Who's your favorite male video game character?
Who's your favorite male video game character?
is this the trap thread
yes post traps
Hopeman is the one I consider the best written and my favourite in that sense
Hajimeme is the one I consider personal favourite as he clicks everything I want from a MC
I made this thread for video game characters idiots
so where do I get a trap bf
Shit thread. Post your waifu instead
>tfw barely good games where you can be a trap
Oh look, the last greatest delusion for homos still in the closet.
I wanted to protect her
traps are gay
t. faggot
Isn't it just a short for crossdressing twinks?
give me the code already you stupid caymen riding faggot
p-pic unrelated right?
Blacky is the cutest pokemon
100% related
why is a boy wearing those kind of clothes?