, and they only counted physical retail when we all know digital sales in some western countries exceed physical sales nowadays.
I'd love to know how Mr. Paul Tassi acquired the sales data for all three of these companies, considering none of them release this data.
Fucking gotem bro.
Nintentoddlers btfo
Haven't the PS4 and Xbox One also been out quite a bit longer?
t. retard
I'm a PCfat
I've considered buying microsoft or sony consoles every now and then, but I have never really considered buying a Nintendo non-handheld console ever, because I ALWAYS have atleast one or two friends with one and I go over to their place to play it
>American education
Wasn't the Switch suppose to fail in sales? It's been six months and it doesn't seem that way.
Your choices are
>Admit you pulled that statistic out of you're ass because you were booty hurt someone said a mean thing about Nintendo
>Be an autist and count all that shit out from scratch
As a prominent Hip-Hop producer would say "You played yourself".
>then I'd call you out on that too.
No you wouldn't
You stupid ignorant child.
Lol booty blasted negro btfo
They said themselves they're not going to be able to manufacture enough for the holidays
Maybe. Or that could just be a sales tactic to whip up hysteria. Either way, the Switch will sell a fuckton this Christmas.
>nigger chimes in
I can already see it, faggit.
The Xbox One X will have a PUBG bundle for the holidays, so it'll dominate everything.
Shit man get got
I would actually LOVE that. Just to shut both these idiot camps up.
NEW console outsells OLD console
hmmm, really makes me think
Not what they said. They just said that they plan to sell 10 million this year and that if the demand is greater, it depends on how many they can make.
Except Sonybros have been complaining for the past month that the Nintendo switch is doomed
Everyone thought the Wii U was a tablet accessory for the Wii.
People have been calling for the death of nintendo since the 64 days.
This, my friends.
This, is why the Wii U sold 13 million consoles in 4 years.
Since 1889.
can a REAL eurofriend explain why sony is so popular there
>1985, Nintendo launches video game console, after the video game crash? Dead as fuck in this market, Nintendo's done
>1986, wow, seriously? Famicom DISK System? Disks suck shit... It's really over... What happened to your main console support?
>1989, wow, the "GAY BOY?" Dead... Underpowered, old hardware... It's literally over... They killed themselves.
>1991, Nintendo launches Super childrens box, underpowered next to Genesis, dead as fuck, kids won't admit to owning one
>1995, virtual reality is cool... Wait, RED? Dead. Nintendo is done, what were they thinking?
>1996, cartridges... Not CDs? Dead as fuck. Goodbye Nintendo.
>1999, The Nintendo 64 DD? Really? Disks again? It's over, goodbye Nintendo, you'll die in Japan then the West...
>2001, holy fuck, small CDs? Dead as shit. It's really over...
>2001, wow... Game Boy Advance? I have to buy a new portable power system after the last one failed miserably? It's fucking totally over... and it uses cartridges....... Not Game Boy Discs... Dead on Arrival.
>2004, A dual... Screen? Touch screen? Holy shit. You taped two Game Boy Advances together? Dead...
>2006, WII? Haha! That's like my wiiwii. Wait, motion controls? Like the power glove? Haha (actual comments) dead!
>2011, 3D? Wow, seriously? What is this, VIRTUAL BOY 2? Haha! VB2, baby! Holy shit, it's so over. Goodbye Nintendo, your last market is mobile, and you killed it.
>2011, wow, Wii U? You mean Wii Shit 2? Dead (sold like shit, still profitable for Nintendo)
>2016, wow, Pokemon GO? This is really it... Nintendo is purely mobile games now... Dead.
>2016, Wow... Mario Run? More like Mario Flop?? It only made 30 million dollars from 90 million downloads? Dead...
>2017, Switch? Wow... jesus fuck, brace yourselves, we're witnessing their last and final console release anons, it won't be pretty.
>just imagine holiday season
Won't be much different since Nintendo still doesn't know how to keep a product in stock. Glad I got mine awhile back so I don't have to worry about it a month from now at the height of the bing bing wahoo hype.
I bet they aren't adding the sales of PS4 and PS4 Pro together. Nintenkiddos are so pathetic.
oh my god.
Kill me.
I could imagine it goes that far back, but I just remember seeing shit from the birth of internet forums claiming doom.
Each of the companies have made their fare share of fuck ups. Did people call for the death of MS when HD DVD addon came out?
>tfw these things will only get harder to find
I only wanted splatoon and xenoblade but by the time I get the console splatoon won't be as hype as it is now a little after launch.
why can't you faggots just buy games and game consoles you want to play and not give a fuck about the worldwide sales? why do we have to argue about it?
I definitely want to get a Switch once it has more games that interest me and the price of the games drops. So I expect I'll be waiting a long while.
>a console from 2017 outsells consoles from 2013
It fucking better.
Oh my god I'm fucking cringing hard.
Fun fact - new doom was pretty close to getting the mgsv treatment, as in current and last gen releases side by side but Bethesda told id to forget it not far from the end. The noclip documentary guy (the Irish dude) discussed it some time back, 30 fps, drastically reduced textures but other than that, it wasn't far off.
The fact anyone is praising the switch for getting a port of it greatly amuses me, fan boys are something else
It's literally THE best selling game of the year, and it's exclusive to PC until now. Xbox will dominate.
>Did people call for the death of MS when HD DVD addon came out?
No but they did when 30% of consoles RED RINGED
>Did people call for the death of MS when HD DVD addon came out?
No, because the bread and butter of MS is enterprise software solutions, not gaming.
30% red ringed? I doubt 30% DIDNT red ring
>make shit console
>manufacture billions of them
>make good console
>manufacture 5
the day nintendo stops being retarded I will get laid
It was 54% of the consoles manufactured that did. At least before the revisions. At least they handled it well with trying to fix that mistake.
Fair, I guess I would have been better off saying the xbox brand itself.
Sad part is that it actually isn't. This supposed news is from NPD, who won't release the actual numbers. Nobody has the source for this. It's literally fake news.
I 100% guarantee they aren't adding the PS4 and PS4 pro sales together.
>be a nintendo
feels good
That amiibo commercial is fucking cringeworthy as fuck
>This, is why the Wii U sold 13 million consoles in 4 years.
Actually, it was this.
He's right, "I could care less" is the phase, it's an idiom.
I'll buy a Switch if they make a XC2 bundle.
Will they though?
I want to cum inside Gina