There are people who don't think that Dark Souls 2 is the worst game in the soulsborne series

>There are people who don't think that Dark Souls 2 is the worst game in the soulsborne series.

Other urls found in this thread:

>there are people with IQ above 90

>there are people who imply not thinking Dark Souls 2 is related to IQ above 90 instead of below

they're all the best in the series and they're all the worst in the series

>thinking rationaly

Nioh > DS3 > DS1 > DS2 > DeS > Bloodborne


the thinking man's opinion

>Nioh better Than anything
Dogshit > Sup Forums's opinions > Nioh

I'm convinced that all those people are literally retarded. They need a hat that says "Out to lunch." I could see arguing for DS2 not being a horrible game. It was kinda fun to play through. But when compared to every other game in the series it falls apart. DaS3 is arguably the second weakest, but at least that one has decent level design at most parts. DaS2 is just a series of bullshit hallways. It doesn't come close to sniffing the taint of the glory of the other 3.

>soulsborne series

This guy likes boss fights.

I usually don´t talk about Dark Souls 3 because I like to pretend It never happened and the last game by From Software with Souls in it´s name was released back in 2011. But there are 3 universal conditions whre you could possibly enjoy it:

1. This is your first Souls game
You started playing this series in the last years, you are ignorant about the previous games and what made them good

2. You only have a PC as a gaming platform and dislikes slow paced combat
Bloodborne is not available on Steam, so you have to content with a bastardization

3. You have low intelligence
The extreme linearity is easier to your brain to handle, the presentation and corny ochestral music tricks you constantly into ''epicness'''

That being said
DeS > DaS >>> BB >>>>> DaS2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS3

Code Vein > all those

BB>DeS>PowerGap> DaS>Power Gap>DaS3>PowerGap>PowerGap>DaS2

FOR MEEEEE, I had just gotten done playing a shitload of monster hunter and enjoyed all the rollan rollan rollan boss fights.

BB = DeS > DaS's first half > DaSII >>>>> DaS's second half

Haven't played DaSIII.

>DaSII >>>>> DaS's second half
Fuck you, man. New Londo is fantastic and 4kings is a great fight.

New Londo is okay. Easily my favorite level aesthetically but aside from ghosts it's nothing spectacular. 4Kids is indeed pretty good, though.

I'd say DaS2 = DaS's second half. Except for Lost Izalith/Demon Ruins.

Uh, actually, it's the best,

DS2 is a pretty obnoxious game

i allways go by the idea that if you need over than 1 minute to defend something,you are either blinded by it or lying


I dunno, I don't hate Duke's Archives (aside from the bullshit first Seath "fight") or New Londo but I'd rather play DaSII than the rest. Even Black Gulch and Dragon Aerie aren't as bad as Lost Izalith, Demon Ruins or Crystal Cave and I honestly preferred The Gutter to Tomb of the Giants. I also really liked the Pilgrims of Dark covenant in II, definitely better than DaS's second half and better than pretty much all of II's main game.

You got ADHD or something dawg?