Castlevania thread! I just beat Aria of Sorrow and loved it

Castlevania thread! I just beat Aria of Sorrow and loved it.
Also, leaving this here:

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Why is she so sexy?

Lecarde Chronicles 1 and 2. Should I?

Because it's Castlevania and pickings are slim unless you're a gay.

Reminder that Richter is overrated in the face of true greatness

>Kills Dracula twice
The only Belmont who actually killed Papa Vlad was Julius, IIRC, and we never even got to fucking see it.

You kill him every time he just comes back

Permanently, then. I don't think Dracula's been back since J.B. put him on ice, since the best endings of AoS and DoS are canon.

Oh shit I just beat sotn after two eight~ hour long sessions, was pretty great.
Think I prefer casltekino though

Bloodlines is insanely short but it's probably one of the more fun classicvanias

I seriously can't decide whether SotN or Aria is better. The only think I can say that SotN objectively did better was the OST.

Is Chronicles worth the download if I want to play as Simon but am too casual to play the NES 'Vanias?

Yes. Be sure to choose Arranged Mode.

Best Castlekino coming through

Chronicles Richter > Every other Richter
Prove me wrong

this guy gets it

I wanna play this one and (mostly)DoS but the artstyle is extremely off-putting.
Like, it's not that it's *kawaii~uguu,* it's that it's fucking lazy when you stand it up next to Aria or SotN.

and the visuals in general I'd say

Is Lament of Innocence good?


Don't mind me just posting the most /fa/ belmont

More like the biggest faggot.

That isn't Juste

Judgement is the best game in the series

Juste is the second biggest faggot, right after Leon.

Get over yourself.

Belmonts are shit

Nothing will ever be as good as SotN though.

Belgrade is win

Isn't that what faaaaabulous means?


I'm playing part 2, I find it a pretty nice distraction.

Will never play his game but he's so fabulous


>pickings are slim
>literally the best girl in any videogame ever and #1 waifu exists

Go play OoE right fucking now

do you think Alucard sees Soma as his father?

He's got the best theme

Man I just finished playing Rondo and Bloodlines and jumped straight to SOTN, kind of a shame they gimped the Dracula fight at the beginning but eh, I've killed him so many times already.

>mfw I succesfully did the glitch that let Alucard keep all his starting equipment

This is going to make the game too easy isn't it

>xbla sotn froze while I was grinding
thank fuck I hadn't actually gotten the rune sword to drop by then

SOTN is already the easiest Castlevania ever made by a vast vast margin so yes

Yeah after having played every Castlevania before SOTN and going into it I find myself being far more cautious than I need to since I think everything can kill me in two hits.

Isn't Harmony of Dissonance even easier?

SOTN is a joke desu, you can pretty much just walk through every enemy and invincibility frame past them between save points and probably not die

You can only do that glitch in Luck mode so it's more of a crutch for bad players that can't handle the early game.

No. Soul Steal trivializes 99% of the game and is available almost immediately.

I just side stepped out of the death cutscene room on accident and when I came back the scene didn't start. I haven't used any luck mode



I gotta agree with the other user, Leon has a better theme song.



I'll look into it then. Never played the first?

Meant to reply to you with this post.

Fuck you. I'm sleepy.

It looks really bad

You look fuckign b@d,man. Cn't believe I woke up to reply tk your BULLSHIT I'M going back you sleep.

Selecy all vebicles.

I liked her in the drama CDs.

her SOTN design makes my dick diamonds

What'd you think of the plot twist of Soma being Dracula OP?

He isn't exactly Dracula though

I quite liked what Dawn of Sorrow did with it.

He killed Dracula AND THE NIGHT!

Has any other Belmont killed an astronomical phenomenon? I don't think so.

Luck mode is great if you want to discover things you've never found before during a normal playthrough.

Also I started a luck mode run on the saturn port recently and my starting stats were shit, like 25 hp, only enough mp to cast summon spirit, and it takes me 7 hits to kill a basic skelly with a short sword. Is this a side-effect in the psx version to?
I love it.

You might have taken too fucking long to kill Dracula as Richter

Leon is great